Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Obama Hell Heat

This is a belated or post mortum question, but when Obama blackmailed John Roberts into switching his Supreme Court vote for Obamacrypt and God retaliated in by storm in putting millions of Obama voters under the fires of hell in solar heat........

Would it have made sense to invest in caskets in the hope all these Obama voters died in the heat or it the humidity?

This is a relavant question as can I now enlist John Edwards to file a lawsuit against B. Hussein Obama in AN ACT OF MESSIAH filing, in he is responsible for pissing off the real God, and all these dead and suffering people in the Obama hell heat could sue B. Hussein too, as this is all kind of getting dangerous in being around Obama as storms strike, lightning strikes, wind breaking trees, snow storms, Presidential Seals flying off in the wind force and now a sure sign of Obama Cannibal Capitalism in all these roasted Niggazi on the DC coast.

I think it was Sir something who shot a big rifle named Baby in Africa, and got a concussion blasting it, who actually ate human ass meat, when offered to him by other blacks. I know that sounds Obama fag, but this was real roast Negroid, which apparently was well marbled and tastey, as all fat meats are.

Thinking of that, if the cartel does unleash the aliens soon, I do so hope that they are not meat eaters, as all that fat ass tender steak black people have will actually have them in demand from greys and the anti Christ.

I digress and apologize, but I do have genuine concern for the Negroid keeping their ass cuts of meat with Obama around.

So all of these well roasted Obama voters, one could think that 3 million of them dead could provide like 3 million gallons of refined oil for Obama to burn in Air Force One, as James Woolsey of the CIA actually noted the CIA had data on such things which this blog wondered loudly in, "Why does the CIA have stats on how much crude oil one can refine out of dead humans?"

I digress......

The point is, I was actually wondering if in God's Wrath how joyful I would be in this heat cropping 3 million Obama voters. That would be quite a voting block which Obama would have trouble getting to the ballot box of replacing with Mexicans or Chinese voters.

3 million caskets at 3000 dollars a like 9 billion dollars, and add another 7000 dollars to pump them full of goop, and that is like 30 billion dollars in profits.....not to mention the like 1000 bucks saved in  welfare checks.......or making jobs for people who work per month, so that is like 120 billion dollars a year saved.
I see all of that as Mitt Romney Carnivore Capitalism as just 3 million Obama voters dying of Obama hell heat from Obamacare, would be a great investment for the Wall Street Insider to profit off of, as she just won't open her purse to invest in Lame Cherry Inc to make attonment for shalom sins.

Yes know, not taking care of the poor, and saying, "Be in plenty, as I have donated all of my money to the Temple and while I live like a king until I die like Warren Buffett, you can just die in Obamaland heat."

Where was I?

Yes investments in dead Obama voters......

I would think deodorizer would work too in investment as dead people stink. Then there are beds, chairs and carpets their rancid fat would be rendered into needing to be replaced. Yes this Obamacare stuff could make a nice niche profit if the messiah does not work some miracle in ending all this heat.

Hell it will even help as those state police are not going to be sitting around roasting in heat trying to speed trap the poor........people will keep millions more in their hard earned wages.

I do so hope the Obama voters do not pray to their messiah and he works his first miracle in making the world cool as he is to save them, because a good profit could be made in this with correct investment and a government contract........providing of course Obama does not just dump all the Niggazi into one big hole and bury them.......

Hey Maxwell, that is profit too, as would need bulldozers so is Caterpillar to invest in, then need diesel so is big oil......lime for the rotting bodies.......and do not forget those water filters Walmart shoppers in aisle 8, as all that dead meat is sure to make the water supply flavorful.......unless of course you like the taste of rancid flesh in your water........

Wow another investment opportunity in Rancid Flesh flavoring in a bottle......15.98 at your grocery and available everywhere!!!!!!

Oh now don't get ghetto vomit green on me in this, as you know that garlic makes food taste half rotten and most things people eat like cheese is half rotten flavor too, and all Mexican cooking tastes decomposed, so this is big business in this.....the Obama Hell Heat investment opportunity.

Would it be such a bad thing if Iowa just turned into a singe spot and America could start over?

How about all those Obama states like Maryland. Think of the opportunities in all those dead folks property and states just opening up to other populated states in a land  rush again and people just going in and taking possession of cars, house and land.....after fumigation of course.

I mean Sodom and Gomorrah did not make a good profit, but there was no stock market or government contracts then. Besides God is thorough in fire and brimstone, and in this case God is just going to burn off the tinder and maybe render some lard out of Obama voters.

Think of the investment opportunities in this as that is what Jeb Bush and Barack Obama have been about the feudal plantation......

You know if you crossed Obama and Bush, you would get a Jarack Bushama.....sounds like a real man there, at least one without puffy lips and not phobic of labias.

Where was I?

Oh yes, Obama infuriated God more and I wonder in all this suffering can I hire John Edwards to sue Barry Chin for an "act of messiah"?

Rush Limbaugh and the Wall Street Insider are not coming through with the cash and a girl does need to buy the essentials in cartridges and I had my eye on this petit French corvette.......not the car, but a gun ship as would be great fun to go fishing in that and see what the state police would do in checking my bag limit.

