Saturday, August 18, 2012

Come back to the plantation little nigger

Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin has victimized all blacks and their future with the one suffering most in Jesse Jackson jr.

Junior Jackson just 4 short years ago, envisioned a future as a black Ameican built upon all the herding work his father, Jesse Senior had accomplished for intelligence agencies in controlling blacks and it had all been worked out that B. Hussein Obama would shepherd the black mob, while Jesse Jackson jr. would arise as Senator Jackson of Illinois and in the next 20 years arise as the black presidential candidate in Jesse Jackson jr. 2020.

This all was robbed from him when Barack Obama was chosen to be installed into the White House to punish the Clintons for Bill's stealing Muslim uranium and selling it to the Chicoms.

It was compounded worse in Jesse Jr. was rightfully supposed to be the choice, and Rod Blagojevich was dealing in this with the Obama regime to place Junior into the vacated Obama seat, but Barack Obama fearing too many blacks spoiling his designer negro status, cast aside young Jackson and decided a purge of Illinois politics.
This was beyond mental cruelty as young Jackson spiraled into depression and finally ended up at the Mayo Clinic in another victim of B. Hussein Obama's regime.

The sadness in this is now Patrick Kennedy appears to publish a photo of his begging for the young Jackson to come back to the Kennedy plantation as Massah Kennedy will treat his slave much better than carpetbagger Obama.

Why on earth, anyone with a heart would take a photo posing with a person suffering mental depression to make political hay off of it is, is akin to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin of South Dakota posing with a brain damaged Soldier in her 2008 run in making that person perform tricks for her, for political gain.

Is it not bad enough that young Jackson is poised with an ORANGE TAG marking him as an inmate of a mental ward, like some slave or part of the millions of blacks in prison in this Age of Obama?
This is beyond horrendous in what it all conveys in abuse of the mentally deranged. It Obama making Gabby Giffords perform is something the AMA should be protecting the brain damaged from in all these democrats.

It is though the Kennedy's take a slap at B. Hussein in caring about the black community where Obama could care less that Jesse jr. was locked up in a mental ward, looking twice his age, and dressed in prison blues like he is fresh off Joe Biden's chain gang.

Now if this is Jesse Jr's bondage belt to show blacks how Obama has imprisoned them and the Afroid needs to return to  the white liberal ownership who has taken care of them for a generation, that is Mr. Jackson's political statement, but it is quite discomforting to witness a scene like this in releasing photos which make Mr. Jackson appear like an inmate with some orange tag disease warning the public to stay away.

Yes Bi Polar II disorder, the new code for Obama Made Me Deranged Syndrome, OMMDS.

I do hope the best for Jesse Jackson jr., but even the GOP is eating the Allen West own, so perhaps being owned by the Kennedy's might be best for him in this feudal age, as the Kennedy's do take care of their slaves well.
Perhaps they can take back Uncle Ted's mantle he put on Obama, and make Jesse jr. the first real black American President someday when the Obama blacklash wears off in 2020......or 2024 after Hillary is through with ruling from 1600 Penn Avenue.

Come rub my feet little nigger........

Patrick Kennedy
 Who knew so many white folks from Mitt Romney to Pat Kennedy would be bidding all these blacks to return to where they came from in all their anger and insanity to do what they were qualified for in serving master.

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