Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Romneycrat

The key to the coming election of course is me.

Lame Cherry

10 hours ago – 1 day ago – All exclusively covered here, and all completely mocked by keyboard hosers. All proving though Lame Cherry is right in everything ...

From  my sources book has it that Romney is as boring as his salt and pepper Morman hair is without Jesus Inspiration and Faith.
In that reality, this blog has attempted to assist Mano Romney, but the reality is he will no doubt in female phobia like Obama break hard white male for his Vice President.

The reality is there is only one choice for Mormon Romney after the obvious choice of the liberated John Edwards for the GOP VP spot.
Edwards has been politically raped by Obama like Sarah Palin was to keep Edwards from challenging Obama for the nomination. If Romney was bright he would be offering up John Edwards some juicy dish to jump on  board the GOP big tent.

Oh you think I'm full of beewax eh?

What do you think that Bill Clinton quip about Mano Romney's business savvy was all the thing to save America about?
I'm telling you that Mano has been in deep knee bend conversation with Bill Clinton to get his white Democrat support and Clinton has offered it up in some quid pro quo to get rid of Obama, and  to get some only the devil knows what elder statesman and statesHillary positions to untarnish their legacy.

I will give odds that when Mano turns the Clintons loose on B. Hussein after Obama is shown the shroud, that Obama is going to be about as popular in the US black community as pork chow is at a Muslim dinner.
You have no idea the dirt the Clintons are going to unleash on B. Hussein. You just wait for the day Bill Clinton's operatives start writing memoirs about Obama actually hating black people and wanting to ship them all back to Africa.

Meanwhile, the obvious choice for Mitt Romney in his Romneycrat party is CIA Director, David Petraeus, the General. That is why B. Hussein grabbed him and stuck him into the CIA under the regime's tent, as Petraeus is disaster for Obama, in......

Dave under Bush won the Muslim Wars.

Dave under Obama kept Obama from outright losing them.

Dave is a Republican.

Dave brings all the foreign policy skills to Mitt Romney to make Mano look manly.

If Romney has a brain, and a fear of chicas, he will pick the one guy Obama chose to save him, and thereby Patraeus is the one guy who will destroy Obama, as Biden and Obama can not attack Dave, as Dave is the guy they chose.

Romney is a deal maker and a liberal. Patraeus is a leader and not a liberal. Mix that into the Romney ticket and one gets the reality of Obama and Biden idiotry against someone who actually governed in Massachuetts and ran a successful Carnivore Capitalist business with a General who actually managed wars and won them.

What more could a Romneycrat desire? Pegs Noonan might even wet her panties a second time at Bilderberg if she gets a look from Mitt and Dave.
Ann Coulter would just .......well be smitten as well as that Chris Christy and so will George Will and that Chuck Krauthammer.
All will just love this, all will just say, "Yeah I hate this, but vote for the Romneyass in 2012 and get rid of Obama. (even if it appears the cartel has plans to do just that to cover their crimes up)

I really do not care, as I'm not voting for Romney unless he announces he is a Christian as I have to answer to Christ. That though is the ticket Romney will stooge for if he has brain, as Nik Haley got banged, old Arizona chic Governor got passed over, and all that is left is that girl Petraeus.

This is the dream Romneycrat ticket which will appeal to all Godless, Republicanless, Consevativeless, Americanless folks......you know the closet voters for Obama in 2008 named Karl Rove.

This all bores me. Mitt if you got a brain this is what you will do as Dave is no fun at CIA with Naps in charge of things.

John Thune with 4 electoral votes? Please!!!!!!!

Donald Trump?  Chris Christy?

Brain version computes David Petraeus.
