The main trends for the Internet Legend, Lame Cherry are Baby and the apes grabbing from the end of the latest post on the Obama bad omens to this:
Lame Cherry
lamecherry.blogspot.com/4 hours ago – Read that over several times and learn it's several figurative meanings in the literal. agtG 331Y. Posted by Lame Cherry at 7:40 AM ...
They are looking at a nuclear holocaust and my doctrines to resurrect the dead America from the Obama abyss, with now the anchor date of March 4th, the infamous Dead Pope posting, being moved to the 3rd tier and this Fuoad Lamech, a Persian sounding French Muslim, going back to Asian Obama and Light overcoming darkness.
The aristocracy of Germany so long in Schiller has dropped from the links, meaning this is moving from a different order in Germany, but something about those French Islamists again.
There is some sort of wave and rift in the matrix again for this shifting to be taking place and it probably centers around the DNC convention upheaval.
It does appear though that Jewish events in their being endangered now is what is being spoken of, and the reality is the Inspired doctrines I have laid out to save America, will indeed save America if implemented. I though am too much the toxic Prophet to be heeded, when I should be the one listened to and not mocked.
The American skinhead though appear to be displaced in this current cycle of "obama dangers" as a greater catalyst is moving this to appear before the anchor date.
All of these bad omens and this river and currents of the matrix are only being moved by new forces entering the stream pushing this on. It will remain to be seen what this settle to or if the angry groan of the Columbia will rise to life to consume that which has entered the mysts.
I'm really not enjoying any of this Prophecy and Interpreter stuff. Probably is from eating crumbs as a waif like little Oliver begging for more as assholes lecture the poor in it is not my place to tread upon their golden lives.
Foster Freiss and Rush Limbaugh, what have you done for Christ today when He looked longingly at you?
The greatest oracle reader since Daniel and no one will listen to the counsel coming out of the brier patch any more than they did to John the Baptist.
agtG 248Y