Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The things which require Stating

If you will notice when the Norwegian Royals held their memorial service for the dead in the Andrew Brevick 2083, Norway apparently only has 50 people in it or else no one came.

This point must be made, as it appears that the Norwegian psyche on both the right and the left was silently affirming what Mr. Brevick did.
This was not a national mourning as in the American 9 11 or Oklahoma City. It appears that what Andrew Brevick carried out with assistance was what most of Europe believes needed to be done.

This blog says things which people think, but in most cases are too intimidated to express in public as the mind conditioning which the cultural elite has so removed free speech in these United States. In studying the diary of Andrew Brevick, the one glaring fact which stands out is he is normal.
This is Gideon of the Bible. Andrew Jackson of the Americans. Cromwell of the English and if one takes the propaganda of the left, Andrew Brevick is the "freedom fighter" of every Muslim who stood against George W. Bush.

All this must be comprehended as that is what is terrifying the state control on the continent and will be inflated in America by the Obama regime, as they have been trying to create and Andrew Brevick as in Hutatree for political reasons, but Americans have not responded. Mr. Brevick in part of a Knights group though is someone that if 100 of these people acted in Norway they would return it to the control they are seeking.
1000 acting in this manner in America would wrest America from the dogma which Mr. Brevick meticulously details.

I smiled at this when I read he quoted Jihad Watch in Robert Spenser and especially Hugh Fitzgerald, as Spenser censored this blog from that site, when this blog took issue that these two wanted to abandon Iraq to a murderous implosion which would have caused a hundred thousand dead.
Fitzgerald used the word "tarbaby" in quite racist terms and was called out on it.
Spenser is odd in he liked the interaction with Dinesh D'Souza for publicity and actually stoked up the Islam banter for his niche of making a living, but he keeps Hugh Fitzgerald about the place to rough people up.
It is a great deal like Sean Hannity getting braver when Mark Levin is there to bite Alec Baldwin. The symbiotic relationship is what takes place in the leader like Obama wants to be the tough guy, but is too frightened to do the work by themselves, so they then in turn send out the Obama Seals to do the murdering and then stand their proudly taking credit for it all.

In bringing this up, there is nothing like being Robert Spenser and Hugh Fitzgerald now being quoted extensively by a "terrorist" they inspired as much as the Muslim writings they have focused upon have inspired "terrorists" they make their living off of.
In short though, there is a world of difference between the rugged individual of Andrew Brevick and the twinship of these other keyboard typers who need someone to hold their hand.

I read Mr. Brevick's diary in his complete scenario of his final days before D Day. He is a remarkably meticulous person. He literally from base chemical built his bombs with amusing "almost being caught" several times.
He took his Mom out for dinner, made certain he distanced himself from those he loved and was doing this for, and then had the dichotomy of pushing people away he cared out and worrying about losing them.

He admitted he did not pray, but prayed one day for God to help him or Christian Europe would be destroyed by the imported Islamic mob.

What needs to be stated and it is why the state police are so bothered by this, and that is "they" are fortunate that Andrew Brevick did not decide to build a nuclear bomb from base as this person could have accomplished it from carbon refinement on location in Africa to the actual hammer and anvil.
That is what surprised me as the protocols Mr. Brevick was following were too central European talking points for Muslims in their terror conditioning for Militant Islam from the Brzezinski school.........I explain in Mr. Brevick notes he is by a big military base and it would have been so much easier to just pop over for a cup of sugar to borrow..........meaning C4.

Andrew Brevick had financial problems, but did not in morality stoop to the reality he could have counterfeited currency or transferred funds into his account by getting funds first at a government job..........that would be stealing in his code which he would not do.

This was someone though who had a police officer uniform, and if he had placed as much effort into a military uniform and transfer of munitions, he could have had his C4. So even the protocols of the Roman Empire have seeped into his psyche on how he operated from bomb making base up.
It never occurred to him to be Lt. Col. Oliver North in Iran Contra, taking narco communists and pitting them against Islamocommunists........meaning Mr. Brevick could have printed up a bushel of money and purchased from Iran nuclear material for his attack as this would have fit his detailed mindset, but instead of being international he was macro Norway in fighting for his piece of ground and dealing with only the Norwegian common.

His morals were flawless in reality in he chose the area where his enemy worked and played. He chose an island with no boats for escape as liberals psychologically abandoned their children there in a sort abort holiday, and Brevick knew he would not be shooting any "innocents" as this was all the people who were in his judgment tearing down western culture.

There is a point in this which will be said, but it deserves examination as the people Andrew Brevick neutralized were National Socialists and Marxists.

There is always the liberal analogy in these points and it must be examined here as no one else will. What if someone in 1935 had done what Andrew Brevick had done to a Hitler National Socialist or a Joe Stalin Bolshevik summer youth rally?
What if the entire supporting cast or the main leaders had been shot? We do not know who any of the 100 people who died in Norway would have done as that history has been played out, but what if this group of socialists and marxists were a group who surrendered to Putin in the next decade at a key point in World War IV?

What if this group was the one who carried on the tradition to handing out Nobel Prizes to terrorists like Yassir Arafat and sympathetic secular Muslims like Barack Obama, had started handing out money and awards to Dr. Zawahiri of al Qeada and he used the money to buy a bomb to incinerated Paris with radioactive glow?

All things have cause and effect, and while we will not know the reality of Andrew Brevik's actions in perhaps he shot some future good person, what if he shot a future Hitler?
This is not a far reach in examining this, as this is the same group which is importing Mexican slave labor into America and has just pillaged the US Treasury of trillions and they are just starting the rapine of America.

