Sunday, October 9, 2011

Soap Dropper U

If you have not noticed it, the game has changed. You can see it from activity on the right in who fled, and activity on the left in the desperation and the cover ups which are taking place.

Obama's cronies in Congress are now attempting to push a bill which will keep all of Obama's crimes secret after he leaves office , in his papers are all being "nationalized" as Tom Marr was reporting on Mark Levin, after Obama Release Your Records posted the finding from Judicial Watch.

I will inform you the facts in Obamacare in the bribes to Tim Johnson of South Dakota, are nothing compared to what is buried, as the Greengate kickbacks are just the tip of the criminal iceberg in this for what Geithner has been laundering and Congressional Democrats have been a part of........and yes that includes the organized smear of the Tea Party in Obamacare.........and that little Nancy Pelosi leadership sanctioning of foreign birth Obama.

That is not the focus though, as what is the focus is, the rats are jumping the ship and setting fire to it. Obama is desperate in these Wall Street shakedowns with his rent a mob. When you have black Edolphus Towns in the caucus trying to amend the Presidential Records Act, this is house cleaning, and they would not be doing this, unless they knew Obama was exiting the stage.

This is not over yet, as conversations have occurred concerning martial law, which type of disasters would spin such an event, how many it would require, and exactly how to set the cart in upheaval by perhaps arresting key right wingers to keep the focus on that, as Obama implements a graduated suspension of the Constitution.
Do not be deceived children, it would take a massive event of multiple nuclear attacks, a meteor or a biological outbreak to get martial law installed, and then there would still be resistance across the board. For Obama to do this if it triggers, there will be instead a state and regional crackdown.

I explain.........

Bad event takes place in New York. Obama gets New York quarantined, whether to find terrorists or to keep refugees in status, and that is the rub as it then moves to those surrounding liberal states who do not want a million refugees from New York to take care of, so Obama gets the northeast to shut it's borders with curfews and other "necessary" things.

A few surrounding pops and Obama can shut down regional areas like Kansas City FEMA zone and if one gets enough people scared with Jake Tapper hype, then each zone can be sealed "to protect the people" who now will be shown demanding this for safety and not have those damned refugees pouring into their state.

Get this in the events will be in large populace states like new York, California and Ohio etc... so the smaller states will be herded into thinking, "I don't want all that sh*t in my rural state" and then in the psychology Obama runs the ticket in about a week, as people can only get scared so long, before they start sleeping and not caring again.

When it gets floated about elections being suspended, the regime is not just going to call it off no more than martial law is decreed. It will be graduated and as calculated as the Gulf Gusher, shooting Giffords and aiming at Palin and the Missouri River flooding.
This blog warned of break points in this long ago, for as you ratchet up the heat, the regime will strike back as long as they think the cost will be worth it. That is why Mark Levin is a putz in not covering the Birther reality, as that group wants Obama in power as it assists the rapine of the robber barons Levin's group represents.
They all have f*cked America over making her a whore, and think this is a game that can be played out and they win again.

The very things the Soros mob was accusing Bush43 of, are the very ideas being discussed in the possibility of being implemented.

Travel restrictions in Europe are a plank for the same restrictions in America. This is all the same Obama group and Sarah Palin needs to get off her ass now, as waiting for an earthquake in people getting killed as her sign is something she is going to regret in carrying that stupidity around as her stated reason to get back into his to save America.

I will keep this short as you children have already been drifting off to other subjects. The reality is Obama is playing the loser hand in his actions. There are preparations for his exit. This should never have come to Limbaugh's Gridlock nor Rove's Jebby don't get it why Marco Rubio was threatened do you to get out as Vice President, as Jeb was the choice all along with this group.

nuff said.

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