Friday, October 7, 2011

Capitalistic Carnivores

What I'm attempting to point out to you in the middle of the nowhere land of the Northern Great Plains, that when Alberta oil sands start being pushed again in December 2010, and that Ben Bernanke says no one will be paid for any money saved for the next two years, as he starts flipping debt from China onto Americans directly, that the "fix for the 2012 elections" has started, and baby sister it does not matter if the destroyer is Barack Obama, Mormon Romney or Rick Perry, because 100 dollar barrel oil IS WHAT ALL OF THESE CANDIDATES ARE AFTER.

You already know about Obama Gulf sabotage to drive up oil prices again, for his green kickbacks and money laundering.
What you don't know is Karl Rove's candidate in Mitt Romney is getting the Hillary treatment which the Obama benefactors who started this 9 11 attack on America, are up to in backing Rick Perry of Texas.

It is all piss on the lesser god, as the oil shale tycoons of Canadan and American handlers got 2008 stolen from John McCain..........Rove was in on it to set up Jeb Bush for 2016, and now that Rove has been outed here, the oil cartel proper is going to take Jebby to the sidelines by nutting Romney and running Perry.

When you have something so blatant in API is in New Hampshire with front groups funding Perry and the debates there, this is stick in the fork and done, as Perry is so far up the Keystone XL pipeline that he is their puppet like Obama is the puppet of the European cartels.

Nothing is going to change with Perry, with Romney with Obama..........Obama you will get more of the same in his cronies getting rich...........Perry will advance just like Romney the Alberta oil sands as it is all these nation rapists who don't give a damn about Americans, and are concerned about how to rip your ovaries out to make a buck off your corpse.
......and I will repeat again for the Ron Paul supporters........where in the hell is Ron Paul getting all his massive large donations from, and do you really think Ron Paul is going to do one thing about getting crude below 50 dollars a barrel in his retreat to America strategy which will have oil to over 200 dollars a barrel, which would please these oil sand tycoons even more.

This is nothing but that god damned Kissinger Rockefeller Rothschild oil trade set up in the early 1970's which raped America of her wealth, stuck it into high oil, Asian slave labor and all that money went into European elite accounts.
All that is shifting in this is now the Chicoms are going to have their slave labor money syphoned back out of them in Alberta oil sands flowing and polluting across America into their tankers.

It is a Greenspan bubble, instead of a Dotcom bust, it will be a Chicom bust...........ok so you get this, Brzezinski, Putin and the world knows they have a monster in Peking. You just can't rob it like Bush41 did Japan and Korea.............Greenspan robbed the Europeans and that is what started 9 11 and the Obama Super Depression in economic terrorism.
No what you do with China is build her up, use her slave labor to make you rich, while divesting America of her last wealth Obama plunders, and then you get China hooked on oil, Canadian oil at high prices to extort those trillions back and when you get her in debt, you pull the plug and she goes Civil War breaking up is easy to do.

How does China go into debt? Why without American consumer debt, China has no income and her reserves are flowing out for raw resources...........easy as they did it to America, they will do it to China.

This blog though does not care about Chicoms, but cares about the Virgin Daughter in the way God views America, and I do not like her abused in being made a whore.

That is what Rick Perry's game is, it is prostitution, just like Barack Obama's and this entire cast of the cast in they all got this 100 dollar oil thing like coke and opium bleeding the monetary wealth dry out of nations. It is the elite's control and where Obama has Buffett rails exploiting oil flow for profit, Perry and Romney are both the Keystone XL exploitation........all union, all Mexican slave labor and Americans being destroyed as these capitalistic carnivores feed on the living guts of America.

Personally, I like big oil. I like big American industry. I like big banks. I like it all exploiting the outside world and bringing that world to it's knees, AS LONG AS AMERICAN PILGRIMS get their Christmas presents, Thanksgiving turkey, Easter ham and a nice picnic on the 4th of July without worrying about the mortgage or affording the next car.
When this bunch started this brutality on Americans is when the predation was criminal, as this complex was supposed to feed on the outside world as Yankee Clippers, but the Rothschilds and Rockefellers turned it all back on Americans to wipe them out.

God is watching this you satanic bastards and God is hearing those people's groans like in Egypt, and by God a reckoning is going to come. God knows to the last Faust contract you signed, what you did, and to the last tear you caused.
You tycoons had a nice toy God created and you made it into a phallic and you just could not help but jam it into the American Virgin raping her.
Check the Bible there tycoons in seeing God will have you begging for the courts as God does not use them when the balancing of the scales starts.

This is all being exposed now and the game will change, as no one wants your damn pipeline and no one wants your damn battery cars.

Simple warning, God does not appreciate what any of your whores of the Babylonian system have done, and this is the witness.

You either do justice in the city gate, stop exploiting the children and put her into power to rectify this, or face things in Spirit.

I got my 8 by 8 by 2 pan. You remember what that means.

agtG 278Y

Donald Trump says OPEC is ripping us off with high oil prices. But there might be a big winner from hundred-dollar oil. Rick Perry and the Texas economy.
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Michele Bachmann campaign

A whores sum

A prostitutes pawn

A hookers reward