Monday, December 19, 2011

Rachel's House

Women really must be shown the proper respect they deserve for their efforts in life.

Accept for example Rachel, the wife of Jacob, who he loved deeply.

This is a Lady, who birthed into this world the British Commonwealth, the America people and the Icelandic people through her sons Joseph and Benjamin.

In reality, Rachel is thee most important woman in this world to have ever lived, outside the Mother of all in Eve.

Think about that for a long moment as what would this world be like if Rachel had not been? No British rule, no American leadership and no Icelandic peoples.
It is why Obama's Berliner boys in the Obama Great Depression focused on destroying America by igniting this in France first, and rolling it into Iceland, Britain and America. This was an absolute attack upon the bloodlines of Rachel.

If you do not know why, it is because Rachel's sons had the name of Israel placed upon them by Jacob. Ephraim the youngest held the diadem of Christ in the Davidic kingship when it was transplanted by Jeremiah into Ireland at the fall of Jerusalem.
Manasseh, the eldest had the material and physical blessings bestowed upon him, for the purpose of being the example to the world to spread Christ's Gospel to the unsaved.

Rachel is the most powerful Lady in Biblical structure, for her children were the catalyst of the House of Jacob, and God refers to Ephraim as His first born in Scripture.
The cartels who are very aware of bloodlines have married into this Spiritual line to hijack it and are busy trying to destroy it, to supplant God's bloodline with a satanic blood order. All of this is as evident as Hitler's master race to the current mass destruction of the Anglo American Icelandic peoples.

Benjamin has always been a problem child. His tribe was almost wiped out for their murderous sins in the Judges. They were it is said sodomite as they moved through Greece in exile.
Saul was of Benjamin and inferior, and Esther was Benjamin and through her Rachel saved the Jewish and Levite tribes.

The same holds for Ephraim being corrupt in going after sin.

The entire framework of the Rachel lines has always been in Gilead in the American peoples who were across the Jordan frontier. They went into exile first and will be the first to return to the Promised Land in Christ's return.

The House of Rachel is thee most important lineage to ever be placed on this planet. It is the absolute strength of the Israelite nation. It is housed in ever British, American and Icelandic woman and it is something which they should protect in chastity and fidelity, for they are chosen by God above all other women in the Spiritual purpose.
It is why satan has been so intent on destroying the Anglo American woman in degrading her and having her destroy herself.

In the body of Rachel's Daughters are the seeds of Life eternal in Spiritual Grace from Christ.

Too much has always been made of the male persona in the House of Jacob, because it was the women in the sisters Rachel and Leah who strove and created the 12 Tribes of Israel which have changed the world.

America is Rachel's House, her children are her home she cherishes, for Americans are her people as are the British and Icelandic peoples. This is an honorable lineage of a Lady who if one examines it, had the foresight to take away her father's idols and hide them away, as she comprehended the power structure in this world and would not have this used against her children.
Rachel was extremely bright in using a ruse of "her time of the month" to keep her luggage from being searched for those idols. No idols worship is not acceptable, but Rachel understood that by securing that power, her children would not have that power used against her as her sons grew in God.

Weak males have harmed the Daughters of Rachel in degrading them and not honoring them with their all, and too many Daughters have in that harm given up on the Promise of God.

Do not forget that Rachel was most loved, and God withheld from her for a time children, to teach her to rely on God, as God was securing in her a special people chosen by Him for the greatest work to ever be on this planet ever.

Rachel is the Mother of the Americans, British and Icelandic peoples. Honor her Daughters you males and you Daughters uphold your virtue and demand every one of you, the respect of your God chosen bloodlines.

Remember Rachel.

agtG 241