Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Obama Dick Licker Policy

There is a problem with Barack Hussein Obama Osserian policy, aka, Barry Chin policy, as it is Dick Licker Policy like Bill Clinton's Monica Policy of blow jobs were not sex, but in Obama's case if he had a wet dream 30 years ago in gay college, he views it as full blown sex.

I have concluded that Obama's blonde socialite New York girlfriends in Columbia was a Playboy centerfold he was unfolding as he was unzipping that Pakistani boy's pants in Dreams of my Blonde.

Look at the disasters Obama ha been involved with from Iraq, Syria,Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and one can find blown up soldiers in Yemen, Mubarak in a cage, Khadaffi mass murdered, Iraq in terror control, Pakistan in nuclear turmoil and Afghanistan as "stalemated" to terrorists, and Obama just declares victory and retreats.

That is thee exact same thing that fags do with women they are dating while in the closet in patting them on the shoulders and telling them that it is just like sex!!!!

Obama's balls twitch a little and that is sex to him and not diarrhea coming on.

Over 1500 dead in Obama's Afnamistan he deliberately engineered as he loathes the US military and offered up dead Americans to his "good" terrorists to keep them from blowing up another 9 11........oh yes that is another exclusive here, in Obama as this blog noted butchered US Soldiers deliberately for Muslim esteem in it was worked out al Qaeda could murder US Soldiers there so as not to murder US voters in America.

Bill Clinton had the same early quid pro quo in accepting hundreds of US Citizens dead and the US would not retaliate as 'they were not worth it".

Barack Obama and leaders around the globe locked in place an Afghanistan exit path Monday that will still keep their troops fighting and dying there for two more years, acknowledging there never will be point at which they can say, "This is all done. This is perfect."

 The reality of B. Hussein is, he is fag and every policy he has looks macho fag in a fag pretending he is not a fag.

What the hell kind of policy is it when one declares wars not won and accepting the enemies terms? That is called DEFEAT!!!!! That is Obama policy in Afnamistan.


As an exclusive, this blog is going to expound upon Pastor Manning's surmising that Andrew Breitbart was murdered for what he found out about the bin Laden corpse, meaning bin Laden was already dead when Obama killed him.

As this blog has exclusively noted, Sheik bin Laden was dead already when Obama murdered him. That is what the dithering was about with Obama in knowing where bin Laden was and negotiating for a time when he would be murdered for the best political opportunity for Obama.
An actor was hired to portray bin Laden to "make him alive" in an appearance at a village, as this blog has explained, as bin Laden was nowhere to be found before that.

What took place was Sheik bin Laden who had kidney problems was suffering along in a weakened state, and numerous fake recordings were released to keep his pathetic condition alive. The Sheik though died in the months leading up to the Obama chest thumping, and the people holding his body were negotiating for a large sum of cash and safe passage, in the numbers of what was being offered in the reward, and this is what Obama was dithering on.

The entire selling point was a digital recording of the corpse and several samples on that recording being taken for DNA testing.

That  DNA testing was completed weeks before Obama used the dead bin Laden to cover up his birth abstract forgery which Jerome Corsi smoked out. The Sheik was to appear dead before the elections in 2012 and Corsi was correct about that, but no one has ever linked up until now what this blog has pounded and exposed in "How was it Obama knew in hours the bin Laden DNA was real, when it would take at least 8 hours in London with the sample there to run the test?"

The answer is, as this blog has exclusively exposed in the Sheik died sometime in the weeks before, and as part of the deal, the contractors gave up the DNA to be tested, and then handed over the body of the Sheik.

It makes no difference really who the Obama SEALS shot in some Fahrenheit 451 back alley execution (You have to read the book.), because they too were murdered to cover up what had taken place. Dead men tell no tales.

All of this information is the Obama policy and it is a house of blackmail and lies, all designed in bribes and leverage of selling dead bodies and trading nations to the bandits of Islam who are Obama's blood kin.

Barack Hussein Obama should just come clean in confirming he dated Debbie Boostrom, Miss Centerfold from 1981 and produce the sticky old photographs with a hole poked into her mouth and between her legs. She blew her head off and laid days in her home, so she is not around to contradict the intimate Obama relationship and who does not want a dirty blonde around who likes drinking milk.

Once we have that out of the way in Obama's dating habits with the scent of Pakistan, then we can move on to Obama lying about Sheik bin Laden, Obama trading US Soldiers in Afnamistan for his 2012 vote trade off and all the blackmail involved in Faisal Shazad and that Condom Bomber.

Enough of this, as even with exclusives this is boring as hell.

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