This blog salutes the vivacious widow, Frau Marina Litvinenko, in astutely speaking out about nuclear terrorism in the following statement to B. Hussein Obama.
"The only act of nuclear terrorism in history was committed in November 2006 in London, when my husband was killed and thousands of Londoners were contaminated with radioactivity," Marina Litvinenko said in a statement.
Yes it was only this blog which exposed that it was Vladamir Putin, who as a scrapping young Bolsehvik leader, set the assassination of English mate, Alexander Litvinenko, in motion utilizing radioactive Polonium 210 in his veddy British cup of tea, for a most tortuous aftertaste of sadistic death.
Yet in this, the vivacious Frau Litvinenko is incorrect in the acts of nuclear terrorism, for the very act of Kenyan bastard, B. Hussein Obama, disarming the United States of nuclear deterents, has in effect created a world of nuclear terror, first and foremost by these 3 historic Obama events:
1. The mass murder of thee entire Patriot Polish Government by that scamp, Vladamir Putin to which Mr. Obama kept silence over, as he did at the Seoul Nuclear Terror conference, until he opened his mic again, and out spilled "little Obama" from this zipper incident in Obama informing President Medvedev, that "Mr. Obama would be more flexible after his last election".
Apparently, Obama's ballot box will be stuffed full of Negroid necrophile votes of living and dead, and the Chicago hostess after the election will be ready for a big ole Russian missile to penetrate home.
2. The Jewish radioactive Holocaust by Mr. Obama enabling the Persian communists, by his Twitter Revolution which rounded up all the Iranian Patriots, and left nothing but Islamocommunists in Tehran to vaporized Jews in the Israeli state, select Suni Muslims and select Americans.
3. The launch off California of a Chinese ICBM as a nuclear warning to Mr. Obama.
So in reality the vivacious widow Frau Marina, is incorrect in her husband was not the only nuclear murder of World War IV, but he certainly was the first, and regrettably Mr. Obama will not make mentions of these crimes, as Mr. Obama's hands are just as radioactive as Mr. Putin's.
Yes, Mr. Obama's hot mic with Mr. Medvedev did indeed have that viagra feel to it:
"This is my last election," Obama told Russia's president, Dmitry Medvedev, in an exchange that was inadvertently picked up by microphones. "After my election I have more flexibility".
Not since the traitorous love notes of then President Jimmy Carter to the Kremlin, "promising them full support if they assisted in helping him defeat Ronald Reagan", has anything like this ever taken place with Russia.......
*note the Clintons and Gores did sell out America and secrets to the Chicoms, and Mr. Clinton did effect Boeing to fix a supersonic missile named the Sunburn for Vladamir Putin to kill Unite States Aircraft Carriers.
....the reality is though after his Obama pledge to disarm America from nuclear defense as well as Europe, that Pravda came forward with full support of Barack Hussein Obama again, and denounced Mano Romney.
Mr. Obama can not be charged though with being a traitor, as he is not American. He is though an asset of the Berlin communists and as this blog has exposed, is an asset of Russia, in his arrest by Vladamir Putin on Mr. Obama's first Senate "visit" to secret Russian nuclear bases, in which his passport was confiscated.
Mr. Obama though can be arrested for being a foreign agent, which he is, held for trial for everything from murder to robbery to the aborticide of an entire nation of Americans, with unindicted co conspirators thee entire American Negroid populace who have enabled Mr. Obama from Condi Rice to Walt Williams.
*note: Justice Clarence Thomas has been thee only American black who has stood up to Mr. Obama, and should rightly be placed in the oversight hearing of evidence for the Nuremberg Trial for B. Hussein Obama, nuclear terrorist and terrorist esq and terrorist hoodie nigger accomplice.
Justice Thomas though having a supreme position can only protest by not attending Obama State of the Union diatribes, and for this the Justice has exonerated himself admirably.
Mr. Obama though has only begun to join in nuclear terror of the world. In realty before this is finished now, Alexander Litvinenko, will have over 4 billion nuclear dead as this Marxist sect Mr. Obama is ideologically joined at the hip with, sets this afire upon the world.
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