Friday, August 17, 2012

Ryan Heal Thyself

Yes Paul Ryan likes Barack Obama's money.

It is always rough to balance things.

One represents Wisconsin in 2010, and votes against Obama stimulus money..........only to soon enough be writing love letters to Obama asking for Obama stimulus money to be wasted in Wisconsin over some Wisconsin Energy Reserve Corporation.

Granted that was awhile back before Wall Street purchased the young cheesehead for Mitt Romney, but it does bring one to the certainty that being a whore for a state, most times clashes with being a 'fiscal conservative whore" or a Wall Street whore or a money whore 2012.

Does not a True Conservative not take money from a nation in the Obama abyss as every million does count?
Yet that did not seem to affect Congressman Ryan in his asking for money for something which put America into a greater debt for his 2040 balanced budget.

Do you realize that most Americans from 2012 are going to be dead in 28 years before Ryan's plan would ever take effect?

Mitt Romney is another person who seems when no one is watching to appear quite liberal from his early political life in running TO THE LEFT OF TEDDY KENNEDY, to his Romneycare, to his destroying Conservatives, making Mormon Jihad on Christians and decapitating the Republican party, that one begins to wonder if this is all sort of like Germans blindly cheering Hitler in no one heard what the devil he was saying, and were just cheering because every one else was busy yelling.

Paul Ryan's voting record: Big-spending conservatism - Andrew ... › Congress
3 days ago – Paul Ryan rose to the top of the political ranks on his reputation as a conservative budget hawk. But his voting record shows him to be far from a ...

Big spending conservative, that must be like British expired Obama and Legal immigrant Romney and ......people thinking the Romney Ryan ticket is going to be Ronald Reagan 1981.

One Thing Romney and Obama Agree On: Big Government ...
10 hours ago – He is making matters worse, and he is spending our children into a ... Governor Mitt Romney smiles at a supportive crowd in Zanesville, Ohio ...

Holding ones nose and voting for this is not going to change the leopard's spots. It is a certain that Mitt Romney will cut spending in areas of people not his cronies and just like Obama dump in money to Wall Street Insiders who are his patrons.
If this follows suit, in being like George H. W. Bush, then America can look for some Savings and Loan collapse, but it will probably come from some thievery connected to the Wall Street Insider and Big Pharm.

 America has now had 4 years of George H. W. Bush tax and spend. 8 years of Bill Clinton tax and  spend. 8 years of George W. Bush cut and spend, and now 4 years of Barack Obama loot and spend.
That is 24 years of about 14 trillion dollars you owe and your entire protege will owe, and nothing in Mitt Romney nor Paul Ryan reveals anything but more cut and spend.

America can not survive this, and for the record, the Ryan 2040 plan will probably have America bankrupt before it reaches it's end......but you see in all of these plans the way they "balance" things is to kill you off, replace you with Mexicans who pay into Social Security off of fake SS numbers and will never collect.

America is nothing but a damned rationed death and slave trade state, as all of you peer out pretending you are free in the gulag as the holocaust ovens fire up.

Mark Levin is going to wait and hold Romney's feet to the about someone indicting Obama and firing Romney before he gets a chance to dance on the American grave in the Obama Abyss.