Why is George Soros economic terrorism not a crime and Sheik bin Laden's terrorism a crime?

Why is Barack Hussein Obama terrorizing Libyans not a crime and Andrew Brevick terrorizing a group of Norwegians a crime?

After the initial onslaught of blame the "white right" in this by liberals, one has noted this Brevick story is being tamped down by the liberal press as they are realizing Andrew Brevick is speaking to something inside of liberals as Conservatives.

For the reality in his 2083 writings, Andrew Brevick was quoting the intellectuals of the world and Andrew Brevick utilized the very revolutionary writings the Rothschilds supported to overthrow everything from Russia with Lenin to America with Obama.

The last thing the power elite want is what Andrew Brevick succeeded at in he compiled a complete source book in 2083, has his platform of a trial to express the writings of the most revolutionary writings in the past 100 years, all to teach the world how to throw off the feudal slave state the elite are dragging the world back to.

The above is the conversation which is taking place among the elite and why they have tamped this down fast, as this is a fire if they try to burn the right with, the elite will be incinerated by their own left with an inferno from the right.

This is why Janet Reno and Janet Napolitano had marching orders to set up Oklahoma City and Hutatree to intimidate the caste like Andrew Brevick to keep them from getting started, because they know that a hundred of these focused individuals would go through this system like crap through a goose and 1000 would take over the country.

The reality in this is simple and it is something which no one has spoken of except this blog exclusively. Andrew Brevick exposed the mind conditioned Manchuria of the west. I did in satire immediately note that the mistake Brevick made was in not putting a sign on his bomb car, ordering the sheep there to gather around and not move under penalty of law...........AS THEY WOULD HAVE DONE IT, even if seeing a bomb in that car, those Norwegian liberals still would have debated, "Yes it is a bomb, but we will get in trouble if we do not obey that sing!"

That is why his commanding of the liberals on the island worked, as liberals obey leadership without question. Andrew Brevick knew this psychology and exposed the conditioning which the western peoples have been fused under for the past several generations.
My blog was first in pointing out how long security took to arrive, and how Mr. Brevick was 90 minutes busy shooting people and those people did nothing to fight back as they were liberals.

These people actually took their cloths off first before getting into the water. That is how sheepeople they are in they were more worried about their clothes than their lives.

None of this conversation is what the liberal elite want exposed as it exposes to the last detail what they have done to their followers in making them this vulnerable. Norway shows that a few tyrants backed by the elite can control an entire population of millions...........but when the explosive fumes dissipate the reality is the masses did not come out to mourn the act, because they in their hearts in the right and left are begging for someone to save them......to do anything to just do something so they are not going to be slaughtered in their own beds.

That is the lesson of Andrew Brevick in who western peoples are reacting to this. There is more silent admiration and affiliation than no one will admit.......and it is exactly the Muslim mindset in why Muslims do not turn against Islamic terrorists as these Muslims are so repressed by their Marxist Islamists that they just want someone to strike back so they do not feel so helpless.

Those are the realities of this, and, do not be surprised if Andrew Brevick is not found guilty. Do not be surprised if in a decade he is the hero released from prison in being the one who struck first.
You get one Muslim thrust backed by Putin in an invasion of Europe with Muslims burning down Paris.......and then who is going to look like the savior of Europe? It will be Andrew Brevick, as that is how the human mind analyzes things.

Andrew Brevik knows this in a world where Norway coddles Muslim terrorists and is actually paying money to take care of terrorist families they have given asylum to.

It does not matter if British MI6 Rothschild assassins murder Andrew Brevick in prison as he is now a legend among the few who yearn for a Cromwell or a Ferdinand or a Charlemagne. Martyrdom would only make him a greater icon.

This is a most wicked place in human history, far worse than the 1930's, as Andrew Brevick would not be, if the globalists had not created him by their actions. No Mr. Brevick is no Manchurian, and he was confined by the Muslim Manfesto the cartel created in their operational structured protocols, but if the feudal state of rapine had not been created, Mr. Brevick would not have risen up..............and the majority in this world would not be agreeing with his "something needed to be done".

This blog has warned that an anti Christ in Europe is coming. You can now see how ripe Europe is for the picking by one despot...........this should soak in by how Obama easily usurped Americans. The people want a leader of action to "make order out of the chaos". It is the reality that none of the mob agrees with dead island children, but it is the reality they have weighed the dead to the greater issue, and by silent affirmation the European and western peoples have agreed what Andrew Brevick did was cost effective for their personal psyche.

Andrew Brevick has exposed how absolutely in peril this world is by design. It would appear the Europeans must install their tyrant soon, or a lone individual with fertilizer and little bullets is going to take away all they tyranny they have prepared the world for.

Quit watching the girl so much children. I have told you this. Examine the plus minus, break down the psychology of what you are being shown, and look past what you are being shown. There is a great deal to be gleaned from this Viking moment.

Oh and one more thing..........

The Tea Party has kept the Andrew Brevicks from appearing in America by giving proper vent to political will, so it does not turn Hutatree of Jared Loughner as the Obama regime has attempted to make it...........and the regime has tried with it's black wilding and BATF creating the Mexican narco communist junta on the Rio Grande.

Barack Obama has been creating Mexican and black mass terror events of numerous Andrew Brevick's. Congress holds hearings as Obama impedes the rule of law.

Why is Andrew Brevick in prison and Barack Obama accomplishing a thousand times worse "can't waste a good staged catastrophe" not in a prison cell too?

The cartel do not want you looking at Andrew Brevick, because he reveals what criminals the are which all of you know they are.
