Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Romneycrat

The key to the coming election of course is me.

Lame Cherry

10 hours ago – 1 day ago – All exclusively covered here, and all completely mocked by keyboard hosers. All proving though Lame Cherry is right in everything ...

From  my sources book has it that Romney is as boring as his salt and pepper Morman hair is without Jesus Inspiration and Faith.
In that reality, this blog has attempted to assist Mano Romney, but the reality is he will no doubt in female phobia like Obama break hard white male for his Vice President.

The reality is there is only one choice for Mormon Romney after the obvious choice of the liberated John Edwards for the GOP VP spot.
Edwards has been politically raped by Obama like Sarah Palin was to keep Edwards from challenging Obama for the nomination. If Romney was bright he would be offering up John Edwards some juicy dish to jump on  board the GOP big tent.

Oh you think I'm full of beewax eh?

What do you think that Bill Clinton quip about Mano Romney's business savvy was all the thing to save America about?
I'm telling you that Mano has been in deep knee bend conversation with Bill Clinton to get his white Democrat support and Clinton has offered it up in some quid pro quo to get rid of Obama, and  to get some only the devil knows what elder statesman and statesHillary positions to untarnish their legacy.

I will give odds that when Mano turns the Clintons loose on B. Hussein after Obama is shown the shroud, that Obama is going to be about as popular in the US black community as pork chow is at a Muslim dinner.
You have no idea the dirt the Clintons are going to unleash on B. Hussein. You just wait for the day Bill Clinton's operatives start writing memoirs about Obama actually hating black people and wanting to ship them all back to Africa.

Meanwhile, the obvious choice for Mitt Romney in his Romneycrat party is CIA Director, David Petraeus, the General. That is why B. Hussein grabbed him and stuck him into the CIA under the regime's tent, as Petraeus is disaster for Obama, in......

Dave under Bush won the Muslim Wars.

Dave under Obama kept Obama from outright losing them.

Dave is a Republican.

Dave brings all the foreign policy skills to Mitt Romney to make Mano look manly.

If Romney has a brain, and a fear of chicas, he will pick the one guy Obama chose to save him, and thereby Patraeus is the one guy who will destroy Obama, as Biden and Obama can not attack Dave, as Dave is the guy they chose.

Romney is a deal maker and a liberal. Patraeus is a leader and not a liberal. Mix that into the Romney ticket and one gets the reality of Obama and Biden idiotry against someone who actually governed in Massachuetts and ran a successful Carnivore Capitalist business with a General who actually managed wars and won them.

What more could a Romneycrat desire? Pegs Noonan might even wet her panties a second time at Bilderberg if she gets a look from Mitt and Dave.
Ann Coulter would just .......well be smitten as well as that Chris Christy and so will George Will and that Chuck Krauthammer.
All will just love this, all will just say, "Yeah I hate this, but vote for the Romneyass in 2012 and get rid of Obama. (even if it appears the cartel has plans to do just that to cover their crimes up)

I really do not care, as I'm not voting for Romney unless he announces he is a Christian as I have to answer to Christ. That though is the ticket Romney will stooge for if he has brain, as Nik Haley got banged, old Arizona chic Governor got passed over, and all that is left is that girl Petraeus.

This is the dream Romneycrat ticket which will appeal to all Godless, Republicanless, Consevativeless, Americanless folks......you know the closet voters for Obama in 2008 named Karl Rove.

This all bores me. Mitt if you got a brain this is what you will do as Dave is no fun at CIA with Naps in charge of things.

John Thune with 4 electoral votes? Please!!!!!!!

Donald Trump?  Chris Christy?

Brain version computes David Petraeus.


Bill Clinton in control of the 2012 Romneycrats

As an exclusive from inside the Mitt Romney camp.

Bill Clinton is in control of 2012. He is the king maker.

As this blog originally broke the story in Romneycrats, that Mano Romney had worked out a deal with Bill and Hillary Clinton for support in his campaign which is not coming out in full fledge open rebellion against Obama in Clinton noting Romney was a savvy investor and that Obama is a looting pirate of the US Treasury, details of this have not come to light, and will now be paid homage here exclusively.

The genesis of this is of course the Rothschilds choosing B. Hussein their blood kin over Hillary Clinton due to that Asian uranium deal Bill contrated for in a 10 million dollar dividend.
One does not steal resources in this world without giving the cartel their cut and asking their permission.

Clinton has been stewing about that bright boy for some  time, and was only appeased lightly by Hillary being in the line for the President, in the event Wes Clarke's tribe had Obama assume the position.
A message was sent to Obama in the autumn of 2011 in this blog's exclusive in noting Marine One was diverted, and that diversion was a warning from the Clinton's.

Obama has been toying with scuffing hisself to outright "ending it all" to protect his legacy, at least in his own mind, but  that is a different story altogether.

