This is for real Christians.
From my experiences in life, doing the Christ thing has not gotten me a thing. Well, it has gotten me things like being spit on, threatened with murder, stolen from, left for dead, stabbed in the back, called crazy, ridiculed, told I was going to hell and humiliated.
I can honestly say that in all of my years, only one person really ever did a good thing for me when every person saw I was in dire straights. I was grateful for that one act of human kindness from my beloved Uncle, but the fact is I have always strove to carry out God's commandments in Christian virtue and it has not gotten me a thing.
I can remember before the really worst of life took place in hoping in Faith that God would do for me like He did Jacob, as that is what the Bible taught in God always looks out for His own. That has been decades, and instead I have been that dumped statistic on the side of the road with no good Samaritan picking me up.
In fact when that did take place, the medical people instead tried to run up immense bills on me, so I crawled home and recovered in the Lord.
Do not get me wrong in God does not do good things for me. In some ways it is though like torture as it raises hopes and leaves me dangling along being tortured in praying God will make a difference this time, but it never takes place.
My family has betrayed me. My friends can not be counted on. Everyone it seems has their interests at heart first, and that is my very problematic flaw as I will put others first and suffer for it, without one word about any of it.
I do not ever state the good things God has me do, as it is not even my business in God's Glory. It is beyond not knowing what the left or right hand is doing, it is the simple fact I know the goodness is from God, and me trying to take credit for things would be not proper, in Jesus being the Author and Finisher of this Faith.
I pray constantly, study the Bible daily and repeatedly, and am in constant contact with God. My life God gave me should be one of wonderful things one always hears about. It is though one of Mother Theresa with the reality that she chose to exist in this, and I chose to serve God first and am in this, but without the banner headlines milking the deeds for their praise.
If it was me, I would have told the cameras to go take a hike as it would be immodest to call attention to anything God is doing and you are serving for. Yes it calls attention for others, but I never did see MT starting an entire movement of people doing good.
satan is a creature which apparently knows and inflicts me and those I do love with constant destruction in it trying to destroy me. I have not had a Job life of sudden destruction, and then a week of sores, but an entire life of sudden destructions and sores.
Sometimes it is stupidity in asking to be the greatest light in God's Kingdom for His Glory and asking for Wisdom, because in the Bible, Solomon got a good deal in the Wisdom was not under battery and being a great light still had camel trains coming to Elisha in lepers being healed in government officials.
If I would have been the woman asking for crumbs for the dogs in Jesus healing her daughter, I would have been at least someone with crumbs, but my vista has been more of Christ in knowing foxes have holes and birds have nests, but Jesus having no place of His own to lay His head.
I have done my best to never hurt others, but do have a release valve to tend to hurt me. That of course is not what is right, but then wounded animals do chew on their own carcasses as that is what is handy.
I can feel satan, and the force is a steady power which does not drain. I can whither demons and evil souls in Christ, but when the tranquility presents itself, there is the destroyer sitting there in the shadows watching me again with a quiet contemplation of a lion watching for a meal in due time just beyond the fires kindled about me.
The destroyer has been about this and those I love for years without let up. I do not just get knocked down, I get knocked down, stomped on, beat, kicked and dragged about the lot and then run over. This of course has not been any easier with this Obama in the power structure as the evil in this world has been unleashed on the Christians when this sinful American people replaced Christ with this messiah.
It all tells.
I know that it is easy being a Christian when one has health, nice things, fraud people as friends and money, because when something bad happens, you always have things to hold onto and comfort you that looking at them is proof "God loves you", and all those helpful other rich people always have time to drop off some donuts to prove you are worth caring about.
It is an ointment which makes the world such a splendid place for Christians like that, because all of that community of caring is so united as long as you are inside the structure, but end up in slums, or your bank account disappears, and suddenly all that "love of God" disappears as you sit with the Mexicans in an emergency ward and the nurses are snapping at you, because you are no longer the pretty you with a place in life.
There are allot of things in this in the Bible lessons have on the large scale events, never panned out for me. There was no throne of David, no palm leaf parade and no structure of the faithful to care. That though is God's business as He has rights to mistreat me or have me mistreated as He sees fit.
I do not know in being a greatest light what good it is to be that light and still have to be greater or being Wise and gaining more Wisdom, as what difference does light make in all the dim bulbs any more than Wisdom in ant minds.
I can not say though that I would change suffering for the good of others in the least, because if I had not done it, the Spirit in me would have rended me and I would have been in worse condition than this person is now, as being selfish is not in me.
I receive often these past weeks the verse about New Heavens and New Earth and the things here will not be remembered. That memory wipe will be a gift from God as this has been a severe lifetime of betrayals and tortures which are marked upon the Spirit in me.
So God has grown me from a small seed planted by the Holy Ghost. The Bible has not played out in major events for me the way it teaches, but that is what God is about in all of these wounds as in some He chooses and they choose to be grown a way which God is shown a child which keeps coming Home to God, even though there is no sane reason to keep this up.
God always wills to have children who will choose Him over all things, no matter what. It is one thing to profess love and it is another to live it in the hard ways which degrade to existences that humiliate and leave one without hope springing eternal.
There always seems to be one more deeper wound which can be found and one greater cavernous hurt, but Christ carries me on even when I drop.
That is the real Christian, one who is the almost corpse being carried by Christ, because Faith and Hope have gone, and having no reason to cling to God as all is lost, not for a moment, a month or a year, but for years of destruction and self destruction with satan positioning for the final murder.
There is nothing glamorous in this, nothing Scrooge showing up and buying Bob and his bunch the big turkey, and nothing of a break in it, for Christians are a constant thing, doing this one on one with God.
It is being a Christian when eternal Life does not matter, when there is no reason to be a Christian as all it has done has betrayed you. It is being a Christian, because it is the right thing to do in character as the alternatives are unacceptable and while the Love of God might change as the Psalmist writes, a Christian is going to be that way even though it only afflicts, because the affliction of being like the world is such a disgusting thing in revulsion, that a Christian is going to be like Christ when there is no reason to be.
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