As B. Hussein Obama has been busy setting up nuclear warfare about the globe with his Islamocommunist Iranians, his Medvedev cuddle and disarmament and of course the blowing out of the sky of the North Korean ballistic missile........
I require to digress as Mark Levin has to stop trying to act intelligent with his epitaphs. He can not use Islamofascist, so he tries Islamonazi, which is absolutely incorrect as there Obama militant Muslims are all communists now that bin Laden's nationalist fascist corpse has been murdered by Obama.
See if Levin was intelligent and not a Mockingbird shill out of ABC, then he would not lie to listeners in trying to leave the impression these are RIGHT WING Muslims, when they are not as Nazi's are left wing, are old Muslim Brotherhood, but the Obama Brohoodie is all communist now.
Levin should not lie to listeners, just because the Ashkenaz posse has him herded. Right is right and Levin is wrong.
Now where was I?
Oh yes, the Kim Jong Un or the Jong Undone Missile.
The North Koreans built a perfectly good missile. The Iranians build them just fine for power take offs. Therefore two things took place.
1. The Persian Islamocommunist agents working with Obama milled some specs wrong, so the missile tore apart which is not that difficult to accomplish do to the high G forces on a rocket.
2. It was Ronald Reagan's Star Wars at play. Yes there is a Star Wars in SDI on ground, at sea, in the air and above the planet.
Obama is busy murdering Reagan's legacy for International Socialism and Communism, but Obama disarms America because of what Ronald Reagan built, and Obama just used Reagan technology to bust Kim's missile apart. Not that hard, and leaves no traces, and the North Koreans do not know it took place.
For review, Putin started nuclear World War IV by his murder of that Russian in London as covered here.
Obama covered it all up at the nuclear conference as he cuddled with the Russian Bolsheviks and promised to be more flexible after he steals the 2012 election.
For review, the Chicoms launched a ballistic missile off California when Obama was trying to get India to go greater nuclear in that Asian theater to counter the Peking girls, which was a graduation of nuclear World War IV.
For review, B. Hussein Obama just attacked North Korea which was firing a nuclear ballistic missile. America has now joined the communist nuclear World War IV girls club.
So that you children comprehend this, when the North Koreans figure out that Obama, meaning YOU, has just humiliated them in a nuclear attack upon them, what do you think that regime is going to do to you?
Hey now, do not worry about Barack Obama, as he got his bunkers, his jet, his security with machine guns, and a whole military which will perish for him.......you though got your front door, a butter knife and of course Miss Pusspuss your cat to protect you from some scheme Kim Jong Un comes up with to Putin olde London USA.
You do remember this as daddy Kim who shot down a Korean airliner, was kidnapping folks and who knows what was covered up so a nuclear war did not start.
So that is the real story, little Arab Spring Obama, had a quickie in showering a little breaking up is hard to do with Kim's nuclear rocket.
The failure "blows a big hole in the birthday party," said Victor Cha, former director for Asia policy in the U.S. National Security Council. "It's terribly embarrassing for the North.
Yes it is always good to humiliate crazy people with nuclear and biological weapons, and enough artillery shells to level South Korea.
Once again, Barack Hussein Obama outdoing George W. Bush on starting wars and finding ways to expand them into nuclear theaters.
Obama really lusts for the big bang.........guess is something psychological about that in something small he is attached to.
What was it Lawrence Sinclair wrote about Obama's attachments............
PS: Same enhanced radar they utilize to change computer algorythms is employed to stress said rocket in changing dynamics of thrusters or one can "fry" parts so when they are supposed to jettison a stage, half lets loose and half is welded, which when another stage ignites, it is a fuel bomb and said missile becomes humiliating fireworks.
That is how one does it. I know you always want an explanation.
PSS: I hope that shill Mike Bloomberg in whining about armed Citizens defending themselves figures out when this caste Obama is shooting retaliates that it will be New York and the cartel who employs Ashkenaz Bloomberg might not inform him, as some national faces will be necessary to show the public and billionaire Bloomberg might just be the one to go down with the ship.
agtG 252Y
NKorea launch draws anger as failure wounds pride
Apr 13, 9:36 AM (ET)
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) - A satellite launch North Korea had hailed as a moment of national pride ended in failure Friday when the rocket disintegrated over the Yellow Sea, earning Pyongyang embarrassment as well as condemnation from a host of nations that deemed it a covert test of missile technology.
In a rare move, Pyongyang admitted that the rocket did not deliver a satellite, but it also pressed ahead with grandiose propaganda in praise of the ruling Kim family.
