Friday, October 7, 2011

the wench

Not much poetry in a field of dead..........

When this blog exclusively informed you that the premature ejaculation on Gabrielle Giffords was an event aimed at Sarah Palin, by Barack Obama to turn the Karl Rove rapine on the wench, in snaring two birds with one net, it was just the tip of what I knew and never revealed.

I will reveal more now, as the wench has taken her God given golden crown and cast it down. She is base now in the mob, and who cares what she has to say any more than some chronic poster on Facebook thinking they are accomplishing anything by putting up an endless array of photos.

There is a reason I placed before you Trans Canada and their oils sands in Alberta, along with the Keystone XL pipeline, the Gorilla Project and oil to Chicoms in Oily Cindy and Crazy Jane, because this is the roughneck lot who the cartels have chosen to whore for this inflated oil in their stealing back money from China, which is hardworking Americans while hardworking Americans are going to be raped now for this dying generation in 100 dollar a barrel oil........all so that oil sands will be satan's stink upon the land of sulfur.

It was this group who knowing about the Gabrielle Giffords calling card, whose skunk eating sh*t smiling lips curled back in delight as they knew they had the wench. They offered her security, and this little girl of destiny ran to their cover and played coy for 9 months as she had the promise no one was going to put a bullet in her head or her family's.

This is what I sat on as I will use what ever devil is necessary to save the Virgin Daughter, as I knew if it was revealed that the wench had been given protection from Mark Levin's big oil sands, that she would be smeared and it would hinder Sarah Palin.

These are the same folks who promised John McCain a victory and were duped by the Obama folks in stealing that matter though, as Obama sabotaging the Gulf Gusher, with Buffett and Oklahoma oil pumping North Dakota dry while their getting all the revenue, big sands were making a fortune under Obama green oil programs.

After leading the wench around and having her believe she was going to be backed, they informed her, they had a new Pecksniff, and if she proceeded there would be no more protection and all that financial backing the wench was counting on would be negated.

It was no accident that Marco Rubio announced he was not seeking the Vice Presidential nomination either as he got the same dispatch the wench did, that a real whore was going to be doing the bidding in 2012 inside the GOP for big oil sands as this is a done deal and the fix is in. This has nothing to do about saving America. It is a smarmy nation rape business deal of balance of trade to buy off the Chicoms with oil as Americans turn into Chinese slave labor buying Chicom slave labor goods.

This is what Mark Levin is a part of. For that idiot who once exclaimed what I had against Mark Levin, you can get your head out of your ass and learn to read, as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and the rest of that oil whore crowd of the cartel of Mockingbird are behind all of this, and that why they get the pretty things and steer you away from things like the wench.
It is no secret that the bull dyke finds Marco Rubio and makes him, no more than it is that the wench goes on Levin's program to announce she has renounced her destiny.............the cartel just loves it when someone comes and bows down on their terms and tell the world, "I'm vassal".

So honestly, who cares what Sarah Palin says. She is not in the fight, but in the mob. Anyone in the Tea Party has more standing than her now, as they are in the fight and they did it not for 30 pieces of silver nor have sold out their destiny like Arnold.
I have read silliness of people "supporting Sarah Palin" now in all she does. Cowardice is nothing to support, as God's Will comes first and not any families safety.

There are people in this whose lives have been threatened, attempts made on their lives, and there has been talk of sanctions to this day. They have invested all in this fight and the wench abandoned them, and left them on the field to stand the ground alone.

Do you really think that people like that have any need for a rich girl nattering on about something in her little brothel of safety "about what should be done" when she did not have the ovaries to do it?

I have stated that the wench is damaged goods now Spiritually. The tide will sweep by her as she has let down to the heart and soul millions who trusted her. As I have stated, why should not when La Hire abandoned the Maid to the stake, that in these treacherous times should not the wench abandon her own to the pyre.
I have stated that unless this wench is drafted for 2012 to lead, even in that, she is now barely above anything Pecksniff in the field as she is damaged goods.

The Levin oil sands have set this up for some fraud to win the GOP as you can see where the oil sands money is going in Perry or Romney, more John McCain.
Herman Cain, God love him, he could muddle this in economics, but he is not up to the task. American needs Michele Bachmann in the House...........there is nothing left in this. The Patriot came to the party and the party became a massacre by design.

A nice home with a talking mirror must be soothing to the wench as she surveys this in, "I let down my country to save myself, but I will couch the treachery all in God things, family things and some simpletons will recite........."Oh yes, I put my family first too".

There is only God first and last. As Jesus warned the disciples that whoever saved their lives would lose them..........there was only one who did not run away and that was John, and the Apostles were all slaughtered later quickly and John was the only one who survived to Patmos for the final Revelation.

Sarah Palin has saved herself, but doomed America. That salvation does not last as it is God inspired and the coming dead of this world stretching about this planet in a carrion cord of billions will require in that future time an accounting of why they were slaughtered.

Do not put God on things our wench to cover up your abandoning the field for the calling of a bird from an ivory tower. Do not hide behind family, as when one invokes such timidity, they become the focal point in God balancing the scales.

Now you know more of the story in this and those behind it. The wench has probably just realized in this slap the cold reality of her stolen silver in the consequences.

I move on, as it is freeing not having to parry in defending one who is not worthy. Packs and saddles at dawn.

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