If one examines B. Hussein Obama, one notes, this was the college child on foreign scholarships status who invested a great deal of time in challenging Ronald Reagan's nuclear successes in the 1980's.
Obama supposed wrote papers on this, and we know that nuclear disarmament and exposing America to nuclear attack was one of the first major policy implementations of the regime with Medvedev of Russia.
In doing a Google search though, for all of this Obama undoing of Reagan, it has been literally almost 18 months since Obama has even touched this issue after getting the puppy press to praise all things Obama.
When Obama campaigns, there is not one mention of disarming America from nuclear threat, and one would consider in the vast array of Obama failures that he would be beating his chest on this as he did with saying he murdered Sheik bin Laden.
A touching reality is that Obama's great successes in Obamacare, turning eastern Europe over to the Soviets again and nuclear disarmament is nothing Obama even brings up.
Such great liberal policy completions, and Obama has not one word to mention about all his historical success.
Why would that be?
Seriously, if you signed a major treaty, would you not be patting yourself on the back? John Kennedy did it. Richard Nixon did it. Jimmy Carter did it. Ronald Reagan did it, and in every case these American Presidents crowed about these nuclear surceases whether they were sound in Reagan or more weakness in Carter.
Yet with Obama, we have this new treaty and all of these new protocols of telling enemies when America will utilize nuclear retaliation or not, and this subject never is brought up in his campaign stops.........one can not even find Zbigniew Brzezinski or Hillary Clinton waving that red 3 AM phone call in how Obama nuclear reductions have made the world a safer place.
Perhaps this has to do with the reality is Barack Obama has stood by the wayside in the legitimization of the Islamocommunists of Iran in their overt development of nuclear weapons.
For the record, Iran has had nuclear weapons since the Clinton administration. The Soviets in falling apart sold a dozen warheads to the Iranian Marxists, and from that point on, Iran has imported Yellow Cake from the "stans" and has graduated to it's own production, along with the miniaturization of the Dr. Khan cone warhead for the Shahab missile platform.
Sources had stated that Iran had 50 plus warheads before Obama took office, and the reality is Iran never used these weapons as they would be traced back to Iran.
This is what was behind Iran attempting to sell FARC in South America weapon's grade uranium to use against the Americans. It was the reality of this in Iran selling Soviet era hot material in recouping losses and pinning it on Russians via South American communists, which exposed the Iranian diversion project of joining with the Bolsheviks in setting up the South American nuclear front and pointing the attacks on America on anyone but in Asia, starting with Iran.
This is the policy issue which is the 2012 campaign as Obama has his fingerprints all over the nuclear exposure of America and his inciting Muslims in his mayhem.
The puppy press of course will protect Obama when nuclear events start to take place or when Putin in Russia begins to become more overt in protecting Iran, but the buck stops with Obama first and last cent of the hundred.
World nuclear policy is Obama's doing and the world's undoing, and Obama for his treachery will not bring this reality up, as he carried this out to hamper America and aid the European cartel in their implementation of Empire.
The world at large should never forget this in Obama policy, for the absolute reason that Obama did this, he undid Reagan and Bush43 bulwarks against this Eurasian proxy terror and the net result is this is all due to Noble Prize winner B. Hussein Obama.
Nuclear weapons are vital, because they are terrifying in being dirty, and having too many keeps others from ever thinking of starting a multi exchange war as American stockpiles were so immense.
That policy though is vaporized in now America is part of a weakened world state of all these Obama historical dealings............and the problem is Kenyan Barack Hussein Obama does not want his fingerprints known on all his historical rationed death successes.
The Silence Obama Nuclear Successes