The United States and South Korea declared the early-morning launch a failure minutes after the rocket shot out from the North's west coast. North Korea acknowledged that some four hours later in an announcement broadcast on state TV, saying the satellite that the rocket was carrying did not enter orbit.
North Korea had held up the launch as a scientific achievement and even a gift for its late founder, Kim Il Sung, two days before the 100th anniversary of his birth. It pressed ahead even as world leaders vowed to take action in the U.N. Security Council against what they called a flagrant violation of international resolutions prohibiting North Korea from developing its nuclear and missile programs.
The launch is also a setback for the government of new leader Kim Jong Un, which had projected the satellite as a show of strength amid North Korea's persistent economic hardship. Kim is solidifying power following the death of his father, longtime leader Kim Jong Il, four months ago.
Kim Jong Un has been given several important titles intended to strengthen his rule this week. Hours after the failed launch, state media said he was named first chairman of the powerful National Defense Commission during a meeting of the Supreme People's Assembly.
Kim Jong Il, who ruled the country in his capacity as chairman of the commission, was given the title of "chairman for eternity."
Outsiders, meanwhile, focused on the launch, which was condemned by the foreign ministers of the Group of Eight industrialized nations meeting in Washington, including Russia. The U.N. Security Council scheduled an emergency meeting for later Friday, and Washington said it was suspending plans to contribute food aid to the North in exchange for a rollback of its nuclear programs.
The Obama administration believes U.S. sanctions against North Korea, particularly on its ability to obtain advanced electronics for guidance systems, have restricted its proliferation activities.
"North Korea's longstanding development of missiles and pursuit of nuclear weapons have not brought it security - and never will," White House spokesman Jay Carney said in a statement. "North Korea will only show strength and find security by abiding by international law, living up to its obligations, and by working to feed its citizens, to educate its children and to win the trust of its neighbors."
North Korea had announced weeks earlier that it would launch a long-range rocket mounted with an observational satellite, touting it as a major technological achievement to mark the centennial of the birth of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un's grandfather.
The failure "blows a big hole in the birthday party," said Victor Cha, former director for Asia policy in the U.S. National Security Council. "It's terribly embarrassing for the North."
"I'm not too disappointed. There was always the chance of failure," he said. "Other nations - including China and Russia - have had failures while building their space programs so why wouldn't we? I hope that in the future, we're able to build a better satellite."
Experts say the Unha-3 carrier was the same type of rocket that would be used to strike the U.S. and other targets with a long-range missile.
Greg Thielmann, a former intelligence officer with the U.S. State Department, said it now appears the North Koreans haven't mastered the technology they need to control multistage rockets - a key capability if the North is to threaten the United States with intercontinental ballistic missiles.
North Korea has tested two atomic devices but is not yet believed to be able to build a nuclear warhead small enough to be mounted on a long-range missile.
State media said the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite was fired from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in the hamlet of Tongchang-ri but "failed to enter its preset orbit."
"Scientists, technicians and experts are now looking into the cause of the failure," the state-run Korean Central News Agency said.
North Korean space officials said the Unha-3, or Galaxy-3, rocket was meant to send a satellite into orbit to study crops and weather patterns - its third bid to launch a satellite since 1998. Officials had earlier brought foreign journalists to the west coast site to see the rocket and the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite Sunday in a bid to show its transparency amid accusations of defiance.
The acknowledgment of the rocket's failure - both to the outside world and to North Koreans - was a surprising admission by a government that in the past has kept tight control over information. In Pyongyang, dozens of foreign journalists invited to cover the launch were not allowed to view the liftoff live.
Attempts to put satellites into orbit often pose problems even for developed nations. In 2010, a South Korean rocket carrying a climate observation satellite exploded 137 seconds into its flight. An earlier 2009 attempt, Seoul's first from its own territory, also failed.
The Unha-3's launch was monitored by a host of U.S., Japanese and South Korean military assets, which were expected to capture vital data on North Korea's ballistic missile capabilities.
U.S. Navy minesweepers and other ships in the area were expected to begin scouring the sea for debris from the rocket, which can offer evidence of what went wrong and what rocket technology North Korea has.
At a massive gathering later Friday in Pyongyang, Kim Jong Un and other senior officials watched the unveiling of an enormous new statue of Kim Jong Il, which stood beside an equally large statue of Kim Il Sung.
Associated Press writers Hyung-jin Kim, Foster Klug, Sam Kim and Eric Talmadge contributed to this report from Seoul, South Korea; Mari Yamaguchi and Malcolm Foster contributed from Tokyo; Matthew Pennington contributed from Washington.