Monday, December 19, 2011

Soccer Balls

Most people do not have the knowledge the universe looks like a soccer ball literally in being put together in a sphere of 5 pointed patches.

This universe like the above photo is one of trumpets from the center that resonate sound from the source of God, in a perpetual rotational motion.

Each part of this frequency all performs the harmony of God in equal effect as the 12 or 13 tribes of Israel all compose that perfect gemstone symphony when assembled together in a Temple square.

I have mentioned this in Sacred Geometry in what is appealing to the eye, is in DaVinci's hidden codes of his paintings and symmetry of man and nature. The Temple is a building, but is a resonance chamber amplifying mankind's prayers to God.
The Temple was alive in the way the 12 Tribes marched in order......and that order if one notes in Scripture was different in the past when the Tribes marched in the Exodus, to how God assembles them later on Christ's return.

What is that you just read?

Yes the dimension changes from the past to when Christ returns, so in order to match this new harmony in a Christ world, the order of the Tribes is retuned to a new song.

Revelation 14:3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;

Twice in Revelation a new song is spoken of, as in relation to the new reality of Christ. The Psalms as I have noted in cadence, prose, writing, song by the Prophetic composers and sung by the choirs as sing song resonanced by the Priest King, are all activators of the Spirit of God.
This is why the Shekeniah appeared for Solomon at the Temple dedication, in the reality when one "worships in Spirit and Truth" an instant relationship with God takes place.

All of this trumpets of the universe matters in who this frequency plays and begins playing a new song in December 2012. This is not the end of the universe, but an end of age and a beginning of a new age.
The old songs or sounds will not match the new harmony being generated.

All of this is in motion constantly and all of this makes definitive sounds which affect people and people in their evil or good affect the sounds in whether they sing off key in satan or in key with God.
God's key or will, will prevail, and shatter the false signatures. That is what this reality is completely about in you make a distinct sound only to you, and God recognizes this spiritual frequency as His or not.

Few have the ability to hear the stars or even be Wise in knowing they sing. Most have no accord with the nature of God in knowing all things speak in their nature, and they leave signatures on you of peace or chaos.
It is why God mandates all Faithful to separate out from the world, as the world perishes and if you look around at the malevolent, pierced, tattooed, doped up, drunked out, sexed pervert to the extreme of the majority of people, that filthy signature harms you, just as Lot was righteous but tainted by the evil signature of sodom in living there.

Do not overlook though that when being a Christian, that the evil in this world is going to let you just live your life, as they see your Light and just as you see those blacks on blondes perversions which is all about dirtying up another person and those who get off on it, there is a constant allure by those under satan's influence to come up with rude sexual commentary or enticements to destroy you by leading you into sin.
satan is a destroy, a murderer, and being so, it is driven to feed on the destruction of the Good in God in sullying that Light.

That is the war which is taking place in the soccer ball as the frequencies are changing and all of this is heightened like the moment high frequency shatters glass.

Be aware and keep with God, for the age is coming when the evil will be shattered by this consuming flame of perfect frequency of God.

God bless the Good.

agtG 359YYY