The "conservative" replacement for Gush Limbaugh.......yes I mean Gush, was talking to another FOX "contributor" who was of course liberal.......is nice that FOX News has so much money and slots to pay liberals to espouse satanic charms to the children.
In any event this whiner, besides saying that Obama is not responsible for high fuel prices, got this Brett Witwhatever to agree that what the two gay guys down the block are doing doesn't matter as long as they are not breaking the laws of America.
Since the HIV epidemic was injected and ejaculated into America from the Reagan era, there have been billions of dollars poured into research each year in an industry in America alone.
That is a 30 year period of 30 billion dollars alone in research, which was not needed if the male penis was not shoved up a rectum where it does not belong.
So in that start, when it is taking my money, my medical care, my opportunities to cure things I'm suffering from when going to feces smelling stench sex, yes I do care immensely in an issue which is bankrupting America as every immoral soul thinks everyone else is responsible for paying for their sin.
Not remembered in this, are the scores of innocents who died before their time. I'm speaking of the hemopheliacs who were murdered, because gay people dumped gallons of their polluted blood into the system.
The first person I ever mistakenly fell in love with, had an uncle in Chicago who died within the first years of AIDS, because of contaminated blood he received in transfusion.
AIDS to Hepetitus have infected numerous people and the latter is who the HIV was introduced in bad vaccines to the mass populace, especially sodomites as they were the ones who were in food industry as "waiters" in exposing people to their death style choices, and have ruined the lives of many people who are moral.
Sex is meant for creating babies. Those babies are meant for the purpose of looking after your crippled up sinful ass when you are old, so a nation does not get stuck with the bill.
Sex is not intended as community event where it is your identity.
So when two sodomites are off rutting, they are stealing from a community in not producing replacements who are normal, responsible and there to take care of them, so a nation does not get stuck with the burden of dealing with them.
No one speaks of the sexual reality in the damage to an entire nation. I knew a girly kid when I was growing up, who was a nice kid. What he needed was a strong male to develop his manhood, but instead this weak kid, was preyed upon by gay recruitment as he was shunned by more manly bulllies, and in the end, his ass got shoved full of an HIV dick as he tried to find comfort in his lunacy.
His mother was just put into a retirement home as she had a brain explosion several years ago and her 80 year old husband can not take care of her.
This kid's brother was born a cripple and unable to do his part. The net result is their property is going to be eaten up in bills or it is more debt for the community and nation. That means a gay ass is robbing this family of a legacy, an inheritance and a presence in the next generation as the cripple is not going to reproduce, the AIDS kid is dead on his feet in immorality, and all will be wiped out, because of sin.
So for the cozy "conservative" replacement for Rush Limbaugh and his oil dripping liberal FOX buddy, Brett Winterble Show, is just another part of the conservative problem as they think a little sodom won't get fire and brimstone rained on you eventually.
Being a sodomite matters, as most sodomites are irresponsible as crack heads, street whores, Bill Maher in the mouth, Barack Obama in spending and Hugh Hefner acting whore with his hoary head.
It all matters what each person does from "well I can associate with that 3rd worlder burning candles to satan" to not shunning the cock who makes statements in "getting some of that ".
All of this immorality bankrupts a nation. It is the reason America is bankrupt. She had plenty of revenue with low taxes when the majority of the people were Christian. When she became a whore state, her money evaporated into foreigner's coffers.
It is a nation's responsibility to not transfer personal sin into nationally condoned sin. When that happens chosen people in Israel are wiped out and empires like Rome are shattered.
If Brett Whatever is too tired to be moral and can only chase his wife and kids around, then that is fine, as he is sloven and typical of the American male in being a tool of satan. Reality of the American Virtue should then be allotted to those like this blog in setting the standard based in Biblical reality and historical proofs that what every person does matters, as all are Societal Laws meant to protect my work I suffer for, so some feces scented dick is not spending funds which are reserved for myself and my family.
That is reality and these CONservative fools being piss ant weak in agreeing with satan that as they can not police themselves so no one should be policed down the block is the assassination, aborticide and holding a pillow over the elderly's faces and suffocating them as they have no future.
Visit history from east Germany in World War II, the Indian Wars in America, the 7 Years War in Europe, the Assyrian conquest of the Israelites, and each time the barbarians are set loose, the murder of the conquered peoples is the result in mass rape, starvation and enslavement.
You had your shot Brett, and in the recordings of the Lord, it is permanent now that when the murder of America comes, you were the silent enabler like those in Germany who never spoke up for morality when those national socialists ruined that nation to eliminate the German Lutheran moral code.
You have been weighed and found lacking.
You do not find common ground with an enemy. You defeat them and obliterate their satanic foolishness to save the mob from themselves. Lame Cherry+
Governing is best left to the moral few as the immoral many can only be ruled. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman*
There are those who are best left to decide for the whole as the whole can decide on nothing. Gen. George S. Patton*
+ synopsis of the Reagan Doctrine for America by Lame Cherry
*paraphrased from combined memoirs
agtG 254
Two gays down the block
Thinking hard with mind for cock
Fifty years when all is dread
It will be Chicoms living in their old homestead