Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Gilmore Girls

Early MOCKINGBIRD influenced 25 newspapers and wire agencies consenting to act as organs of CIA propaganda. Many of these were already run by men with reactionary views, among them William Paley (CBS), C.D. Jackson (Fortune), Henry Luce (Time) and Arthur Hays Sulzberger (N.Y. Times).

The rise of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, as a foreign agent to the global communist network, was not alone initiated by George Soros, but it's roots were formed in some of the most overt covert faces before the public in intelligence assets working on the old Mockingbird network set up originally to promote American interests.

Barry Chin in coming out of Chicago was to be promoted covertly first by his media handler in intelligence mole, Les Moonves of CBS. Moonves was the catalyst in this who hired David Letterman as the biggest intelligence propaganda stooge in America, and in Moonves all of these other assets started being revealed in his core syndicate in the overthrow of America in the final segment.

It was a reality that before BarackObama served one day in Congress or did one thing, that David Letterman had Chin on and immediately asked him when he was running for President. That was a long line of media staged events promoting the successor to Jesse Jackson as that is what Obama graduated to from dictator of Kenya when Cousin Odinga took that mantle from him.

Yes Barack Obama was the same intelligence stooge which Bill Ayers was out of Chicago, and Obama's benefactors in Berlin were the same Mockingbird funders after World War II, who assisted US media to promote a pro German and American message of National Socialism which Dwight Eisenhower was speaking of in a uniting of the Soviet and American systems under the same dogma.

A little known but blatant effect in this was the strange Warner Brothers network which was Paramount, which then became CW in CBS Warner Brothers in it's final year of the Gilmore Girls.

The Gilmore Girls was mind conditioning on the 18 to 30 age group, and the frequent earlier flier on that show was Hillary Clinton promoted as President, much the way  the stooges at FOX inflicted upon America via Rush Limbaugh in Mockingbird, the reality of 24 preparing the way for a woman in the White House and a black man in the White House.
The messages of Mockingbird are always there from Star Trek's united planet earth and other little green men nonsense. None of these programs would ever be produced unless the black budgets were funding them with taxpayer funds.

It is why crap television permeates the airwaves from Lou Grant, Cagney and Lacey, the Good Wife and whatever there is out there in liberal puke. Gilmore Girls just had salted in like minded liberals who were writing like Amy Sherman promoting Hillary Clinton, until the last year when she was not bright enough to figure out that Moonves was going to use her Gilmore Girls to promote Barack Hussein Obama in the lead character interviewing him and giving up her job to go and get Obama elected.

Same bogus story of all those "college children" volunteering  for Obama which Mockingbird promoted. It was the conditioning of Gilmore Girls which broadcast that to all those young voters to make them believe that there really was an Obama volunteer corp out there and not just some Nazi propaganda which Les Moonves had dream up for David S. Rosenthal to script.

Rosenthal took over Gilmore Girls after a meteoric rise all through the industry which was all Mockingbird funded.
His early work was gay introduction shows in Ellen which was Mockingbird pedophilia on the march.

Within a year, Rosenthal swiftly jumped from being a production assistant on Anything but Love to staff writer on the same show; then two years later, another jump, this time to a head writer position on Ellen; Rosenthal stayed for three years and then was reportedly fired. After a year-long stint developing sitcoms for Jeffrey Katzenberg, he was hired as a writer on the sitcom Spin City and was quickly promoted to showrunner.

See it is all interconnected and all absolutely how this all works in funding and promotion. If one produces a message the elite will to promote which is anti Christian and anti American, then the message is worth millions and one is a whore in promoting Barack Hussein Obama, another fiction of Mockingbird.

This all did not end in 1982, but simply transformed into another arena which was Bill Clinton and then became the monster which ate Bill Clinton in Barry Chin, as a New World Order east and west with a gutted America, was on the feudal world tab.

CIA office memos of their pride in having placed "important assets" inside every major news publication in the country. It was not until 1982 that the Agency openly admitted that reporters on the CIA payroll have acted as case officers to agents in the field.

That 265 million dollars would be worth billions in Obama's regime, as money which was funneled to the conglomerates to take over media like GE, would become no taxes paid as an entire new laundering industry was brought forward.

The cost of disinforming the world cost American taxpayers an estimated $265 million a year by 1978, a budget larger than the combined expenditures of Reuters, UPI and the AP news syndicates.
In 1977, the Copely News Service admitted that it worked closely with the intelligence services - in fact, 23 employees were full-time employees of the Agency.

All of which brings one back to the Gilmore Girls in how all of these like minded followers, find intelligence promoted assets sprinkled in amongst them in the midst. The very gears which drive all of this turn around and keep the Jake Tappers in line in media and hire George Stephanopolous as a minder.

Les Moonves has overseen the biggest disasters in the media world in Dan Rather and the ridiculous programming. He used Gilmore Girls to promote Obama to young minds and they actually believed it was a revolution when this all came out of the same Goebbels machine and the CIA Mockingbird their parents all ranted upon.

So for the reality of it all, Moonves and Rosenthal already knew Obama was going to be in the White House, as it was planned in the 2005 to 2006 time period. That is why Obama's intelligence records were being wiped like his communist adoptive family and their cohorts.

agtG 297YY

Amy Sherman 

David Rosenthall


Gilmore Girls

Les Mooves

Barry Chin
