At 1:40 PM eastern time, Reverand Governor Mike Huckabee made the following statement concerning Citizen George Zimmerman:
"George Zimmerman will have to go to court to prove his innocence".
For those children who do not know United States Law, as Mike Huckabee, the Obama voter and up the Niggazi ass, Arkansas shill for the NeoProg state, does not know, in America, THE CITIZEN IS INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY BY THE PROSECUTION.
Innocent until proven guilty
A principle that requires the government to prove the guilt of a criminal defendant and relieves the defendant of any burden to prove his or her innocence.Little novel idea about the American Constitution in unlike England who Obama is a subject of, that Americans are INNOCENT while most other lesser regimes the subject is guilty when arrested and has to prove to come court they are not guilty.
This is telling in Mike Huckabee in what kind of Obamite Niggazi he really is. As Huckabee has been busy for weeks lamenting the Niggazi hoodie terrorist Trayvon Martin as a "boy" when this thug was capable of knocking a grown man in George Zimmeran to the ground and almost beating him to death and would of, if Zimmerman had not shot this Obama terrorist.
This blog has had a long clarion call in what frauds these Limbaugh types are hidden in the Party of Reagan. In 2008, I watched a debate for the GOP and for Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee rolling around on stage in anguish over the death penalty, I thought I was watching a damned democratic debate.
This NeoProg Marxist Huckabee type is what selects Mormon Romney to lose the 2012 election and install Obama again, all the while Huckabee goes on to praise the "mother" as outstanding of Trayvon Martin in only interested in justice........same woman who tried to copyright this thugs name and never once tried to stop the hoodie terrorism taking place, which has gotten Citizens beaten and more blacks shot.
Yes this is the world Mike Huckabee prowls around in "CONservative" talk radio, where he literally bastardizes thee American Constitution exactly like Obama as his anti American globalist dogma comes spewing out, and stupid listeners think this governor and preacher is telling them something which is correct.
No children, Mike Huckabee is Trayvon Zimmerman in he beats your rights to death and then just shoots you to make sure, he got the job done in murdering your Liberty.
Mike Huckabee is that ilk of Mano Romney, like Ann Coulter to that Puffy Lips Karl Rove gayness, in all that is Bush wrong with the Republican Party. These are Rockefeller rich Republicans.......yeah the same Rockefellers who are running PBS and the democratic party and on their knees in front of the Rothschilds for Obama.
George Zimmerman should never have been charged EVER, from this Trayvon Martin lynch mob of anti Americans. It is the Martins who should have been charged for the robbery, mayhem and murder this son of their's has cost America.
Do not forget for a second that Trayvon Martin had a bag of jewelry in his possession. That bag means stolen property, which means insurance claims by dozens of Citizens, which means share holders and policy holders were robbed to in less dividends and higher premiums, because this Obama hoodie like all Obama voters have been looting America from city block to US Treasury, all the while Mike Huckabee denies rights to Americans in calling American guilty according to British Law.
Mike Huckabee of FOX and his radio program, should be fired for his un Constitutional spewing and his part in this continued assault on George Zimmerman.
Once again like Richard Jewel, we have an innocent American railroaded by a federal witch hunt, his life and his family's life destroyed, while some NeoProg like Huckabee feeding off his whore wages from the same money trough of Obama million dollar deals, rapes America as she deserves it and is guilty of the crimes of being American.
Obama apologizes for America while Mike Huckabee joins with Obama promoting two worthless parents who are responsible for all of this, and both deny George Zimmerman his Constitutional Rights.
George Zimmerman's Constitutional Rights have already been destroyed as he should never have been charged and now Mike Huckabee is telling Americans they are guilty and they are the ones responsible like in London for trying not to end up on a hangman's noose.
Mike Huckabee belongs in the democratic party, and it is time the GOP start throwing these NeoProgs out or shove them up some hoodie's ass and hope that they do not sh*t this excrement out again, as Huckabee already is one toilet deposit on America too many.
Casting stones Mr. Huckabee? Log in your eye Mr. Huckabee? False witness Mr. Huckabee?
Second Amendment Mr. Huckabee? Constituion Mr. Huckabee? Right to self defense Mr. Obam..........I mean Mr. Huckabee?
Mike Huckabee get out of Christianity and the GOP as you are not praying to the same God as Clarence Thomas nor of the same party. You and Rev. Jeremiah Wright have allot of Obama in common.