Oh my, look at the Crony Capitalist in what he has dragged in now.
Yes that old Nation Rapist, Warren Buffett, has been busy stealing your money in Geithner stock manipulation and using it to buy Lubrizol of Ohio.
For those unfamiliar of Lubrizol, as Buffett is not, this American company makes additives for the petroleum industry which you use to make your life much easier so your wheels do not fall off your cars and your crappers flush.
That is what is most interesting in the Nation Rapist, as he has been part of a situation where additive prices are being jacked up and manipulated illegally again..........sounds Buffett familiar, but while this was taking place, the fondling hands of Buffett have been sexing up India.
Yes Lubrizol had connections to that vast billion fold of Hamites who Obama fondles their monkey demon in his pants for luck.........Buffett just gets into bed with them and f*cks them over.
What Buffett has been about is getting out of China it seems, which is not a good sign as it makes one wonder what is going to go wrong with China, so Buffett is sticking money into India?
Meanwhile back at the rapine house, Buffett joined into a deal for 2012, Astral of India which makes plastic pipe. Now hang onto this one as this gets strange as only things Buffett dreams up, for the reality is when Lubrizol was of Ohio, the Indians used to import all their PVC pipes from America, but under Buffett, now each company will set up their own compound and manufacturing plant.
The quote:
under the new JV, both the companies will set up a CPVC compound and CPVC pipe manufacturing plant in Dahej.
Buffett is dumping in a 245 million dollar start up egg for this new joint venture..........and if you notice in this, no American jobs are being mentioned, because it is pretty difficult to have American jobs when Buffett is building companies in Asia.
You know what this is all about already in Buffett is not going to be funding Obamacare or retirements or unions with pensions. See Warren can go over to India and not have OSHA inspecting things, where people are a penny a hundred, and you just kill off your workers and replace them with new ones in a post abortion national policy that no one cares about, as who misses a few hundred thousand Indians.
If Congress had any intentions of protecting Americans, they would pass one simple law in any corporation doing business overseas, that they would have to provide the same worker benefits and wages Americans get............equalizing the scales and all of a sudden Buffett would not be able to do business in India and all those jobs would be back in the States.
Warren Buffett is biggest cannibal on this planet for all the lives he has ruined. He has robbed Americans and he has enslaved poor peoples around the globe. He does it all with a smile and propaganda, except for the realities pointed out exclusively here.
America is going through the Obama Super Depression, which Warren Buffett helped implement in his toxic trading and rapine, and after Buffett steals American rail, American oil, does Buffett invest in America for jobs?
Hell no! Buffett just dumped a quarter of a billion of YOUR DOLLARS into India and is in the process of wiping out more American jobs.
Warren Buffett is a traitor to Americans and Warren Buffett is as bad as anything Hitler ever turned out in his crimes against humanity.
This Lubrizol deal though is not the only Indian deal, as Buffett bought up a tungsten steel company there which is used in cutting tools. TaeguTec was a Korean pariah corporation based in India for labor reasons...........China too.
This though is another Buffett monopoly as TageuTec has the only integrated tungsten production in the world.............AND NO UNITED STATES JOBS as listed only, American countries.
You do know that monopolies were outlawed in these United States to protect the public? The telephone system was broken up over it, but somehow Warren Buffett holding key choke points for Obama and the globalists just is nevernoticed for his crimes.
What kind of a nation cheers and allows to roam free unprosectued a monster like Warren Buffett?
Nation Rapist Warren Buffett