Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wade Michael Page

I warned you from the start in this that the Wisconsin Sikh shooting was government sponsored, and now AP has literally posted in public that hint of reality.

A day after Page strode into a Sikh temple with a 9mm handgun and multiple magazines of ammunition, authorities were trying to determine if the 40-year-old Army veteran was taking his own advice when he opened fire on total strangers in a house of worship.

There is no doubt in any of this when AP has come across something it is troubled over, but can not put the reality into print for fear of the Obama regime.

If he was taking his own advice???????

That is Manchurian created candidate, that Wade Page was in contact with BATF and their agents exactly the way Hutatree was staged.

This is standard Mockingbird / Gun Runner in vintage Hutatree in this Cheesehead socialist.
Meaning, the Government admits they knew of Wade Page, and the media in naming him with  THREE NAMES like John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald is Tavistock Stanford conditioning the public to paint him in thee most heinous of terms.

The Southern Poverty Law Center in violation of the Patriot Act, admitted it was stalking this person, had files on him, and knew exactly like the Obama regime who Wade Page was. They were the ones quoted first by AP.
AP also made certain in a multi city propaganda sourced post, that it had even Leon Panetta's Pentagon leaking illegal information to AP in order to try him in the court of public opinion.

Page being an intelligence operative of the psyops genre, is further a smear again the US military which Obama loathes. This is the same military which Obama is killing off, trying to keep from voting, turned into a Murder Inc. for his regime, and is now being associated in one of their own as a mass murderer, as Obama looks Saddam Hussein pained about all of this again.........just as he did in the Colorado theater.
I do so hope he goes to Wisconsin as it will be amusing to see the secular Islamist among the Sikh making a political whore of them.

The net result iin this post is all have admitted this person was tracked, was known, and all had talking points ready to use this as an Obama 2012 event in the soft cell.
What the insiders never figured on in Obama's race war, was that he would not use minorities, but use "white folks" to kill and murder minorities by conditioned events to put society on edge. Obama is crudely adept at this in making his voters feel persecuted, so they will come out and vote in 2012.

The edge Obama has is razor thin in what he can steal this election over. That is why he is shaving key votes in states like Iowa, Ohio, Virginia and Florida to  the margin. That is what this is all about, and this Wade Page if one sifts this enough, is going to find BATF agents and moles associating with him, and most likely videos of them spiking Page in "what would you do Wade to make things right". The same as Hutatree.

This all requires a real Congressional investigation as BATF admitted they had hundreds of these individuals they were associating with and Obama has been unleashing them, along with the Southern Poverty Law Center, illegally stalking people and giving AP with the Pentagon talking points.

Detectives cautioned they might never know for sure.

Of course not, just like no one ever knew for sure whenever these three name Mockingbird types show up like Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray and now Wade Michael Page.

What Page is, is a patsy. A loose cannon spiked with selective hype, so that he is one the saying all things Obama, Napolitano and Holder hope will be said by the Tea Party, and what the Southern Poverty Law Center in their almost 200 million dollar nest egg, issues press releases terming all things American as hate.

This is an operation as Fast and Furious as was Hutatree, as was Gabby Giffords the Jewish girl, as was the murder of Sheik bin Laden's corpse as what is taking place with illegal Colin Powell leaks over Syria to murder dictator Assad.....or as Henry Kissinger said to Balkanize Syria as is the Obama plan.

This is Obama 2012 campaign race war spiking. The AP is telling the world this is coming from within the regime, using a patsy, and that the facts will never see the light of day.

Sikhs are often mistaken for Muslims or Arabs, and have inadvertently become targets of anti-Muslim bias in the United States.
Yes Sikh's are mistaken for Muslims, in the constant hidden message there that they like all minorites had better be very afraid.
The same Obama with a baseball bat masturbating it while talking to the Turkish leader, in a show of thuggery, as Obama showed the sole of his shoe to Netanyahu to make a political point to Muslims he was going to step on Jews.........evolved into bashing Muslims over the head literally, and now the Wisconsin paradigm of Cheesehead violence which Obama has unleashed for the past 2 years in trying to overthrow elections, and issuing black wilding at the Wisconsin fairs, now has produced a white socialist shooting up turban wearers.

