Monday, December 19, 2011

Piss on the Poet and make yourself a man

Ok as exclusive only here...........

So you really think all those protests just happened? No, I'm not talking about the obvious staging of rent a mob for Obama, nor the things related here from the start about this anarchy exclusively..........this is something more.


Yes the place of the shooters in schools an you knew it was something, but so much information trolls through your heads you just catch a new thought fish to whopper on.
Ever notice that Columbine was like a door opening and closing? You know six months and no more......sort of like violent events that would take place in a period of time and shut down never to take place again?

Like Sirhan Sirhan, showing up zombie while the guards popped Bobby K a few chest shots?

Sure, baby sis, got this, and by now you are the right track, that this is not all rent a Muslim in the Middle East Twitter Obamaness, as you know the Soviets were sticking it to Americans from the 1960's on in low frenquency radar to dumb the population down.
Odd how the elites never protested, as it sort of helped them out.................maybe they were working for the same cartel that had Armand Hammer in business in Moscow and DC.

This is all sort of boring, and I'm bored, because just like Jared Loughner gets a little bug juice in the brain and a little good algorythmn in the cerebral area, and all of a sudden you got trigger mania.

Why do you think Van Jones is herding those Marxists at meetings? Little free beverages, little mist in the air and little radar algorythmns putting all kinds of thoughts into those brains and you got Wall Street protesters who show up on cue.

How do you think they turned teleprompter Obama almost having seizures one day to the brain which was not rolling his eyes back into his head 24 hours later? Algorythmns is not like the old days of sensory depravation and hallucinigens.......this is modern kiddo, just like satan on your should whispering naughties to you.

Did I call this Operation Satan...........maybe not, but maybe Alice through the looking glass found something when some whiz figured out, that demons pumping thoughts into people's heads, mix in a little alcohol, and the next thing you know you got some ugly dude with too many hands convincing you rape is fun, and you end up with VD.
Same protocols as satan in same initiation using algorythms, and voila you got a new form of mob..........not just select testing in Columbine shooters.

It is possible now to leverage large bodies of people to act in specific manners, stoke it with mob, and get the exact Tavistock mob reaction. The cheering of the murder of Khadaffi in no reasoning behind it, is evidence of this technique initiating under Obama rule.

nuff of an exclusive.

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