Saturday, December 17, 2011

From the people who brought you SAARS

I actually in this Age of Obama, have found that there is an endless supply of insanity that bewilders the logical mind.

One day's Obama peace prize is the next day's Khadaffi murder with a mass of his followers.

That is why when the Chicoms announced a multitude of their companies were about to enter the human vaccine business, it reminds one of the cannibal announcing a human vegan diet.

This is from the same Chicoms who have accidentally released contagions on their own people as they worked on biological weapons to use against Americans.
Can we forget SAARS, another Chicom introduction to the world?

Then there is the supply of things poison in food and toxins on toys, which are of Chicom manufacture. It is a point that one might as well just take a can of Raid and suck on it, as that is what Chinese communist quality control has been.

Now of course, we have Chicom vaccines, which are certain to be of the same quality control and standards of...........Walmart oysters.

Oh have you not ever partaken of those smoked delicacies of China? You really should in these brown looking fossilized turd balls have this smoke scent probably from a can, and some juice of oils and the wonder of a......crumbling rubber ball in one's mouth as you wonder in the fleeting taste, just what toxin you just ingested.
I honestly do not know if Chinese have no taste buds on their tongues, but these Chinese products are so horrid that it makes one wonder just what these oyster farmers are growing in their beds which you forever see pictures of in Chinese aqua farming.

Everything Chinese is shoddy, like 1960 Made in Japan jokes of little bamboo trinkets of black men being eaten by crocodiles in little pencil holders.
The Chicom cast iron is horrendous in pans, as it requires more heat and more time to heat, than the American fare of the Griswold and Wagner. It makes no sense, but yes even the Chinese can not get cast metal right to be green energy as America did over 100 years ago.

Which brings us to Chinese vaccines. I will remind people of a little gem which has been featured here in Bill Gates stating that vaccines would be utilized to crop a billion people off the earth.

Now ask you in the introduction of HIV through vaccines, the endless supply of cancers introduced in study and profit by vaccines and only the devil knows what else is being injected into humans in all these American products, just what will be the poison potion that these Warren Buffett and Barack Obama favorites out of Peking?

Will we see Warren Buffett soon investing in bio crude generators in Asia and Africa, like his monopolies on American trains, Korean tungsten and American petrol additives?
Why would I make such an inquiry?

Well do you really think that Bill Gates billion dead humans are just going to be left to lie on the terra to rot into piles?

No children, we heard from the CIA head long ago that they had studied putting humans into oil vats and they knew precisely how many liters of oil would be produced by this human crude oil.
Would it not make sense then for Gates prophecy and Buffett's investments to meet in some huge body disposal operation, as no one much cares for missing colored folks as long as profits are involved.
Perhaps if Obama steal the election we will see him proudly saying,' "Yes Air Force One burned up 100,000 dead Indonesians today in my green friendly environment and it is all good for the earth in using those cropped humans".

I see great promise in this for the cartels really, as think of injecting what is left of black Africans and ridding that continent of Hamites...........hell the West Indies could be a real vacation spot with Haiti voided of all those French Catholic blacks. Real Estate prices would boom for the elite buying up their own paradise.

Project this out to east Asia. Why a billion folks cropped there would provide a new frontier of Chicom homesteaders invading those lands in resettlement as all those farms and homes would just be waiting with a billion dead being turned into Buffett Fuel.
Think of the opportunity in Taiwan voided of free people........the Peking Girls probably are measuring the drapes of the Philippines for their own Haiti retreat once they get into full production of poison vaccines.

You know this will not be a mass extermination event, but one where it will come in cycles as like Hitler's trains, Buffett's cargo ships will have to chill the dead and it does take time to process the corpse into fuel.
I would even suspect that perhaps Buffett might find Nazi things like rendering bones into a food product like Soylent Green to feed people, and just use the tissues for readily made crude oil. One must squeeze the last scream from the dead human.

So the question is, why would the toxic Chinese by Obama miracle all of a sudden get into human vaccines in mass production, when the world has a rather toxic supply already...........unless someone is seeing more than profits, but a long term structure of ridding the world of Bill Gates unnecessary billion souls.
It certainly would be security for China to crop off it's neighbors and handling that African problem for the elites will give them the Africa they always dreamed of.

Who would not look forward to having a Chinese communist vaccine put into your or your family's veins, in knowing the gutter standards these Maoists have been poisoning the world with, since they were brought out of the rice patch in eating their own just a few years ago.

Yes you Yanks will get your injections made in China, but Buffett and Obama will get their vaccines made in Germany and by the Rockefeller plantation...........

Who really created the infrastructure for the Chinese vaccines to arrive on market in mass? I would conclude it was the same folks in the cartels who promoted Hitler and promoted Obama in this global mission.

Bill Gates Travels to China
Jan 12, 2011 – In September 2010, Bill traveled through China to visit with vaccine makers, ... trip was in 1995 with Melinda, my father and Warren Buffett.

.....and you thought this was just a recent thing?

China's food and drug safety record in recent years hardly inspires confidence: in 2007, Chinese cough syrup killed 93 people in Central America; one year later, contaminated blood thinner led to dozens of deaths in the United States while tainted milk powder poisoned hundreds of thousands of Chinese babies and killed six.

Yes but the UN likes cheap vaccinations, so let's have China poison all those poor folks and crop them quickly for an orderly method in all of this dead body chaos.

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