When I was a child, I always thought Olivia DeHaviland was so pretty. I could never fathom what anyone saw in that razor edged nut Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind, but Miss DeHaviland was elegant and everything a woman should be.
In that, I always thought Raquel Welch was pretty too, not for her big boobs, but she had a pretty face.
The mix of this included Natalie Wood, who was pretty and had those radiant eyes..........Elizabeth Taylor with those blue things, looked nothing appealing to me, no more than that Ginger was anything compared to Mary Ann in her Kansas values.
I do not pay a great deal of attention to Hollywood females in these years, as I do not find them attractive. Someone like Cindy Margolis is pretty, but you listen to her talk and you just think, there is really nothing but a baseness to it all.
Jessica Simpson can't stop the dope or find a man who is not trying to destroy her. Lindsey Lohan, is trying hard to end it all.........and whatever else is in a Miley Cyrus or whatever is the last thing I would ever want around, because they are like farm girls slopping hogs, a fetish for perverts and I have never liked shallow things.
That is why it is such a bad drama in Natalie Wood dying the way she did, after drinking, her husband and another actor arguing, and ending up drowning in the water on a cold rainy night. Now the captain has new recollections which is opening up the case again.
I like Robert Wagner. I like Christopher Walken as actors, and arguing about how much an actor should sacrifice for career over family is a legitimate debate.
Sometimes though husbands and friends do not take into account a soul like Natalie Wood who is fantasy come true and who can not deal with the emotional drama, who then slips overboard and dies in a horrid end.
Ms. Wood was Russian by heritage and you can see this in her. For someone I found attractive, I can not point to a movie I ever watched of her starring that was anything appealing. She was though from an era of stars when it really meant something, as maybe they were not that appalling in person, but at least when the cameras came on, they were something which dazzled the mind.
Unless this captain has some memories of some other boat trying to board his yacht, there really is no evidence than what was already provided by the coroners.
Could someone have pushed her overboard, sure, but no evidence again, and after all these years, it seems as it is, just another drama in Hollywood as Michael Jackson just does not have the flavor of the mystique of a by gone era when there were real stars.
I don't understand a great deal of things like John Wayne's children auctioning off his things now. No more than Michael Wayne only releasing McClintock when a pirated copy was making the rounds recorded in a theater.
There just is no appreciation for stardom, and those who claim it now, are absolutely laughable.
Hollywood has no writers, no directors and no production quality. It is rare when I can watch anything that I will note that any effort was put into any of it.
You know the words the actors are going to say, it is always going to be unpleasant with everyone sullied and it is so manipulative from moving cameras to sex, that it all covers up how bad of product it is.
The fact is the few things I do see as possibilities, never last, because they are too quality and all that remains are Chastity Bono in freak view television.
That really is sad in the garbage of television in Sonny and Cher looks really high quality compared to what is being offered now.
My redemption is I have finally been rescued by reality, and all this refuse of the world is of no matter to me, as when one has one gem, one no longer laments all the coal making a mess of things.
At the base of all of this is Natalie Wood was stupid, and made that way by a fairytale existence that she was still not happy with on that one night. Now she haunts the veil of time again, as Hollywood has no stars to shine any more as it is all cheapened now in cartoonish characters.
Sir Lawrence Olivier once told an agonizing Dustin Hoffman in a part, "My boy you should really try acting". Yes the method system is too real when real actors just shine in rolls.
Quite a starring role in your death from 30 years ago, but in reality Natalie Wood, Hollywood died with you long ago. It is that bad in OJ, Jacko and whatever Kardashian that they have to dig up the dead........sell John Wayne's things.......as no one cares any more for the drivel which is produced now.