Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lame Cherry Cafe

The astute will notice something of a new link under the DONATE button that the rich are phobic about clicking.

My children, I have been up to a new adventure. It is a sort of Lame Cherry 5th Avenue chic thing in I decided to create a few items at Cafe Press if people wanted to purchase them. If you are poor, like most of you are, just enjoy the things in pictures or write Lame Cherry on a shirt or cup as this stuff is too expensive to purchase.

It was though just something for fun by a designer whose work I appreciated in graphics, poetry etc... Leave them in peace as I'm the one you love to hate and hate to love.

That is really a great LC quote:

"The one you love to hate and hate to love"

Lame Cherry

They are though the official Lame Cherry brand and in these photoshops give an idea what things might look like on the design.
I doubt the first thing will be this large Lame Cherry, but it is what it is.

I was Inspired to do the Popular Girl one on the Sabbath. I could see numbers of Obama prisses wearing this and never figuring it out. The Cafe promises a slave share of 8% of price, so unless 1 billion Chinese buy these things for their march to take over Middle Eastern oil, I sort of doubt that I will have the cash to give all of you a million dollars which would be a nice thing to you nice people who donated.


We shall see if Barry Chin's image as head of al Qaeda from 1600 Penn Avenue with the bars spelling ANALGATE is going to be allowed. It is in memory of the dead Americans of Benghazi when Obama tried to kidnap Chris Stevens so he would not have to steal the 2012 election, but great dreams become Obama nightmares soon enough among the Muslim hordes.
I do picture this on military people and cringe at all the trouble they would get into.


Even Chic Fil A has graced the site with an model pose. TL wanted one of the original one and I always obey TL in all things. Would be nice if Mrs. Palin would make this a cause, as I wonder at times where this apparel and things might show up in pictures.
I do imagine someday I will be on a street and give a thumbs up to a wearer of one of these things or whatever else Cafe Press has going on for the rich people to buy.
Fun part is, they will never know it is your popular girl, and probably frown at the attention and not realize the source.

I have thought about offering as donors do have that email dump box, in if rich people wanted to take legal pictures of themselves in these things and forward them to me, that I would put them on the blog as it might be interesting from time to time to see what and who these designs find their way too.

I could see some liberal friends of readers getting these designer fashions and being clueless to what the hell Lame Cherry is beyond a fashion label.

Not going to waste a great deal of time on this and make no promises. Is just something  for this slave to do awaiting Jesus to return. Will put up the links and see what comes of it. The Lame Cherry microfinance empire, a penny at a time

Is my Gift of the Magi part present to TL as they wanted the Cherry logo which appeared on this page from the start. Do not tell post that around though as I want it to be surprise, even though I probably mentioned it and millions of people will be reading this.

My musing in this, is one day seeing the Obama daughters, the one who looks like Scottie Pippen or the one who looks like Stevie Wonder in this attire as it is so fashionable all the Letterman cocktail crowd have been given it by their right wing friends.

I had no idea Cafe Press had that much stuff from ipad covers, teddy bears, t shirts, cups.......maybe I should be on the cover of Vogue.

I hope people are honest and I don't have to Trade Mark this stuff.
