Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Law of the Sea


Once again the Obama regime is trying to redistribute wealth in the guise of  "penning in the Chicoms in the South China Sea" in the Law of the Sea mandates as negotiated by the United Nations.

I will not invest a great deal of time in this, as this blog has championed American exploration of the oceans to plunder them wisely to create a new economic boom to America and the world.
What is vital in this stealth Obama policy in trying to sucker America is the complete explanation of President Ronald Reagan's Doctrine in why he would not sign this sham  treaty which is pure Obama communist manifesto.

Ronald Reagan Quote:

"No national interest of ours could justify handing sovereign control of two-thirds of the Earth's surface over to the Third World." He added: "No one has ruled out the idea of a [Law of the Sea] treaty — one which makes sense — but after long years of fruitless negotiating, it became apparent that the underdeveloped nations who now control the General Assembly were looking for a free ride at our expense, again."

Once again President Reagan has the brass tacks just like he had the brass monkey on Obamacare in warning of it in California back in the 1960's. It is ludicrous for America to hand over the world's wealth as  2/3rds of the world is unexplored in riches lying under the seas, to the control of Obama welfare states in the 3rd world

Do not forget that Obama gave those nations 1 trillion dollars in bribes in 2009 and as this blog explained all that cash ends up in European cartel banks like all IMF funding does after it is stolen from Americans.
It is exactly the 3rd world cash cow flowing into the cartel money pits.

 Ambassador James Malone Quote

. In 1984, he explained why Reagan considered LOST to be unacceptable: "The treaty's provisions were intentionally designed to promote a new world order — a form of global collectivism … that seeks ultimately the redistribution of the world's wealth through a complex system of manipulative central economic planning and bureaucratic coercion."
 Incredible is it not that the Prophet Ronald Reagan was warning of a new world order being financed by Americans, raping American efforts and wealth as this welfare state sucked the life out of these United States.

Ronald Reagan in 1984 was warning exactly of the Obama regime and what it is enacting.

So do not be suckered by this in containment of China in this treaty which is ridiculous in this treaty does nothing to contain communist China which has been invading everyone's territory form Japan to Vietnam in the Asian Seas.

This is about Obama and Hillary Clinton setting things up so Americans are denied their work and technology advantage, placed under an international control which is going to be funded BY GLEANING ENERGY EXPLORATION REVENUES which is more damned Obama manifesto.

In the most recent Senate hearing, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) asked Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs: "Does failure to ratify this treaty … in any way compromise the ability of the United States to project force around the world, to support and sustain our allies…? Are we at risk as a result of failure to ratify this treaty?"

Dempsey's response boiled down to "no."

Thank God, Attorney General Edwin Meese III is still alive to speak the Truth about Ronald Reagan and to educate the public in the genius of Ronald Reagan in what he warned of in this Obama regime.

This welfare treaty is no different than Obama importing Mexicans, giving them American taxpayer welfare, and the Cannibal Capitalists supporting Obama getting their union dues and "specific foods only paid for by welfare" which  belong to the corporate elite funding Obama.

When these United States desire under a real American President to enforce maritime law, it is called the United States Navy with Star Wars weapons systems securing the South China Sea.
It IS Obama in this NEW ASIAN ORDER as this Lame Cherry Blog has exclusively exposed once again in Obama  turning the Asian high seas over to the communists and the low seas over to 3rd world welfare states where the same Ashkenaz central European elite are taking their pounds of flesh in war and peace.

Ronald Reagan is absolutely right on Law of the Sea and Edwin Meese III is spot on in explaining why this Obama treaty is another Obama manifesto disaster for America.

God bless the Gipper and if only Sarah Palin had listened to God to save America.

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Edwin Meese III on Law of the Sea