Tuesday, August 7, 2012

and now for an ugly black baby moment


It is a reality though that nothing is worse than an ugly black baby doll, and it should indeed be rendered into the Jewish rag trade where it might be transformed into something lovely.

But now for something completely different.......

That is the Barack Obama voter. The group who like Obama longed for someone to abort them before they were born, and now are begging Obama to do a post birth abortion on them as they are too cowardly to do the deed themselves.

Yes, how  shocking this must be for the Southern Poverty Law Center in this doctor did not appear on their hate crimes list......

 SHOCK VIDEO: Abortionist says ridding 'ugly black babies' service to taxpayers...

Obviously this is a threat to the Obama's of 1600 Penn Avenue in.......being ugly. This blog stands up to protect all of the ugly Obama's even if the Southern Poverty Law Center will not.

Yes and now for something completely different.



Petraeus denies interest...

PAPER: 'Entire momentum and balance of election could change'...

This is a reminder of the fact that this blog's avid reader, Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin, when the chips are down, knows who to come bowing down to in Lame Cherry in knowing all as the internet legend of this blog.

Was it not this blog that astute readers will recall stated that Mitt Romney's choice in the Jeb Bush would be David Patraeus as the logical choice if Mano Romney had a brain?

Yes this blog on June 5th, 2012 in the ROMNEYCRATS broke the exclusive which on August 7th, 2012, all the Drudge media and Obama White House are talking about in Romney desires David Patraeus as his political bedfellow.

See here is the Lame Cherry quote:

Meanwhile, the obvious choice for Mitt Romney in his Romneycrat party is CIA Director, David Petraeus, the General. That is why B. Hussein grabbed him and stuck him into the CIA under the regime's tent, as Petraeus is disaster for Obama, in......

See here is the link:

The Romneycrat 


 See here is the wonderful campaign ad



It is all  here and avid blog reader, Barry Chin, knows so much about what is taking place as he gets it form this blog first, because this blog is so inside, it knows what Romney or Obama are going to do before they know themselves.

It is not difficult handling being right all of the time in the lustful desires of Mice Mormons and Mansexuals. I still hope for Jebby Bush as VP as I know that is what thee powers that be are gossiping about breathlessly and it is what this drama was all set up for.

 I keep telling you children that I live in the future. My watch is even set to military time in being so far ahead in time.......is like wearing glasses in one just sounds more intelligent when saying, Ten forty one hours Mr. President, when they call.

 I digress as am rubbing this in, in being right again by God's Grace and all of the detractors of course are proven wrong about the information this blog reveals. Just give it time as Jesus is not back yet children.

 I still have to find a photo by God for the ugly black baby, but really need to come in defense of ugly black babies, as my Gram always said, "Pretty in the cradle, Ugly at the table"......yes ugly babies tend to grow up to be the pretty children and the pretty babies tend to be the ones ugly when they grow up.

 Yes while some Obama voters are  busy listening to the old vomit puked out in talking points and others are listening to some Wall Street Insider, the real children of tomorrow are trying to figure out what is being posted here, and in most cases it is what is going to happen in the future, as that is what I do here in part, is fill in, until Prophecy kicks in.

Sorry that I have to post the unimportant Prophetic stuff as Jesus, Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel got all the big stories.

Yes and now for something completely different........


The Lame Cherry
the always expert is the expert always

About Me

The lame cherry, the mystery of life's experts coupled in the mind of ignorance too much the enigma to understand.
