Do you remember when that ass David Letterman was telling child rape jokes on the Palin children?
Perhaps in the fallout, you forgot what was taking place which Letterman bit on exposing what a pervert the Obamite clan is...........because Sarah Palin was in New York with her family and the Rudy Giuliani family was their hosts.
Most people would not reveal what I'm about to reveal as they are timorous fools. The reason this blog is going to reveal what is taking place, is so you can take heart and when you think Conservatives do not know what they are doing...........because the front benchers and those Obamite frauds like Bill O'Reilly and Mark Simone natter about deliberately make you loose courage as that is their job like Peggy Noonan's job was to stab America in the back......when you see real Conservatives at work like Ronald Reagan by God's Grace accomplished, you see something of beauty.
The reason for bringing up Rudy is a little story which appeared revealing that he on a search and destroy mission for early 2012, and his target is Mormon Romney, period.
Rudy is setting up the stage to absolutely wipe out Romney in New Hampshire and then carry that wave into the next key states to obliterate this squat assassin who took out Fred Thompson in the Karl Rove dirty damn tricks campaign of 2008 which gave all of us Obama.
That is the obvious of the story, but the not so obvious is that friendship with Sarah Palin, who just so happens to be buying a home in Arizona, a key state to win the Presidency and to anchor her Western Reagan Country base.
What Rudy Giuliani has signed on to do, is what Donald Trump started in cutting Barack Obama down to size and deflecting the entire vitriole away from Sarah Palin. There are things going on here which are so far ahead of the cartels and Val-erie Jarrett that this ilk is being caught flat footed.
If you know football, there was the Redskins "counter tres" in which the guard pulled and a blocking back ran in front of John Riggins.
Sweetness Walter Peyton made his career at Chicago with their version. Think of this as Donald Trump for the Clinton's was the pulling guard leading this play. Rudy Giuliani is the blocking back who has one mission and that is to level Mormon Romney.
Sweetness is Sarah Palin making yards for the main push which is coming which will flatten Obama's maniacs for the White House touchdown.
The reason I'm not keeping this secret is this is going to rattle the hell out of Obama. He knows the polls and that is why he is trying to be Ronald Reagan to bring in the Reagan Democrats...........ah I have a little Deep Tutu hint in the Clinton faction of the Democratic party got the long knives out and are going to do their best to take down Obama........and there is a growing group who is in common alliance in backing the Sarah Palin team.
Once you comprehend that there is a group who are fed up with Karl Rove and the Bushwhackers who wiped out Conservatives and have been forming an operation to end run them, and then in alliance with Democrats take out Obama in the November elections to save America and both political parties from these patrician globalists, you start to take heart and see a really intelligent group of Americans plotting a coup which Richard Nixon and Dick Tuck would be most proud of............am sure Rahm Emanuel is patting himself on the skirt.
Rudy is going to be Attorney General as the mix is still fluid even for Vice President, as Herman Cain is a contender as much as the favorite in Marco Rubio. (That is why Rubio's birth certificate was being challenged and why this blog shot it all down in explaining his parents had American status being Cubans due to the Cuban Constitution at their birth put them under American jurisdiction.)
I beg them to make this Rubio nativity an issue as we will bury the regime with it, no matter if Sean Hannity will not cover the issue with his Foxholes which rhymes with rectum holes.
Rudy is most pleasing as he is a very adept attack dog. He will clear the field and Sarah Palin can focus on winning early and the entire group then can turn on Obama for his epic landslide defeat.
Stay tuned...........and please ask and do tell, as let us unnerve this regime so it knows it is surrounded, outflanked and being betrayed from the inside by Democrats.
Happy days are here again.
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