That is calling batman in a crowded theater.

This has all been set up and staged like the Trayvon Martin aftermath, but his was premeditated. If Axelrod's notes were looked at, they would show a preparation for what if events like this.

I warned you children of all of this and the AP has literally admitted it..

Dallas, Washington, Denver, Minneapolis, New York.......my such a wide sweep on this story in sources.

agtG 289Y

Gunman exhorted other white supremacists to act

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 Aug 7, 9:07 AM (ET)


OAK CREEK, Wis. (AP) - Wade Michael Page played in white supremacist heavy metal bands and posted frequent comments on Internet forums for skinheads, repeatedly exhorting members to act more decisively to support their cause.

"If you are wanting to meet people, get involved and become active," he wrote last year. "Stop hiding behind the computer or making excuses."

A day after Page strode into a Sikh temple with a 9mm handgun and multiple magazines of ammunition, authorities were trying to determine if the 40-year-old Army veteran was taking his own advice when he opened fire on total strangers in a house of worship.

Detectives cautioned they might never know for sure. But the picture of Page that began to develop Monday - found in dark corners of the Internet, in records from a dodgy Army career and throughout a life lived on the margins - suggested he was a white supremacist who wanted to see his beliefs advanced with action.

Page, who was shot to death by police, described himself as a member of the "Hammerskins Nation," a skinhead group rooted in Texas that has branches in Australia and Canada, according to the SITE Monitoring Service, a Maryland-based private intelligence firm that searches the Internet for extremist activity.

Between March 2010 and the middle of this year, Page posted 250 messages on one skinhead site and appeared eager to recruit others. In March 2011, he advertised for a "family friendly" barbecue in North Carolina, imploring others to attend.

In November, Page challenged a poster who indicated he would leave the United States if Herman Cain was elected president.

"Stand and fight, don't run," he implored.

In an April message, Page said: "Passive submission is indirect support to the oppressors. Stand up for yourself and live the 14 words," a reference to a common white supremacists mantra.

(AP) A tear runs down the cheek of a member of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin as he attends a news...
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The bald, heavily tattooed bassist trained in psychological warfare before he was demoted and discharged more than a decade ago. After leaving the military, he became active in the obscure underworld of white supremacist music, playing in bands with names such as Definite Hate and End Apathy.

Still, Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards cautioned Monday that investigators might never know for certain what motivated the attack on the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in suburban Milwaukee. So far, no hate-filled manifesto has emerged, nor any angry blog or ranting Facebook entries.

"We have a lot of information to decipher, to put it all together before we can positively tell you what that motive is - if we can determine that," Edwards said.

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights organization in Montgomery, Ala., described Page as a "frustrated neo-Nazi" whose bands' sinister-sounding names seemed to "reflect what he went out and actually did."

Their lyrics talked about genocide against Jews and other minorities.

(AP) Amardeep Kaleka, son of the president of the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, center, comforts members of...
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In a 2010 interview, Page told a white supremacist website that he became active in white-power music in 2000, when he left his native Colorado and started the band End Apathy in 2005 in Nashville, N.C.

Across several states, fragments of Page's life emerged Monday in public records and interviews.

He joined the military in Milwaukee in 1992 and was a repairman for the Hawk missile system before switching jobs to become an Army psychological operations specialist in a battalion at Fort Bragg, N.C.

In "psy-ops," Page would have trained to host public meetings between locals and American forces, use leaflet campaigns in a conflict zone or use loudspeakers to communicate with enemy soldiers.

He never deployed overseas in that role, Army spokesman George Wright said.

