Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mao tse Martin

I must apologize to the King family Ladies as I just can not help but laughing at the latest Obama manifested smear of Dr. Martin King in this "memorial" for him, which from a distance looks exactly like that butcher Chairman Mao.

Frankly, I do not recall Martin King in a little Mao suit or standing with his arms folded like Mao in his entire life...........yet this made in China monstrosity is exactly that Chicom misprint.

The worst of this is, somehow Obama has got the matrix all fouled up in his Middle East meddling in this Chicom stone thing resembles the Great Sphinx.

This is beyond bizarre in how a black American liberational preacher could be transformed into a Chicom sphinx.

I recall Libby Custer literally crying that thing made for her husband right off his grave, and I could only sympathize with the King family in seeing this horrid thing unveiled, made in China, looking Chinese and melded with Egyptian pagan worship............what Baptist preacher would not just love to have Godless communism and cult worship as their final tribute?

But then, this is the Age of Obama, the Kenyan Indonesian kid who runs like a duck, doesn't smoke but stinks of smoke, is brilliant but can not think and is so American, that every regime in the world from Moscow, Peking to Tehran initiates the same Obama policies.

Mao tse Martin, the Great Sphinx...........such a tribute. I do see that David Brooks will be pleased as at least he has a nice crease in his trousers.
