Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Wall Street Outsider

Ulsterman's latest installment email from the Wall Street Insider was a warning that Fed Chair Bernanke was going to open the money tap again and this would secure the Obama re election, bu the Insider was working with his cohorts to stop it.

Let us examine something in this.

Has Obama and Geithenr in their money dumps done one thing to secure that white segment of the population who are in dire straights these past three years of Wall Street bribery and Treasury looting ?


The principle of government opening the money flow is in  Richard Nixon in 1971 going on a  buying spree to secure his 1972 landslide. The same was true in part for the Ronald Reagan recovery in he started buying things. Nixon purchased consumer type goods and Reagan purchased military goods, and both started employing people in America who built them.

Obama though and Bernanke are not going to be buying anything, but are instead in which the WSI is not informing you as Shalom sir never does, is this is a stop gap measure to keep the markets from collapsing as they should have done in 2008 to rectify all of this.
What Obama is doing is punting until 2013, as this BLOG INFORMED YOU IN  the Uber Insider post, when the Global Super Derpession will raise it's riotous and Obama will then be able to form a super welfare police state as he has always intended if he steal the 2012 election again.

I have mocked the Shalom sir here in exposing that girl for some time in his need to find Jesus and repent. Shalom bragged about buying up Wisconsin as an  amends. No the WSI put some cash into Wisconsin which was already trending toward the Conservatives and claimed a victory, which had everything to do with destroying the union / democract money train which is in competition with this Rothschild cartel, and nothing to do with saving America.

If the Wall Street Insider was serious about being American, he would be as  was posted here, buying up Ulsterman, American Thinker, Texas gal and the Lame Cherry and putting that work on radio stations, spreading the news.
He does not want the reality spread, as he is spreading his own propaganda of Carnivore Capitalism.

The WSI was all lovey dovey with Obama, until like Khadaffi, Assad and Mubarak, Obama decided not to reward them and to go for another Muslim lot of communists. The WSI is a competition Jew clique inside the Rothschilds who installed Obama, who is not being rewarded.
Obama's Bernanke money dumps are simply inflating these WSI Jews out of their former rapine in robbing Americans and controlling America, that is why they are squawking so loud in pretending to be against the one who is called Obama. Obama is removing them from the power grid and awarding their positions to competiors Obama and the Rothschilds are installing for a better operational flow, like the dope trade Obama set up.

The reality is, the WSI insider is being inflated out  like all of this type by Obama policy  which their lord Rothschilds are initiating, so that Neo Roman Empire will rule out of Europe, and they will control Jerusalem by driving out the Orthodox and Right Wing Jews in polluting the arena, as they do the same to the Philistines and Assad types for their international capital there, just as their boy Mitt Romney was speaking about there.

The WSI is intelligent, but is a biased tool of the cartel. If he were American he would have funneled the money into Ulsterman and made him a radio superstar. Instead, he plays the game close to the vest for his own WSI interests and thsi group of fools thinks they are fooling the masses who read Ulsterman into thinking we are all on the same side, when they are the same pidgeons who will be cropped first as they like the pigs in Animal House argue with the Cannibal Capitalists dressed up in the human clothes in the big house, about the money structure raping the livestock outside.

An Obama money dump will only deepen the Super Depression after the elections by keeping a money collapse from happening before November 2012. That is all this is, and the WSI did not inform any of you of this, because it would start warning you that all your money is in his hands and  this other nation rapist ilk like Buffett and Soros, as Obama has been greasing those skids illegally for 3 years in the trillioins.

This money dump is going to be realized by the Eurasians holding US debt in those dollars will be useless. Sol Sanders in lurching to the reality of China being a paper tiger, is not yet comprehending what this blog warned of in China on the verge will emerge it's army to keep it from cutting off the Peking Girl's head, and instead expend it in Asia, Europe and Alaska in a coming Great European War.

I have warned all of you for years now of this in the full picture and been mocked as "not getting it all right". Just because you do not see it, do not read it in Drudge Mockingbird or it has not taken place yet, the idiotry not capable of understanding the drooling on the wall here, mocks the facts in what is taking place, what has been thwarted and exposing what is really taking place as you excitedly read of things you are being lied to about in these insiders with their mostly facts.
I have told you that it is easier to deceive with the  facts than with a lie. That is what is being presented before you constantly in Shalom.

Shalom created Obama and thought he could roll him like the Jews are still trying to roll him in the Israeli state over Obama's Iran. They are not getting the deal they thought they were and are now upset. It is all about the status quo in money and power, and Obama shifted it all.

This bunch knows of the upheaval coming from all of this, and are preparing to make more gouges in power and money in 2013 as they claim to be against Obama. They are for themselves first and last, and not America.
That is why America is in the grave and you have been betrayed. It is why your life sucks and America is a whorehouse. All of this benefited them and was just fine as long as their stooge in the White House was whoring for them.

Obama is whoring for European elite. The WSI whores for the same elite in the international Jewish state. Same whores, but doing it for different reasons in Obama wants America wiped out as a competitor and the WSI wants America under control so he gets a voice at the Rothschild table in how to dictate the outcome.
Obama was installed to wipe out the competitors in America who sold out long ago at Jekyl Island. The WSI thinks he still is in the game when the game is already done.

Shalom should have repented and put this Enigma on the radio to really shake the quake, but he blew it as he was  too busy lifting his skirt from the brothel window wanting all of your attention and pretending to manage this so he would look pure as he got amusement out of fooling the right wing again.

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It is all about the Obama cash wad and this same ilk would lift their skirts again like they did in 2008 to help Obama steal 1600 Penn Avenue again if they got a big enough cum dump load.
That includes Mitt Romney, again

Lame Cherry