Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mr. Tea Party


Sometimes the Founders like Samuel Adams in the titans tend to gravitate toward the wilderness as they have no interest in public adoration as Christ knew the hearts of people in how fleeting they are.

I have not spoken of this for sometime, but the fact is I was one of the Founders of the Tea Party before MSNBC rants. The group was a group led by the defense of Lawrence Sinclair in  being a political prisoner by Joe Biden's Delaware at the behest of Barack Hussein Obama, all in a quid pro quo for Aaron Burr Biden to be Vice President.

I will not go into the details of this as the blog has published this before in the transcendency of this group led by Americans like Jeanniejo and Dr. Kate, who gave and had all things taken from them including their beloved parents during this time, are the ignored Founders of America's Tea Party, hijacked by the elite and unfortunately spirtzed up by Sarah Palin before she went coward.

In making my bona fides know again as a Founder of the American Tea Party to give gravity to these words, I have taken it upon myself to feature someone who every American owes their current lifeline to in Scott Hennen, or as he calls himself, the Chairman.

I would refer to him as Mr. Tea Party, as Rep. Michelle Bachmann of Minnesota would define him as.

Scott Hennen has suffered much adversity while literally taking the US Congress back from the Obama liberals and Rovian patricians. If it was not for his work in media, there would not be the reality of a Kristi Noem from South Dakota in Congress, Michelle Bachmann's seat being secure, and the entire northern plains being a Republican bastion, unrooting that east coast plot to overthrow America in poor rural states going to the worst communists in history in George McGovern and Paul Wellstone.

Mr. Hennen has a book out now in Grassroots, which it would behoove anyone of interest to give it a look, as much as his venture in if one has an extra thousand dollars to invest in his Faith, Family, Freedom and Free Enterprise funding of his radio network, in which investors would in the Flagfamily,com via the 400 Club be able to promote their charities or whatever would be worked out.

This blog is receiving nothing from this, and I would presume. Mr. Hennen like most to consider what is here toxic in what this blog exposes and makes psychological profiling an artform in studying reaction of the elite.
It is though something in Obama voters having terrorized this blog in thinking I was from Minnesota having more recompense in taking away their Stephie Herseth Sandlin and once again promoting Scott Hennen, after taking out the liberals who infested Fargo media, starting with Ed Schultz.

If people would figure this out, that a Scott Hennen succeeding will provide the security for their freedoms from Alabama, New Mexico, Washington, Ohio and New York, because the patricians can not rule America when the Founders set up the Senate with 100 people, that the Conservative majority would always rule there, this is why the cartel bought up rural states long ago.

This is the battleground and why this blog chose to strike there at the communist heart of Obamaland in 2010, and while Mark Levin and Sean Hannity went down to defeat in their attempts, it was this arena which was won.

Scott Hennen is an American, and probably thee most dangerous man since Ronald Reagan. He is not going to be President, but he is there building something worth supporting.

The reality is, in prayers and support, Scott Hennen wins this one, the Gipper wins the battle he started, because the American Republic breathes back to life.

nuff said.


Always act stupid, because they expect you to be.

Lame Cherry