What is a trillion dollars worth to the cartel and the final enslavement of America?
Would a group which drags Khadaffi through the streets, tortures him and mass murders his followers, really have any reason to repeat a process when that kind of money and power was involved in America?
Was murdering Abraham Lincoln something of a blueprint, the same as John Kennedy?
Is the reality of Obamacare an all it means with 4 Conservatives in Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia with Kennedy now tagging along again, an Andrew Breitbart moment for this regime which defrosts dead bin Ladens and shoots them in Pakistani chicken farms?
Will it be a matter that Clarence Thomas will have a bright pink "heart attack" at Starbucks?
Will it be a matter of Sam Alito taking a canoe trip in the middle of the night?
Will it be a matter of John Roberts going to Ford's Theater and having a lead head experience?
Will it be a matter that Tony Scalia will accidentally commit suicide by shooting himself duck hunting several times?
(IR/ Andrew Breitbart, William Colby, Abraham Lincoln, Jeremy Borhda)
What is the measure of the Obama regime, to "fix things" in keeping Obamacare rationed death? Is it a matter of one man in black interred for the salvation of the death of a nation?
Is this blog now saving the life of one of 4 Conservatives, and one party boy Kennedy, in which Obama would replace a dead Justice with another communist traitor by making this question public?
Should Anthony Kennedy have signed onto hearing the Obama foreign birth status? Is this the case where his enabling Obama has now put Justice Kennedy on the morgue watch or will it be one of 4 other Americans who are now being measured for grave size?
What is the frequency Kenneth and how frequently has this wave length been trial run for signal to the Roberts Court in what awaits them and which Justice is to be replaced before Obamacare hearings?
Men interred black.
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