Friday, May 18, 2012

The Spiritual conflict in Flesh


If I were to say the people of Elam, most readers would not be aware this blog was speaking of the progenitors of the Persians who rule Iran as Islamocommunists. They would not realize the bloodlines involved in Elam was from Shem, son of Noah, who birthed the Israelite American and Israelite Judahite peoples.

In that reality, the Assyrian German is also Semitic, as if one follows the bloodlines, one finds the Shemite founders for the most part have ruled the world in one form or another.

What this witness is about is explaining what is taking place before Your eyes and makes no sense, because you do not view this in Spiritual terms and only physical terms of the world.

Daniel 8:

And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.

The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia.

And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king.

Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.

And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

In the Bible, Prophecy is in duality form, meaning a first and a last. Adam to Jesus, Israel to America, Babylon to Babylon.
The above is simply a Prophecy from God to Daniel speaking of the Persian Empire being defeated by Alexander the Great, Alexander's empire divided to his four generals, and the first anti Christ in Antiochos Epiphanes ruling in abomination.

There is duality in this, in Antiochos Epiphanes is the prototype for the anti Christ in Jesus quotes Daniel in the Abomination which makes Desolate. As Jesus lived after Daniel, and Antiochos Epiphanes had already sacrificed swine on the Temple Altar to satan making it desolate, Jesus was speaking of a future event which tied into the Greek or European conflict with the Persians.

There is a hilarious site which hates white people, and in Obama fashion designer negroid fashion makes the Negroid the ruler of the world, in Persians were black. This kind of genus master race propaganda is from China to Berlin the same story of each group is superior to the other.
In reality, people are descended from the 3 daughter in laws of Noah, and that can and has been proven that all humans come from 3 distinct females.

Quotes from the racist white hating site:

By now, we are all familiar with the White mans Psychotic need to make all people in history White.


 In the "Fantasy" world of Whites, they can say anything, and show anything, and the rest of the world is suppose to believe it.

Yes the way the Obamite deals with historical artifacts is claiming they are all FRAUD CREATIONS, but somehow Obama's counterfeit funds of 2008 at 300 million dollars from Osseirans to Obama's fraud birth abstract are all genuine.

Meanwhile back at the 3 Mothers:

They are the wives of Shem, the Spiritual superior to his elder brother Japheth, and Ham who Noah cursed.

A general accounting of this is Shem fathered the Caucasions, Japheth the Asians and Ham the Negroid peoples of the world.

Some might say, "Well how are Russians white if they are of Japheth in Asia?"

The reason is the Russ invaded that wilderness and conquered the native peoples. The invaders were from an area of Norway, the Royal Scyths and Goths, who just happen to be white, and just happen to be displaced Lost 10 Tribe Israelites.
The same is true for the Aryan of antiquity is Lost 10 Tribe light skinned Israelites after their exile by the Assyrians.

Hitler Austrian Germans never were Aryans. They are just like the Persians in being from Semitic roots, which means from white roots, but inferior Spiritually compared to the Abraham line God created.
I have made mention that Laban in the Bible who is Jacob's kindred and father in law, has a name which means WHITE.
David is described as RUDDY, which means pink skinned and red haired.

This is not about Caucasian, Mongoloid or Negroid though as that all ended when Jesus redeemed all who would accept Him as Lord and Savior.

What this is about is the reality of the Bible points to the Greek or European conflict with the Persian or Asians.
Pike of the illuminatti refers to it as the Christian Muslim World War III that is being set up to initiate satan and his worship on the world.

This is all what one beholds before their eyes in this old conflict of the ages. It is the reason Obama the bastard was put into 1600 Penn Avenue, as this usurping foreigner was to degrade the Virgin Daughter of America in raping her, selling her as a slave and then murdering her, to replace her with a mongrel people to exterminate.

This has always been about bloodlines and always will be. It is about the Ashkenaz of Asia, taking up Jewry in form of religion, and then attempting to exterminate Judahites as they are currently trying to wipe our Americans and western Israelite peoples in Europe.

Iran which is Elam of the Semites or not Spiritually chosen peoples of the Shem line appear to be part of the kings of the east and north attack line, against the other Semite lines of Assyrian and Babylonian Germany and Italy.
The old conflict and it resides in the names Greeks for the "christians" and Persians for the "muslims".

