Monday, August 6, 2012

The Betrayal Within

Silly children, so uninformed, you thought when I was speaking of Iowa and the control of that corrupt police state, it was something you could just pass over as it was unimportant.

Yet Iowa is the harbinger of the betrayal of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran by the very people who stole the White House for this Barry Chin foreigner.

What if I were to inform you that on Omaha KFAB radio, there is an Obama political ad which is  running that is an ad to vote for Mitt Romney?
KFAB is a right wing station which sits on the Iowa border at Council Bluffs, another filthy little Iowa town.

It features Michael Savage to Glenn Beck in a right wing radio conspiracy of the Mockingbird unleashed upon hungry Bible, Gun and Apple Pie thumpers. That is not exactly the market a campaign wastes precious money on in voters in a necessary swing state if one is trying to steal an election.

Obama's voice of course booms this is his message and he approves. The message though is one of taxes which he muddles through, and ends with Romney would raise taxes on windmills generating electricity.......which no one bloody cares about, unless you are one of the thousands of people who are constantly dealing with those broken monsters being hauled down the interstates in wide loads slowing up traffic more for the highway men AKA state troopers to fine you for speeding and steal your money.

Obama's ads which are Axelrod, Jarrett and Plouffe are literally worthless. It would be like running an ad on NRP by Romney that Obama was going to license your guns. That bunch would not be swayed in the least as they hate guns.

What is taking place here is a reality in Obama's polling data is being skewed deliberately in what is being fed him, so he is wasting money he does not have on attacks like Romney Capital which no one cares about.
This idiocy is sabotage from inside the Obama regimes own machine, as Axelrod is not this  stupid in thinking windpower is some important issue to smog filled Iowans who love to suck all that natural gas pollution into their lungs in those powerplants down there......which is why like the east coast Huffington generators drove up all of our grilling costs as they are burning natural gas in powerplants instead of coal.

This sabotage and betrayal of the Obama machines 2012 campaign is nationwide, and is coming from the very core of the regime's trusted benefactors in they are making ads which are pro Romney, putting ads on pro Romney stations to cement people to vote for him, wasting money Obama does not have, and handing the swing states Obama is in dire need of into Romney's electoral college.

This is all exclusive to this blog in exposing this. There is a fix in this election in place and Axelrod knows this as he is in Chicago and he is not this brain dead.

The very capitalists who stole the election for Obama in 2008 are now in the process of stealing it back for Romney. It is this obvious and blatant in Iowa, the corrupt center or the American body politic.

Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
With Obama eating Cheetos
It is something else on him that glows

Yes, there is nothing like having the intelligence apparatus of the Mockingbird Tavistock and Standford groups turned on one's political campaign in using Obama's dwindling resources and putting them to work for the election of Mexican Peon Romney.
I guess the Peon in Romney is the new joke for Axelrod, Jarrett and Plouffe in it is Piss on You, and Romney is in the tent doing the pissing and the insiders are outside pissing in.

No brown bags needed in the headless whorsemen. Just keep watching the girl, or maybe we can make a noddle cake and have a Dr. Pepper.......although I like German chocolate the intelligence people tell me and am a Mr. Pibb woman........

I warned when Obama went down, that it would come from his Cassius within. The 2012 Obama election theft campaign is "et tu Brute'" in the Swing States.

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