"I knew I needed to show them what I could do."
~Rush Limbaugh
"I'd rather go down with the ship than compromise my values."
~Inga Barks
It was the best of times. It was the blondeberry of times.
~Lame Cherry
Hello my children.
You can at least nod at the screen as if I might be watching you to be polite in returning my salutation as God is always watching and taking notes.
With that said, let us learn something about the high paid people who constantly tell you that they are looking out for you as only they are the always experts and you are...........well the sheep they trust..........to put wool and mutton into their bank accounts and feed the coyotes your lambs for slaughter in wars.
I desire you to picture yourself please as Gen. George Washington. I would have picked Gen. Patton, but it is nice to honor President Washington as he is the greatest American who will ever live and is never given enough credit in these Obama times.
Ok kiddos, you are sitting in Valley Forge and let's say your dog dies, as Mark Levin's did, and you take off a week from work as a luxury in this battle for America in the Obama abyss, and you have to choose a general to cross the Delaware and take on the Hessians for your first victory.
In steps Gen. Inga Barks, the rather beefy blonde of Californian talk radio who fills in for Mark Levin when Levin can't get Mark Simone to smear the Tea Party for him when Mr. Levin takes off a week from work, in these Obama destroying America times as a luxury when his dog dies as Mr. Levin has such a big heart, as noted by his postings while he was taking off from work and posting photos of his life with Pepsi on his site.
Gen. Banks after telling you what a big heart Mark Levin has, just as you do Gen. Washington in your dog died too, and you will not be leading the Soldiers who have bled, gotten sick and died for you, informs you..........
"General, I will cross that Delaware River with all these bloody footed Soldiers who are leaving a trail of red in the snow, as I would rather go down with the boat in the Delaware and have my men slaughtered by the Hessians than to agree with the British masters as it is the right thing to do."
You ponder Mrs. Inga's words and summon in the blovenous Limbaugh.
Gen. Limbaugh, after lighting up his cigar, telling you about the several liberals who have mentioned him in their columns and talking to Snerdly through the tent wall in a one sided conversation says to you......
"General, I'm going to cross that old Delaware River, I'm going to attack those old Hessians and I'm going to do all of this to show you all what Rush Limbaugh can do".
I ask you now Gen. Washington of Valley Forge, which of these fine Americans do you choose to replace you?
I will not beat about the bush, but instead inform you that you pick neither as one has already conceded defeat in Banks and the other in Limbaugh doesn't give a damn about the reason you are fighting...........his drive is to prove to the world he is somebody.
..........as for you General, you should put a bullet in your head as no Soldiers need a person who can not get his priorities straight as it is not Martha who went tits up, but an animal.
There is a difference General in God sent Jesus to die for people, not for fido.
The reason for exposing this is what you should be comprehending in Rush Limbaugh in this catharsis of confession he has been nattering on about for months in saying he had to manufacture challenges to give his life meaning, has been poor for about 2 weeks so he knows what it is to be poor and this odd Freudian admission that his entire focus in life in doing radio was to show people he could do it as he had no diploma from college.............is the equal to Inga Banks who has told the world she does not believe Conservatives can win, but they can all go to the grave with those beliefs as they are worth dying for.
As we require a bit more than Gen. Washington's fine reserved leadership, could you imagine Gen Patton getting in three generals as he was crossing the German border in 1945 and one telling him, "I will do it to show you what I know".......the other, "I will die for this fight".........and the other saying, "Sorry General my dog died and I'm taking a week off.......the men can deal with the Germans themselves".
This is what America has out there in having been installed in leadership roles.
Could you imagine Ronald Reagan ever making statements like that telling the world it was about him and not America, that he would gladly die instead of live and that he just couldn't defeat the Soviets that day as his dog died?
This BI CON corp which has usurped the Reagan Revolution and is crawling up the Tea Party's ass to hide there in hijacking the movement is Colin Powell desk jockey political officer corp.
You can not turn onto these folks programs without some reference to Limbaugh meeting the sodomite founder of Paypal at an Ann Coulter dinner............
Look at that Rovian nightmare again children as Limbaugh confessed the biggest birther basher had a party for the sodomite leader of the Log Cabin Republicans................do you get now why in hell this gay push is coming so hard as it is funded by billionaire homosexuals just like the Muslim mafia is collecting on their debt to Barack Hussein Obama?
Inga Barks game plan is to die for her Freudian reasons. Mark Levin curls up in fetal leaving the fight when his dog dies............and Rush Limbaugh's core drive didn't have a thing about America, but was all about proving to the world what he had doubts about himself.
If you want to join the Sean Hannity FOXHOLES in these BI CONS in the Obama abyss with all there demons, then just continue course as none of these folks are fit for commanding their own lives.
You are looking at people in mid life who should have this through the hell of hard knocks in life have gotten an education and have it right, and all you have are these unfit for command political officers dining with the devil and rolling up the streets and choosing death.
Let some other son of a bitch die for his cause. You live for yours.........to paraphrase Gen. Patton, and you conduct your life as Gen. Washington with dignity and never letting others down as America is fast approaching 1776, 1812, 1851, 1941 and 1979.
Oh and the above code is a Trapper pocket knife. The pointed blade is for ripping hides open and the rounded blade is for skinning. If you are not inclined to eating your dogs at feasts like American Indians, then the pointed blade works good as a letter opener and the rounded blade skins apples well.
I know you won't get that boy and girl scouts, but be prepared.