I'm going to put me on some sun blocker as I really want that sun to scorch my skin.
Sit a spell in the shade with me, as I always like it being hotter here than out in that sun.
I just hate those cloudy days as it is always hotter by 20 degrees when it is raining............
Odd things to read are they, what not eh?
Yet that is exactly the pretext for Obama's "global warming" that greenhouse gases raise temperatures by retaining heat, when everyone on the planet knows it is cooler when the clouds are covering the sky, it is cooler in the shade..........and when you put on sun blocker it blocks the sun.
It was hypothesized that one reason for the ice age was a space dust cloud was around earth as it orbited through the galaxy and cutting off the solar energy the earth cooled.
See science came up with this idiot greenhouse gases in looking at Venus, which is cloudy, but they never had anyone point out that Venus like Mars are hot because they are close to the sun. It has nothing to do with gases, for if it did the outer gaseous planets beginning with Jupiter would be infernos as they are all gaseous.
The lies of the green experts of the globalists are easily pushed aside. I will even state that it is warmer in a winter night due to cloud cover as it does retain heat FROM THE EARTH. See if you comprehend that the sun warms the earth from above, that when the earth is turned from the sun, that absolute zero cold from the outer space is what sinks down to the earth and cools the land off.........not to killing temperatures as the earth rotates, but enough to make it cold.
Bill Dixon the great buffalo hunter once on camping in the Texas Oklahoma region noted one winter night...........It was as if the cold came down from the sky.
It was because the cold came down from the sky, that 60 to 100 below high atmosphere sinks to the ground in the winter and that is what this noted American was scientifically experiencing and relating.
God placed earth at exactly the correct location. It is neither too hot or too cold. It rotates for a just right temperature and that huge bake oven of the molten core is like our security blanket. Fluctuations occur when the sun radiates different energy out put on various spectrums so sometime it heats liquids more in you get clouds and a colder earth temperature and sometimes you get a great deal of sun for scorching droughts.
It has always been that way and always will be that way. The only situation people could assist earth on is burning more carbon fuels which are created from the earth in deep surface process. You must understand in the Bible that people used to live to great ages. The earth before the flood was watered by a mist. This changed after the flood, and it was because the earth's atmosphere became less dense.........meaning less oxygen and carbon dioxides beneficial effects on plants, animals and people to help them live longer.
The earth was a better green house in the beginning, not from heat, but from density of the atmosphere which assists all life in body process.
I was Inspired to post this again in another way as the people of Truth have these demonic liars of the earth movement now beaten. They must though now be battered again to make them crawl back into their self hating human selves so the rest of us can be about the business of awaiting for the Lord to return.
That should be enough and enough common sense to expose these always experts for the degenerate minds they are.
nuff said