I will not invest any time in refuting the wild charges of disgruntled Alaskan public employee, Frank "the enforcer" Bailey in his 500 page opus of stolen Gov. Palin emails, as Stacy Drake over on Big Government did a scorched earth of the liberals at Politico and Frank Bailey to dismiss this as a waste of forest in printing up another book of hatred of Sarah Palin, but I will to expound on something which is a question in my mind.
The question is, "What would all of these creatures fill their time venting on if Sarah Palin was not a hate industry for them?"
There is a blog named something like immoral minority which had numerous comments of hating Sarah Palin over this, and it just made me perplexed as I love America, and it is why I invest time here exposing the Obama crimes, but if Obama was in prison or out of office, I would be busy loving America, as Obama does not consume my every moment as Gov. Palin does for these Obamatrons.
The blogger over there had read the online opus of Bailey and then posted they were buying the book. What kind of idiocy is that? That is like getting the lottery money and then buying a ticket.
Another vindictive shrew was stalking Gov. Palin in posting hate on her web page to which she did this 5 times before she was banned.
These are typical in the fixation on Sarah Palin as this ilk if they can destroy her, the honestly believe their miserable existence will be hidden if the beauty of Sarah Palin is wiped out.
I ponder in this hate Sarah Palin industry started by Karl Rove and Barack Obama the thing like if Hitler did not have Jews to target would he have simply shriveled up to being a bad artist without this driving him?
Would Muslims be as their Arabic contention preys upon themselves, be murdering each other without Jews to vent their frustarted existence upon?
Would all of these Sarah Palin hate filled people simply take rope and make a short suicidal drop if she was not there for them to hate? Were these people focused on Rush Limbaugh or George Bush, or is this a girls club of misogynists in hating the pretty girl?
I honestly can not comprehend that kind of hate, as I have stated if Barack Obama would go row away on a distant sea, I would be completely pleased as I could go onto more beneficial subjects............heck if Obama would just repent, transform and be reborn, I would be more than happy to support him as a real Ronald Reagan, but baby sister leopards do not change their spots, and if Mr. Obama confessed his crimes, he would be outed as a foreigner and be booted out of office.
I personally am sad that people like Frank Bailey, Levi Johnston, immoral minority to Politico exist as hate is such a waste of God's granted life.
Sarah Palin has never met most of these people and the few who she has met in this ilk are obsessed with hating her. She is what they know the are not, and it stems from childhood failures kept hidden away inside.
One would hope that if these people could gain a moment of lucidity that they would examine if what they have been doing were done to them, in Sarah Palin has never so much as spoken a cross word to them if they would consider a stranger, someone they worked with or inlaw completely insane in the fixation if it was upon them.
Would the person buying a book after reading a manuscript, think it odd if people were doing that about their life?
Would the person posting 5 hate comments, think it odd if someone nailed five hate filled letters to their door in having never met them?
These people see in Sarah Palin the things they are terrified of in the things they hate worst about themselves hidden away inside. It is beyond psychotic to carry out the things against Sarah Palin which have been carried out. The fact is though deep down it is what is driving Frank Bailey and Levi Johnston in they had their chance being on the inside with Sarah Palin and they were rejected after she did all she could to reform them.
This is what this is all about in the satanic falling from Grace in trying to be Sarah Palin in all of these folks.
One would think that with a messiah, a god, a halo headed, secular Islamist, forger of birth abstracts, that all of these Palin haters would be in bliss in having their Barack Hussein Obama fulfilling their every whim in proving them not racists, but even Obama can not delude them from the self hating retches they are.
These people are emotionally, psychologically and Spiritually corrupted. They need Jesus, but are terrified of that Light as it will force them to face their darkness first........and it is what drives them in hatred of Sarah Palin, for the light in her illuminates the shadow of Obama in them in the complete frauds they are.
It is why my entire focus is upon the Father, Jesus and the Holy Ghost, with the very few good people I have been blessed with to be physical comfort upon me, as I recall the Psalm of not putting my trust in princes nor in the sons of men.
That is what these lost souls need to be focused upon in growing to perfection on God's standards as God will assist them, as they will be Sarah Palin as there is just one of her.
..........and what happens when Frank Bailey in his novocaine diatribe realizes like Judas Iscariot he has condemned an innocent for his own failings and greed?
It is a hard thing when one is already on the edge, has two liberals over the edge writing your book of lies......and in that Obama abyss, you find out the pain is still there and now you have to answer for more pain inflicted on others.
Judas Iscariot......Frank Bailey............Levi Johnston..........Karl Rove.
nuff said