Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Dream of Jeannie

Few people want to connect the link of Barack Hussein Obama to the covert world of John and Robert Kennedy in the direct murder of foreign heads of state and their families, save only this blog exclusively in laying out the direct trail to Blood on his Hands Obama.

The recent murder in Afghanistan of President Karzai's beloved brother, Ahmed Karzai, is but a nefarious example of the smarmy underworld aborted into existence by Richard Holbrooke, who died under odd circumstances in his "heart aeorta ruptured" which can only happen in a severe fall or an auto crash, and the dubious John Kerry.......it was Kerry who allowed the Sudanese Muslim Hitler to go free in exchange for Sudanese oil.

The DOD is on record in stating the Panetta CIA in theater has no idea what is going on in Afghanistan. This blog corrects the DOD as that station in Afghanistan knows damn well what is going on at the top level, but the lower CIA dupes who are running about there have not quite figured out yet they are playing the same spook role now which was set up for the CIA to make them look heinous and incomptent as was accomplished in Vietnam.

This is the CIA which was employing al Qaeda and Taliban operatives, the same folks Obama is negotiating with currently to take Afghanistan from President Karzai and turn it over to the Turban Heads.

Gen. Patraeus in about thee most incompetent and ignorant statement before Congress stated, "You just had to meet the guy". The guy he was talking about was the suicide murderer of CIA agents.
This is the Gen. who is now heading CIA, and he was not an astute enough judge of character to have any red flags going off when he met the most notorious al Qaeda operative in the world.

Says a great deal about Obama boy Patraeus, as being a General, Intelligence Officer, Police Officer..........all requires reading people, and none of the lower people in the CIA or upper DOD caught a clue this murderer was a terrorist.

The same fact is true for Sardar Mohammad, a CIA asset who now is stated was "turned" by the Taliban. That is the propaganda as the regime is putting out a cover story for an operation which started years ago in Obamaland to remove the Karzai brothers as they were..........not obeying and were not cutting in the cartel on the contraband trade.

Obama just like Diem in South Vietnam with Kennedy, has been staging coups on Karzai and placing thee most blatant smears on his brother. As none of that worked, this blog knows certainly that the same MI6 agents who started this BBC coup on Karzai, murdered Ahmed Karzai as their final solution.
This is all about the contraband trade, just like when MI6 and Brzezinski got rid of the Shah of Iran. This ilk wants only communists in power of like minds, and that is who Obama is installing across the Muslim landscape are these secular Muslims of Marxist doctrine just like B. Hussein.

For the record to those who think this blog might be stretching, I state plainly, the CIA has even more advanced scanners from voice to brain imagery, which you hear often in the press about the Israeli's having in checking airline passengers with.
There is not any chance in this world that Sardar Mohammad got anywhere the ruling family unless he was green lighted by the Holbrooke and Kerry bunch. He was no convert to the Taliban, he was already an asset and that is why he was placed where he was.

Comforting is it not what that Gen. Petraeus is so naive, that he can't even read his own DOD assessments of what is happening in theater.

Oh and who is conducting the investigation into this?

Just like when the Polish Goverment was assassinated by Russia, it sure is not the Obama security even looking at this.

President Karzai quote:
"Our investigation shows that for the last three months he was acting out of character, not normal, erratic," said Mahmoud Karzai, another Karzai brother. "He wasn't sleeping, he was nervous, he was getting phone calls in the middle of the night, and our information shows he made a trip to Quetta [in Pakistan] and met with some Taliban. His father was a mullah. So all these things combined, plus the Taliban claim of responsibility... but our preliminary investigation indicates this was the work of the Taliban."

If you care to examine Lee Harvey Oswald as an example, you will find the same mood swings and eratic behavior..........that kind of psychotic episodes can be and are brought on by the foster children of MKULTRA via drug therapy, sleep depravation and subtle hints from Islam.
Everyone knew apparently the terrorist was a terrorist and he was not red flagged as he was Obama cleared.

Barack Hussein Obama has been conducting a murder and mayhem spree across this world in toppling allied governments to America and the slaughtering of Muslim family members of heads of state.

Just so the Obama voters get this, Muslims hate America now worse than when George W. Bush was conducting things. It is only a matter of coordinated time, before this Obama tribal Islam war comes to full process inside these United States for the Obama 2012 election.

There are preliminary stagings in this in Mumbai again, and this will be coming to America when this same fringe Obama group unleashes this beyond his black wilding riots in American cities.

These are all operations dearies............and from Osama bin Laden being silenced to Khadaffi's children and grandchildren, Ahmed Karzai is the latest trophy upon the Obama Den walls.

Exclusive only here.

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The Washington Post says (Same post which is an intel Mockingbird asset which brought down Nixon)

But what makes Mohammad's defection so remarkable is just how close he was to Ahmed Wali Karzai. The Washington Post says he met the Kandahar strongman six days a week.

Not remarkable when it is a Manchurian from I dream of Jeannie.