Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let them run Cake

I noticed on a website (I won't reveal which one as people deserve not to be bothered even in public) a cute blurb in which a gal said she had a piece of cake in the refrigerator and put a note on it, "Don't eat me", when she returned a note was on the empty plate, "Don't tell me what to do".

Of course I could not resist commenting on that in this was the liberal Democrat's dream candidate to unseat Obama in 2012, as it was talking cake, which did not need a teleprompter, and it could think, write and did not need to go on vacation.

Think about it German Chocolate Cake as President. It has that European appeal for liberals who hate Native Born Americans, it is made by exotic products from around the world, making it a mongrel like Obama, tropical coconuts, South American chocolate, a little American white sugar and you even got those dairy cows for that Obama 12 cows for a wife trade for underage virgins.

America doesn't need the French in "let them eat cake", they can do one better in running cake for the White House.
Who wouldn't want that fluffy German chocolate cake, to vote for that smooth coconut pecan frosting frosting............real whipped cream, and to vote for it all?

Obama would be in immediate trouble in his primaries running against cake. If Muchelle got close to it, the Secret Service would tackle her as trying to assassinate Presidential contender German Chocolate Cake by eating it.
No Democrat would pay attention to Obama's teleprompter brain, as they would marvel at talking cake.

Cake with an attitude no less.............cake which is witty, cake which is warm to Obama cold, and cake that no matter if you are white, black, brown, sodomite, straight, you just think, I'm no racist in needing to want that cake, I'm not bigot for lusting for that cake, I'm not voting my demons for that cake, I just like cake...........and this cake can talk without a teleprompter or stuttering like Obama does.
We should have run cake in 2012 and America would have been better off.

Cake doesn't need first dates, doesn't need vacations, doesn't need planes........hell cake if you keep it in the fridge will keep for longer than you want politicians around.

I really believe the Democrats should run cake against Obama and defeat him by Super Tuesday. Now I do not know if cake stands a chance against Sarah Palin in November 2012, but I do know that Obama does not stand a chance against Gov. Palin.

Hell the GOP could run Karl Rove or dog poop against Obama, and Obama would still loose.

So the answer is let Democrats run cake in is their best chance, it is certainly the beautiful Muchelle never was, and cake certainly has the brain Bearick Obama never had.

I think I will bake myself a German Chocolate Cake for my birthday. I had not really felt like it this year, but after seeing this Democratic candidate against Obama, I am now lustful or one, and who knows, maybe it will be my daughter the German Chocolate Cake, who will be the next President of daughter the President..........of course she will Reagan GOP in governing, but liberals will not figure that out until afterwards........maybe never as they still think Obama is what he promised them he was.

Oh....I will use Maran eggs.......fresh Maran eggs:)
