I was pondering how much America has lost. How the current youth are so vacuous that they have no idea of what a real thrill is, so they stuff things up their genitals, asses or down their throats up in their noses in making up for the oblivion they exist in.
Radio for the 20th century was what was America literally. When radio blossomed in creative fields, America blossomed.
Radio has had 4 lives in America. The first was the radio entertainment of Jack Benny, Gunsmoke or Amos and Andy. Families would gather around the old sets and quietly listen with keen interest in the theater before them, which actually was quite good.
I actually recorded some original Star Trek episodes, and in reality, Star Trek was made for radio in dialogue and sound effects. That is what television used to be in intelligent writers, music and sound effects in one did not have to watch a program, but the watching was only part of a entire effect.
If one desires good television, one can "watch it" without the picture and know what is taking place.
Television killed entertainment radio, and from that lag a new venue transformed radio in Rock n Roll.
There was grand mystery in the rock powerhouse stations of that period from the 1960's to the 1980's when the old AM radios would pick up in fade and skip legends that today's children have no idea the thrill or meaning of.
To listen in the night, away from television, as the children had freedom to cruise in cars named Charger, Mustang, GTO, Hornet, Thunderbird, Nova etc... was what America was in thrill. To hear the bumps in WLS Chicago, KDWB 63 Minneapolis, KAAY Little Rock, KOMA Oklahoma City and KFYR Bismark was the reality of the Midwest America who could have cared less what the coastal Wolf Man Jack was up to or any other cult figures, as those Americans had their own rock stations which belted out hits.
It was not cassette recording which killed rock nor more than cd burners. Rock died in the mid 1980's when the money went out of the radio rock stations of AM and it went into FM which the powerhouses no longer could reach out with.
That was a period most are not aware of in the thing before Rush Limbaugh was religious radio n names like Kenneth Copeland out of San Antonio and Herbert W. Armstrong who were the main powers when K Double A Y went from Rock to Religion to pay the bills.
This is where Limbaugh filtered into in his Mockingbird and the legendary Art Bell in late night started an entertainment information format which actually was fun.
In each of these formats though, America literally changed and died as the format moved from Jack Benny and early talk radio by religious leaders, to rock, to religion filling in and then talk again, that America is dying again.
Rush Limbaugh has literally killed talk radio in it is now a staged format where nothing is fun or unexpected on it. Everyone knows the bumps, the manipulations and the confrontation nonsense and it is just gotten old.
I tried to explain that this blog being featured by presenters on radio is the wave which must be the next phase to resurrect radio, but the experts in radio and media have no idea what will work and they are all such balless and oavryless wonders, they are scared of "toxic blogs" which drive the entire media now from the bottom up.
This blog is media now and the only part of it which is entertaining. You can name American Thinker and when Ulsterman was actually posting things and not sucking Romney, that was and is the basis of the internet and outernet reality of driving thee entire media now.
It appears here years in advance and the others are scratching their heads and mocking, only to start repeating things when they catch up and some expert discovers it.
I miss radio really when it was good. When one could sit down to fading in and out, and actually have fun with funny people, listen to real rock bands who had guitars unique in having sounds they worked on to find, had religious people actually trying to teach something in their sinful natures and had people in talk who were not all trying to clone a bored Rush Limbaugh.
Talk radio is as dead as the Tea Party. Frauds always kill things like fraud Reagan Republicans killed the GOP in Romney.
Nothing worse than bad writing, no talent frauds and too much idiocy using the same talking points. It killed talk radio as the plain words on blogs having to be read trumped it as pictures on television killed it in 1950.
Odd how the silence is now golden in there is more talent on a blog like this than in all media.
nuff said.