Sunday, October 9, 2011

Red eye Love

When I was a wee bit of a thing, we had a cow without name, but she like most bovines found ways to have problems, in she could not have a calf. My parents called the vet whose name I think Peden, and what followed was more typical veterinary mumbo as he pushed on the calf trying to get it right, the cow could not have it, he could not pull it, so he c sectioned her out in a cold rain, and the cow died under a tarp, and we had this most interesting calf in our barn with red eyes, as pushing on the calf had done a great deal of harm to them........including white iris in the center.

It was a ghastly looking affair, but old Peden told my Mom, "You put sugar in those eyes and it will straighten out".

Yes you can count the bodies piled up with folk remedies, but Mom did it........and as I was stuck going to Gestapo Grade School, I was not about the place much........but a few months later I as stunned in that calf's eyes recovered completely.

The reason I bring this up is, satan has been busy through some a hole attacking me recently again. This displeases me as two of my pet goats both got something jammed in their eyes. Goats do this as goats think they are bulldozers and think with their mouths, so sometimes bad things happen....two bad things though is not coincidence.
So I was really sick at heart as I have right pretty goats, and eyes rotting out of them just does not work...........oh yes, I can hear the caring thinking about calling vets..........sure a vet will put in some antibiotic and the eye will fall out, and that really solves things now doesn't it.

I have no idea this was from thistles or what started this as they were by my garden and all I have there is beans and any event I had two very draining, sore red eyes which was really ruining the faith factor as was intended.
After some animated discussion in mostly my speaking loudly and venting, it was decided that sugar would be the cure with I have been putting sugar into those eyes three times now, and they stopped draining and are thank God getting less red, less blind looking, and appearing as eyes again.

I place this here, as it is something the old timers knew, and the vet actually knew it before they stopped teaching it in modern science............but then my current vet was messing about in some cows rear end and another vet sliced him open.......and their remedy was one sewed him up, while he gave himself shots of cow antibiotics.........he is right as rain.

Sugar I know is an antiseptic, but why it works in eyes with this type of healing is most interesting, as I do not think it works with infections like a virus, but in this type of injury, white sugar has had a record of setting things in order with prayer.

It is something to keep in mind in hard times, as losing an eye is not exactly a pleasant thing, and if no other remedy is around it would be worth the least it is doing something instead of just being helpless.

I have seen sugar put in wounds and their healing on humans. I guess the regime if they knew this would make sugar a medicine and instead of inflating prices would make you get it from the pharm as Muchelle would be calling it something necessary for a prescription.

Will leave it at that.
