There should not be a need for the caveat that one does not find John Edwards a sympathetic character, but if one realizes he had a woman pulling his pants down and he finally gave in, fathered a child, tried to keep it from his suffering wife and protect his children, and yes do all of this to protect his presidential run in 2008..............BUT, BUT, BUT, this was all brought to the public's attention in a deal David Axelrod worked out to keep Barack Obama's sodomite status off the press front pages in his associations with Lawrence Sinclair and the murdered Donald Young, one comprehends that this is about Barack Obama being a complete beast worse than John Edwards ever was or will be.
Let us not forget that John Edwards is now indicted on felonies for TAKING CARE OF HIS CHILD AND THE CHILD'S MOTHER, TRYING TO KEEP IT ALL OFF THE HUMILIATING PUBLIC PRESS, and keeping this all from his cancer stricken wife and their children.
Was not Bill Clinton doing far worse in hush money, rape, sexual assaults, Monica Lewinski in quid pro hush jobs AND LYING ABOUT IT, a big joke to liberals in how good Clinton was at it, and yet for some reason Clinton got away with it, Ken Starr was a jerk, and nothing came of it ..........yet John Edwards is indicted for TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN CHILD.
This blog exclusively warned that John Edwards was put through this to shut him out of the DNC gathering in Denver by 2008 Obama. This was done to destroy Edwards, but Edwards would not go down and was still a political contender for 2012.
This is now what this is all about, as it is not just Barack Hussein Obama who is going after John Edwards, but this is political assassination by writ being undertaken by Hillary Clinton, as the way this is starting to play out in the Clinton's coup on Obama, that John Edwards as this blog noted would be the nominee..........and the Obamas and Clintons reading this blog fully know this as do their operatives, and this is why they are going to throw John Edwards into prison.
Lawrence Sinclair, Terry Lakin, Hutatree followers and now John Edwards are part of the growing list of Barack Obama political prisoners. It is not just Mugabe, Ortega, Hu, Castro and Chavez who have their own dungeons, the Obama regime is in full mode being assisted by the Clintons to wipe out their political rivals.
This is what was behind forcing Sarah Palin out of office. This is what was behind the criminal investigation of Christine O'Donnell. The same Rovian Obamites are all behind this 3rd world skulduggery and it is on the front page of America and Rush Limbaugh nor Ed Schultz do a thing to denounce this for the absolute danger it is to these United States.
It is a 3rd world era in this Age of Obama.
It is disgusting.......more so than the immoral things John Edwards fell to, but these are not crimes by Edwards, the crimes are by Obama and now the Clintons.
This is not what America is about.
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - A federal grand jury charged two-time presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday with soliciting and covering up the secret spending of more than $925,000 to hide his mistress and their baby during the peak of his 2008 campaign for the White House.
The grand jury's indictment in the case of USA v. Johnny Reid Edwards contained six felony counts, including conspiracy, four counts of receiving illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements for keeping the spending off his public campaign finance reports.