The Islamocommunists desire this conflict as it is their bastardized version of Christ in this mahdi and his wars outside Jerusalem which sets up the caliphate. It is war which the Ashkenaz desire to wipe out competitors by the billions and in their false tree eaten state,  believe they will not die, but rule the remaining servant peoples.
The Bible points to their flesh rotting, so much for their grande experiment in false light which is death as only God's Light activates the Tree of Life.

Meanwhile not digressing on the details.......

In Islamic antiquity and Nostradamus, there appears to arise an anti Christ and Muslim ruler to challenge. A French ruler also is noted from the Reubenite Israelites, who may or may not be Christ as that verse is not clear.

As this blog has noted, Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran is vital in this rape of America, in this bastard of many races and adoptive nations and demonic, is a precursor or preparatory signature of real power from the demonic princes, as in Alexander and Hitler let loose.

There is a reason Obama is an Osseiran, Hussein member of this Berliner boys caste. It all matters and it is all vital to the bloodlines of the purposes being worked out before the kingdoms of this world are broken and Christ returns to rule in Spiritual Peace with satan bound.

Barack Osseiran is from the worst 'master race' genocide, as he unleashed Negroid dogma in feeding that monster of the curse, and has honored not blacks, but bows to the Osseiran lines of the old mystery religion.

There is a reason that Obama Osseiran's true roots are hidden and why he was a pampered boy risen to power. He is the image of this Antichos Epiphanes of the "Greek Arab"  ruling the empire strong and weak.

What must be comprehended in this is the realities of what one is dealing with though in Greece being a bastardized type of Benjamin and Persia being a bastardized type of Israelites exiled as they claw for Christ's Empire.
This is an exclusive so pay attention my children.

Was Darius Queen Esther's Son? | GraceThruFaith
Mar 15, 2009 – A. If Esther had a son named Darius, as Jewish tradition suggests, ... who helped the Persian King Cyrus conquer Babylon and free the Jews in ...

When the northern 10 tribes were exiled, Dan and Benjamin migrated eventually through Greece. Educating the peoples and spreading perversion in idol worship, tales of Samson who became Hercules and is why the Jewish scribes say from Dan will the anti Christ come.
Dan was in Greece at one time as was Benjamin, but have now migrated to Denmark and Iceland.

Now get this also, Queen Esther of the Bible as has been written of here, so you children would start digesting this, was not a Jew. She was among the Jews, but was of Benjamin.
Darius her son, was Persian Benjamite and assisted God's Maul of Cyrus the Great of Persia to rule and  return the exiles of Levi, Benjamin and Judah to rebuild the Temple so Christ would be born in a Kingdom of Judah land by heritage.

Cyrus is important in being raised up by God, in when the Lost 10 Tribes were exiled in the east in Persia or Elam, they advanced the Medes and the Persians over their Assyrian conquerors, before being betrayed and slaughtered, to which they moved on from being Samarians to Cimmerians to Scythians as they moved out into central Asia subduing those lands.

In essence, it was bastardized Israelites who fought in the Greek and Persian conflicts led by Benjamin infusion breeding, just as the Aryan of India was white Israelite.
This is the Hitler master race, and what Yair Davidy, the Ashkenaz Jewish writer points to, in the Solomon educated peoples of Israel advanced all other races. Think of it in terms of, if a hundred thousand Americans were exiled to Africa, how in a generation one would have an American empire there, with half breed light skinned natives starting their own empires due to the American supremacy in technology and drive.

Racial genus does matter to God. He created the races for purpose and meaning, but if one is caught up in racial identity  and not Spiritual identity, that is satan's deception in what is his counter plan meant to destroy all.

It is the divide which satan will conquer with in bringing destruction, the order out of chaos, but Christ rules in the end with satan bound 1000 years in the pit.

Those are the facts in the Semite peoples are the empire peoples, and overcame all the Hamite and Japhehite peoples they came into contact with.
The Egyptian was once much darker, but from constant interbreeding with Caucasian peoples, they like the white Indians rose, as much as the white Spanish Mexican rules there, as much as the white slave interbreeding by rape of the Libyan etc... of north Africa advanced those peoples.

The complications of these bastard races are though a mix at times of aggression without the knowledge to know how to control it.
Barack Obama Osseiran running like a duck in Indonesia, taking over Indonesian birthday parties is an example of uncouth misbehavior in being mongrelized and usurping Indochinese passives, exactly in his aggressive rape of America.

This should be enough to digest for information to assist in making sense of those events you are seeing and no one save this blog is explaining.

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