Monday, July 16, 2012

Runs like a Peking Duck

One of the first exclusives this  blog ever published was the tracking of the manufactured SAARS epidemic in China. I recall reading an idiot nurse questioning this blog in where the information came from, as most are too inept to enter a search engine and find information by typing in words.

The reality is the Chicom province of Hunan is being plagued by foot and mouth disease to almost half a million people. This disease in scope is spread by body fluids or excrements in it's natural state. Considering the biological humidity and heat of the natural incubation landscape of Hunan one could surmise this is natural, but there are no coincidences in life.
There have have been numerous uprisings in China and logic dictates this is someone there playing with a biological weapon strain of this plague.

This blog suspects like SAARS, it is a retaliation from a western source, as this disease spiked in South Korea in early January, and one would deduce that outbreak likely came from Kim Jong II in retaliation for Obama not playing well with others.

I will post the overt links for the dolts who make comments on "lame" things in my name being Lame, as they probably can not structure sentences any  better than their critiques of the engineered ones here.

The reality is there is a biological warfare enterprise taking place in sultry China against the Peking Girls. Mr. Obama in a weak state is mixing it up with the Chicoms in the South China Sea as the dragon wants to be fed Taiwan after Mr. Obama petted it with Japanese kowtowing.

Hunan has been a traditional plague release point from the Japanese to the Americans. 

Russian and American use of Yersinia pestis as - MSU Entomology ...
by K Hale - Related articles
The earliest recorded use of Y. pestis as a biological weapon occurred in the 14th century ... bombs filled with plague infected fleas over central China's Hunan province. ... While the US simply renamed its research program to reflect defensive ...

The Chicoms apparently had a thing for pig rabies too in lessons not learned.

An outbreak of pig rabies in Hunan province, China › ... › Epidemiol Infectv.136(4); Apr 2008
by Y JIANG - 2008 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
Jun 11, 2007 – 2Military Veterinary Research Institute, Academy of Military Medical ... of rabies in swine in China (Hunan province) has been diagnosed and ...
I wonder what the PLA would be hiding in Hunan in needing pulse electrified wire net?

Yu Laishan, director of the Military Facility Protection Committee of Hunan province and executive vice governor of Hunan province, introduced that at present, 98.7% of the military restricted zones, military administrative zones and the controlled areas of the military restricted zones in the province have been defined and over 3,200 boundary markers and signs for military facilities have been set up. The key parts of the military facilities have been installed with computer monitoring systems, pulse-electrified wire net and alarm facilities.
Of course, it is all humanitarian in the PLA is studying brain seizures as all military spend fortunes on entire centers to study things the military has no use for.

Military authorities in Hunan Province Base Hospital Epilepsy Center
Military authorities in Hunan Province Base Hospital Epilepsy Center ... Hunan Province, People's Liberation Army Military Hospital, formerly known as the ...

Wasn't there some blog which named Lame Cherry writing about germ warfare in China before this foot and mouth plague was reported........

Unit 731 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to other sources, the use of biological weapons researched in Unit .... upon Chinese cities, coastal Ningbo in 1940, and Changde, Hunan Province

Never mind as the experts all will inform you this blog is crazy and I never know what I'm talking about, as the always experts always know more than I do in Inspiration.

Thirty-Six Strategists of the PLA
Mao Zedong, born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province in 1893 and passed away in 1976, ... the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China.

Yes it is all coincidence this Obama message is in Chairman Mao's crib.

You Yanks with that Chinoid Obama at 1600 Penn Avenue are sure auditioning for a nuclear and biological terror attack as he keeps slapping the North Koreans around in shooting down their ICBM's, swatting the Turban head Persians in their nuclear arsenal, and now has a thing in China for plague.

Better pay attention children, as that duck runner you got pecking at Muslims has been pecking at Asians too with nuclear weapons aimed at your land of the slave and home of the cowed.

nuff said.......I would say more, but the idiots will have this all brushed off before the first sentence.

In recent days, health departments in numerous Chinese provinces and regions, including Gansu, Fujian, Jiangsu and Xinjiang have issued warnings over the outbreak of the disease, state press reports said.

 Another Lame Cherry exclusive.

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