(AP) Map shows active hate groups per 1 million population in each state
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Page was demoted in June 1998 for getting drunk on duty and going AWOL, two defense officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release information about the gunman.

Page also received extra duty and was fined. The defense officials said they had no other details about the incident, such as how long Page was gone or whether he turned himself in. He was discharged later that same year.

A trucking company said it employed Page as a driver from April 2006 through August 2010, when he was fired for violating company policy. Barr-Nunn Transportation said in a statement that he was ticketed for driving a personal vehicle "while subject to an impairing substance."

Page bought a brick ranch house outside Fayetteville, N.C., in 2007 with help from a Veterans Affairs mortgage. But on Monday the home was boarded up with knee-high weeds in the yard. A notice taped to the front indicated the home was in foreclosure and had been sold to a bank in January.

Before buying the home, Page lived with Army soldier Darren Shearlock, his wife and young children in a doublewide trailer in a rural community near Fort Bragg, records show.

Shearlock, dressed in his military fatigues, declined to comment about Page or the shooting when approached Monday by The Associated Press.

Page's former stepmother said she was devastated to learn of the bloodshed.

"He was a precious little boy, and that's what my mind keeps going back to," said Laura Page, of Denver, who was divorced from Page's father around 2001.

In Wisconsin, Page responded to a recent online ad seeking a roommate in Cudahy, a small city outside Milwaukee.

He rented a room in Kurt Weins' house in June, telling Weins he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and needed a place to stay.

Weins said Page stayed in that room all the time, declining invitations to watch TV with him. Page explained that he wanted to bring some belongings out of storage, so he rented an apartment several weeks later in a duplex owned by Weins across the street.

"We talked, but it was really about nothing," Weins said. "He seemed pretty calm. He didn't seem like the type to raise his voice."

After the FBI searched the apartment in the duplex, Weins returned and found only a computer desk, chair and an inflatable mattress.

Suburban Milwaukee police had no contact with Page before Sunday, and his record gave no indication he was capable of such intense violence.

The FBI was leading the investigation because the shooting was considered domestic terrorism. The agency said it had no reason to believe anyone other than Page was involved.

Page entered the temple as several dozen people prepared for Sunday services. He opened fire without saying a word.

The president of the temple died defending the house of worship he founded.

Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65, managed to find a simple butter knife in the temple and attempted to stab the gunman before being shot twice, his son said Monday.

Amardeep Singh Kaleka said FBI agents hugged him, shook his hand and told him his father was a hero.

"Whatever time he spent in that struggle gave the women time to get cover" in the kitchen, Kaleka said.

With their turbans and long beards, Sikhs are often mistaken for Muslims or Arabs, and have inadvertently become targets of anti-Muslim bias in the United States.

Federal officials said the gun used in the attack had been legally purchased. Page had been licensed to own weapons since at least 2008, when he paid $5 each for five pistol-purchase permits in North Carolina.

The six dead ranged in age from 39 to 84 years old. Three people were critically wounded, including a police officer.

Online records show Page had a brief criminal history in other states, including pleading guilty to misdemeanor criminal mischief after a 1994 arrest in El Paso, Texas, for getting drunk and kicking holes in the wall of a bar. He received six months' probation.

Page also pleaded guilty to driving under the influence in Colorado in 1999 but never completed a sentence that included alcohol treatment, records show.

He was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving again in 2010 in North Carolina after running his car off the side of a highway. The case was dropped a year later for lack of evidence, according to court records.


Associated Press writers Gretchen Ehlke and Dinesh Ramde in Milwaukee; Michael Biesecker in Fayetteville, N.C.; Patrick Condon in Minneapolis; Danny Robbins in Dallas; Pauline Jelinek and Eileen Sullivan in Washington; Dan Elliott in Denver; and Juan Carlos Llorca in El Paso, Texas, contributed to this report, along with the AP News Research Center in New York.