Thursday, June 7, 2012

Macabre Muchelle

The creepiness of M. R. Obama is the macabre meeting the necrophile.

This blog has always noted that photos just do not happen when connected to the cartel. There are triggers involved which are designed to create emotional structures to make one react without thinking.

 The photo of Muchelle Robinson Obama dressed in a blood red dress, giving a Hitleresque type salute with some sort of shroud cloth on her shoulder, as I assume she is not nursing a child, in front of what looks like nameless, faceless Soldiers who are dead is beyond the Obama "strange" which follows this duo around.
The entire photo was structured exactly as this, that Soldiers are a morgue of death of no meaning, and Mrs. Obama is the only "color" in this of life, and only she can speak for these dead her husband is causing.

Yes that is the oddity in this, in liberals keep asking Muchelle if she will run for President. Actually, Muchelle being an America who has not been convicted of her felonies, is the only Obama qualified to be an American President.
The problem is the liberals who keep asking Muchelle are insane.

See liberals put into office this quasi black they created in Designer Negro B. Hussein Obama. They expected him as a trained affirmative action illegal to magically transform into a white man with white liberal folks doing all the heavy lifting for him, so he could be awared peace prizes for showing up, as of course peace would break out........and not non stop Obama wars.

Liberals in these Neoprogs are just like Stan Ann, in thinking, "Well that lil' nigger didn't work out, so I will get a South Korean Chinoid to replace the Indonesian Chinoid in Barry, as surely I could not be wrong in my beliefs that the Afroid is not a lazy, stupid, doped up, sex crazed liberal changeling who will not change".

So liberals like The View skirts have this unction to just put in a new negro, and of course they will then be proven right that this ignorant savage, at one with nature, can all teach the white folks the true meaning of life.
Get the point, that is what Stan Ann started out in Indonesia, before she whored out for money. Stan Ann believes this sh*t brain stuff in liberal texts, that all these primitives really have it right in being infested with lice, eating  sh*t as a food group and living in mud huts. That is what all these liberals think in Obama is superior in his ignorant ways in being a darky, as the Letterman Cocktail Crowd views him.
Of course, Obama can not appreciate the finer things a white liberal can, but as a liberal Chinoid, he can at least peal the banana like the humans and pretend in Animal House, that he is one of the two legged critters with brains.

This of course leads liberals to Muchelle Obama, as she hates America as they do. She likes dragging around dead Soldiers her husband has created by over 1500 as it is nice to see the trophies on the Obama wall, and it allows her to appear the spokes morgue for a voting block she has chosen..........

Wait was not Muchelle the spokes hoe for turnips in 2009? What about 2010 was she not spokes cop terrorizing fat kids?

As turnips don't vote yet, and fat kids hate Muchelle for stigmatizing them, well it seems Muchelle is the mortician to speak for the piles of US dead her people have been creating as payment for Obama's Muslim benfactors.

Do not forget that Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran recently told Soldiers and the world, that those folks were all fighting and dying for him.........not America.

Muchelle Obama being a spokesperson for US Soldiers is like Adolf Hitler being spokesperson for ghetto Jews.

Muchelle Obama has held together a marriage to a brain fried, foreign border buster, with more lies in his background than Bill Clinton. Her spouse is bi sexual, lazy, incompetent, stinks and is a bad lay in he knows nothing of women in pleasing them and he expects everyone to serve him as feudal lord.
For that, like the majority of black women, she gets some credit, but that is the core fact in black males would not be acting that way, unless black women were allowing it, in they want these faggotty Afroid males to decide things for in the typical 3rd world Islamic sub dominating the Master in roll reversal.

Yes black women are strong females as they have to be. The problem is these are the women who are creating these effeminate males like Chris Rock who can't stop having tantrums in public as they are socially retarded in having no males around them with any testicles.

None of that makes one Presidential material, as America has witnessed what a gay Chinoid in Obama is programmed for, so Muchelle Obama would be the same black Chinoid, except she would be actually accomplishing things 10 times worse, as black women put in the effort, while the Afroid male in smoothing it away 24 /7.

Muchelle Obama from her blood camouflage days ha a penchant for red clothing around US Soldiers. The Obama's have certainly spilled enough thousands of gallons of 1500 US dead alone is 9000 pints, which is 8 pints to a gallon is 1125 gallons of blood. Start adding up all the dead Muslims from Libya, Pakistan, Yemen......all the dead Christians in South Sudan to Uganda, and one starts getting the Obama colors in their vampyrical rule.

This blog would ask the real question in "Does Michelle Obama have a good lawyer to represent her in the Charles Taylor cases in crimes against humanity her and her husband have destroyed the world with?"

That is the real question of Muchelle Obama, as replacing her fag husband with a butch dyke in Muchelle is not going to redeem any guilty liberal no more than it did Stan Ann.

If Muchelle Obama was a Star Parker or a Donna Summer, then things would be different in asking her about being President or representing US Soldiers.

Muchelle Obama is but an accomplice to the Obama Osserian criminal regime. She belongs in prison in The Hague with a nice note about "return to Berlin sender".

When is someone going to stand up and ask that question with the statement, "As Barry Chin didn't get to pose with Sheik bin Laden's corpse is Muchelle filling in posing with the soon to be dead US Soldiers dying for B. Hussein Obama?"

........or did Obama pose with Sheik bin Laden's corpse on an overseas trip and is that why Andrew Breitbart went puffy pink?

agtG 251

Posing with the dead