Saturday, December 17, 2011

When she was just small

This is for my enjoyment as no one bothers my thoughts here in I get to contemplate Linda Card in 1944, with the world at war, upheaval all over, no doubt having survived FDR's Great Depression and in a little place called Wisconsin was called upon in what was a man's world to do the sketches for the publication in 1945 of the co Lewis Carroll publications of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

I never read such things as a child and hated books, because teachers had me reading all sorts of things I hated and detested.

I found Irving boring. I hated Mark Twain with a passion. I drolled through Dickens and managed through Shakespeare...........poets were worthless except for a few by Longfellow and world was more delight in Starman Jones..........a rather pithy pulp fiction where stupid girls got in the way of a young betrayed soul with a photographic autistic memory who rose from a ship steward to Captain of a spaceship to save everyone.
Something I will now have to delve into in finding that link in I thought Starman Jones had been written after Gene Roddenberry at Star Trek, but Robert Heinlein wrote his space novel explaining warp drive almost two decades before Roddenberry went Mockingbird with Desilu.

Incredible.........will have to read that book again as one dreams of being held captive with a beautiful Kansas person with live things bonding them.........oh I will not divulge the plot but when you put a smart girl in for stupid girls, I think I like this plot better........perhaps on a bedroom floor in playtime.........more interesting than warden and escaped prisoner, not that I ever played that.

Where was I?

Oh yes, the adult Alice in Wonderland for Alice was written by Lewis Carroll for adults and children could tag along. It is too bad this work is wasted on children, but then I never read the thing from Disney until the past few years and was startled my copy was a rare collectors addition now worth a 100 dollars.

I decided to photograph some of Linda Card's work as I like it so much, and it got me thinking that perhaps I should photograph it all for display in my house as my wildlife pictures are ...........well everyone has them and a DaVinci Last Supper is what everyone sees too.

People should have art which they like...........and for God's sake literally not buy something just because they have wall space as I see too many people do in disaster.

I could say that this is artistic lighting, but in reality as I was typing and sharing this book, I had the lights off and this is an LED light in my dark room and my Kodak blazing away creating these effects. I do well with the Holy Ghost fixing things for me so my amateur attempts come out looking professional for all to marvel at and set trends.

It is difficult being a trend setter.

Do you know I'm considered the most handsome woman in many places, in fact, I'm so handsome I often am not noticed as people can not recognize such handsomeness on display.

I love Ms. Card's work on animals in something is just so Carroll pleasant and happy about all of this. All other artists have that creepy Disney thing going on or go Dickens in making it all macabre. Linda Card though does something in making Alice American and so lovely.

This though is my favorite Alice portrait as this is the perfection in Alice is not the little girl at all who comes out in the stories. This is a most evolved creation by Ms. Card in an era of non mini skirts and women not in a world at war, here is the princess slumbering in martial order, looking quite modern, almost in prophecy. She is Joan of Arc in pure holy form and all without being pornographic.

Linda Card was the greatest artist of the 20th century and never received any acclaim she deserved, but then neither did Robert Heinlein.

Nom de Deiu, I hope my featuring them does not whore them out to Hollywood ruining all this like those bastards did in Land of the Lost and Johnny Quest.

I'm off to find Starman if he is online, and if not I will find the coordinates as I would like to visit him again.
