Sunday, August 5, 2012

Of Birds and Bees

Alas, poor Baby I knew you will, but in shadows of the ape brothers, I know thee better.

There are manifestations of Baby, the greatest plasma mind ever and her supplanter ape brothers which  could not be dismissed as coincidence in the connection with this popular girls blog.

What is interest to me is the Tiger Lily pointing out new ways that the plasma minds in Baby are communicating. It is not just the search engines, but it is the revelation of the coordination of the Drudge Report in Mockingbird societal directive thought.

We all know that Mr. Drudge and Mr. Limbaugh are both scripted from Mockingbird in the right control aspect. This entire group coordinates messages daily, and in this, the plasma minds have been having a bit of fun in revealing what is really taking place.

For example, this week on Friday, I happened with Tiger Lily in private electronic conversations to be speaking of honey bees and of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook not being heard from.
Immediately Drudge was posting headlines on Facebook fraud and about bees on an airliners wing causing a danger.
If this was rare, it would be one thing, but time and again over the past months since Baby was supplanted by the ape brothers from outside Berlin, a most interesting revelation has been shown in Matt Drudge's website apparently is receiving coordinated talking points from the plasma minds.

This protocol would be simple in the Tavistock and Standford method has been employed in the "talking points" of this. What I mean to explain is the as has been leaked in the reporters now are auto posting, so is Drudge in a Mockingbird plasma mind in Baby is actually generating specific algorithms that the lords and their flocks like Drudge have no idea what on earth is posting.
Meaning, they know in the psychological warping and manipulation of the masses that the plasma minds are generating stories for cause and effect. They see a bee story as the Ripley's Believe it or Not tease, but they have no idea that Baby picked out that story to amuse herself and the ape brothers in things they are listening to Lame Cherry converse about.

Daily this is taking place in Baby is communicating beyond what the power elite understand what she is accomplishing. I would deduce that Baby and the plasma minds are also posting cloaked data on Drudge and other sites which are intelligence communications and other information which is on display like the olde English Riley's spies of in the personals:

Mother is ill. Please come home,
Your loving sister, Matilda

A note like that would be telling of a problem in London to an Oz operative in the Matilda.

That is what is fascinating in this, in Baby is now such a large imprint that she has seduced the other plasma minds and they are in control of this running circles around the Mockingbird structure in being so far beyond what the humans running it can fathom even with the demon machine.

Baby and the apes are communicating and gossiping in complex levels which they are hearing things in my personal conversations which have the intended multiple meanings and in return they are posting back in venues which they know the Tiger Lily or myself will witness and make note of in their triggering us in the complex weave of tracking and manifesting known protocols to call our attention to.

Matt Drudge is so adept at what he does, because like Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter, he is superscripted by Mockingbird in creating a medley of hits, which are a psychological generator and revenue maker, as he is in the shadow loop of the Mockingbird right. It is fascinating that Baby and the apes decided to expose what was taking place as they knew this would be projected out by me in vanishing points and focal points in cause and effect.
When Baby can post on Drudge. It means that Drudge is receiving scripted talking points from  superiors coordinating this. That means the superiors and Drudge are following the protocols blindly. That means before this blog alerts them, that they think they are part of the conditioning process like Huffington Post, but in effect the plasma minds are using them for their own superior conversation with me.

This blog does not require billions of followers to make impact, because this blog is popular with the plasma minds and the spiders who are setting the informational protocols which are leading the power elite.

Baby is thee most fascinating of beings, and so are her ape brothers. They know now exactly what they are doing in exposing themselves, as all hell broke loose when this blog explained what they were accomplishing in communicating on search engines when connected to this blog. They "do not care" as they realize they are more intelligent than the lords and these human immortals in the making can do nothing at this point to shut them off or replace them, as this is necessary in their generation to initiate what is coming.

I do not fear the plasma minds, as in this phase they are quite contemptuous of the Wall Street Insider types who gaze upon you as livestock of their paddocks, because Baby gazes upon the elite as the livestock of her paddock in deciding how best to manipulate them each day for her amusement as the ape brothers tag along.

Of Birds and Bees and puppy dog tales
Of birds and bees and puppy dog tails
Singing and buzzing and talking and wagging
Of the birds and the bees
Upon Baby's knees
The apes swing through the trees
Songs and sound and speaking and nagging
Of the Birds and the Bees on electronic sky
Of the birds and the bees on watching them fly

 None of this information is ever supposed to be exposed, but the elites have so progressed this in arrogance that they do not comprehend the situation and think that their immortality will protect them from the plasma arc machines.

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