Friday, December 14, 2012

Once upon that time

You had to be there back in the day. It wasn't that the Bush family was not good people, it was just they had fangs. Like Lee Atwater was the best political puncher on the block, and when he got brain cancer, they brought in that kinder and gentler Mary Matalin and she never could win anything right.

Whatever you want to call it George W. was a punk back them. Attitude up the ass as those east coast patrician turned Texan by Prescott just had that clan thing going on and daddy H. W. was like Jock Ewing in being the end all of that bunch.
Good people though to work for, but damn if they had the kill instinct for the wrong people like Reagan and would jump at the chance to cuddle hard up to some liberal like Teddy Kennedy ready to shove you up the arse.

President Reagan was one of the guys. He really could get along with anyone. He could be one of the boys until Nancy showed up and then he straightened up. She had radar that one in keeping everyone away from Ronnie......made a mistake though in never figuring out about the Bush outfit in bushwhacker her man twice.

I told you before about that set up in John Hinkley, how there was him and the shooter behind. Hinkley was there to link it to the Bush outfit and to remind the world of deals with the Ayatollah in Iran. Messy stuff, but where it really hit the fan was that damn whispering campaign as George W. really never got over Reagan beating his old man, and H.W. needing to be second fiddle.
Worse than Roselyn Carter really in some ways, as that woman had Jimmy so stoked up for years he was half nuts over the President his peanut arse.

Was that Iran Contra thing, Bush set up to impeach Reagan. If you forgot it was the cowboys running out of CIA with William Casey. Casey drove the spooks nuts as he was always playing with the cobra venom operatives. It was the spice of life in all the ops Bill would listen to, as who wouldn't want a world where some damn spider bit Fidel on the ass and made his dick turn black and fall off.

So it was the Asian tops really, Singlaub running out of Taiwan with his boys Secord and Poindexter doing the hard lifting. Reagan sent the word down about getting those hostages free from Iran and the sugar offered the Iranians was the super hawks which never existed.
Was not that cake and Bible the trudged to Tehran with McFarland who was going to go down there if it was necessary but bringing up those super SAMs that put the twist in the wind in this that got the Persian communists drooling.

Ollie North was a light colonel then and running the operation for the Bush people. North was a real fall on the sword centurion. He got the job deadly done more than once. Allot of things going on though in too many crooks in the pot in that coke train out of South America, that the Bush boys, Jeb and W. got to snorting like Bill Clinton down in Arkansas, that buggered the whole thing up.
Buy dope to get it off the market using black ops funds filtered in, while funding the Contras against the communist Sandistas in Nicaragua after the Democrats shut it all down in not allowing Reagan to stop Karl Marx down south.
Point was taken that it was arms sales, weapons sales sent through the Jews, but you could never keep those kinds of secrets and soon enough it started from Iranian communists funding the Contras against Moscow, to SAM bribes, dope planes into Clintonland and that paying for hostages in all of this that Reagan had no idea of, but H. W. knew damn well what the score was as it was running drop point out of his office in the cloak and dagger crap.

Best thing was for Bush was when Bill Casey got that brain cancer and forgot everything. They could blame him, and the references to H. W. running the meetings outside the inner circle, just sort of got swept away. Amazing thing the left wing press did that is it now what not eh? For H. W. Bush, but that thing just like Hinkley tying it all up, was just the machinations of the counter intelligence boys at work, doing a little payback and a whole barge of blackmail later for the things they needed.
Do it all the time in who is at 1600 Penn Avenue. Is the way things get done the way they want it all done.

They blew it all out of Lebanon just the way Benghazi was blown wide open early. That Lebanese harem always has their financial fingers into everything in Europe and local, so they run the score on all and out whatever they want when they want it.

Been a long time now, since that went down. Forget sometimes in how much W. changed from that attitude. He was brass tacks back in the day. That Bill Graham thing mellowed him after he got off the dope. Smiled more and he sure could talk the code to the Religious Right to bring them on board for his old man, but damn that other bunch they had working for them that became the Rovians, just smart ass never got it.
They are the ones who took down Reagan after 89 in bushwhacking him and were murder on Dan Quayle. That poor bastard never was allowed up off the canvas.
Rove was crushing on W. from the start. Odd little fag he was and still is. Part crook, but with not Nixon common sense and sure as hell no style. Was more like Liddy in that thug crap, always playing with the boys up at the bar after Congress let those little sodomites come out and play for a few drinks with Karl.
They got George Allen twice now. That Jew really was a fixation in the numbers as they though he was Reagan incarnated. Would have been real ass trouble for Jeb in 2016. Is why Rove got that nigger knocker Jim Webb from Reagan's Navy to run in Virginia and then sabotaged Allen.
Did the same thing in flipping votes in 2016 to elect that one eye brow odd fellow, as George Allen was the piss that would put out the Jeb flame on a cold summer night.

Like I said, it has been a long time ago. Like Nixon getting set up from the inside and Kissinger was pissing against the wall to splatter him to for both sides of the same coin.
Nixon though was running that Reagan campaign in points, but that Hollywood crew the President had working for him polished it up all star spangled banner.

Been a long time like Patton back in Germany before they got him.

Where the skeletons are buried.........

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