It was the slap by Obama for that French skirt being installed at IMF which is where Hillary Clinton wanted to be, as she is fed up with murdering nationalist Muslism for Obama's Islamocommunist Brohood.
Hillary Clinton wanted out. The Clintons wanted to return to their old Rose Law firm PROMIS software money laundering for the elite in intelligence in running IMF or controlling the World Bank which meant restructuring Europe,  and the Rothschilds told Obama NO WAY.
The last thing the Rothschilds wanted was the Rockefeller Clintons managing the NeoRoman Empire finances which would mean the Clinton's would have the death grip on the Rothschild Ashkenaz, meaning American Federal Reserve funds which were looted in the trillions.

This would then mean the Clintons would garner assets of hundreds of billions of dollars for a Hillary 2016 run for the President, and having that kind of money and nuclear threat, the European Ashkenaz definitely saw the holocaust in them for that from the Clinton's so Obama was told to bitch slap Hillary again, and send her back to her office.

Enter into this Mitt Romney, who in true Mormanic espionage smells a good deal, and started working on a deal with the Clintons to gain their support in exchange for Bill gaining elder statesman status.
Look when Obama had Bill whoring about North Korea for hostages it was humiliating. Bill Clinton saw what Richard Nixon did in rehabilitating himself, and Bill wants to show up at the White House and around the world to pretend he is President again, and Mitt Romney is promising that venue, just like Bill got to go jetting around with Bush41 in the family political tree again.

Hillary in any case or event can be whatever she chooses in an Obama defeat and lurk about for a 2016 run against Romney, and Romney factored in that one has to be in the White House first, so a Clinton merger would be something of the moment and he would plot for the future later.
It might be honestly that Hillary does not want to run in 2016, and would be content to be the driving force in picking who is going to replace Romney. There is more power behind the scenes than the window dressing of 1600 Penn Avenue.

As further exclusive in the Romneycrats, the fact is Mano Romney is not going to pick any Conservative to be Vice President. It will be some David Brooks or Mike Huckabee "conservative" who voted for Obama and looks allot like Chris Christy.
This blog still maintains though that Romney's choice would be David Petraeus as that is the fit which would bulk up Romney, and with the Clinton's being the John Edwards stand in, Romney is putting together a Bill Clinton new Romneycrats coalition.
Yes Mitt Romney if he steals this election back from B. Hussein Obama Osseiran will be elected by the Clinton liberals and not the Reagan Conservatives.

Proof of this comes directly from the Rick Santorum camp in the reality is Romney has invested exactly 90 minutes in talking to Conservative Santorum. In effect, that is how much vetting Santorum has received, meaning Romney has no interest in a Conservative in any form, including a cabinet post.

The book from Romney has been he is phobic on women, except to tease Haley and Brewer with promises of the VP slot, but when they show up, Romney's crew has this "vetting" thing going on and mumbling about Sarah Palin.
Donald Trump honestly has a better shot at a VP slot than any of the listed coattail crew, including fat Chris Christy.

Conservatives will be more scarce in the Romney cabinet than they were with Obama. What Romney is going to do is be this Obama voting meld of Ann Coulter and Pegs Noonan types showing up at Bilderberg.
You are going to be told the choice is MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN ROMNEY, but you will recoil and say, "What the hell is this!"
Petraues is the only one who deflects enough of that and brings one more Cassius plunge at Obama.

That reality though of the obliterating  Rick Santorum who trounced Obama in the midwest and south, literally if Romney had not stolen the Ohio vote, Santorum would have won this, if Texas was not winner take all, Santorum and Conservatives are a "Don't Call Us and We Will NOT CALL YOU", group from the Romney liberals.

Now You are aware what is going on behind the scenes. Unless pressure is mounted in this, Romney will do the Rhinerd type and all these Noonan types will in Mockingbird tell you that Muchelle Obama is pretty like this Romney choice.

This election is about the Obama Marxists of Cannibal Capitalism against the Romneycrats in Carnivore Capitalism. They both employ slave labor, exploit resources, con one group of Americans in the union versus working poor non union types, and their elite benefactors steal trillions more which America can not afford.
In Romney's case he will first grow the economy before it is stolen while Obama just prints the money and steals it outright.

So that is the reality of what is going on behind the scenes in the Clintons and Romney have worked out a deal, and the deal is Obama is the target, Santorum is DOA and the Rovians are   in the Jeb Bush 2016 mode.
Yeah I know my pie in the sky Petraeus choice is interesting, but do not overlook that Jeb Bush is going to be the VP for Romney as Jeb is not going to wait until 2020 to be President, as his hispanic kid will be around to steal the election by then.

That though is projecting too far out and this blog exposing this will rile the mix too much, but the definitive is Clinton is in Romney and Santorum never made it to dry sex with Romney.

Post Script: Obama's George Romney gaff was not a gaff at all, as Obama really wants to bring up old George border busting out of Mexico as a latin citizen, and being a product of multiple wife marriages due to the Barry Chin reality in Obama knows he is of a dock worker and one whore parent and not of polygamy Barack sr and Stan Ann.

Problem for Obama is he reveals that, he reveals he is of two foreign parents literally and the big problem of criminal conspiracy as he knew this before 2008.

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The Rest



Rest is so important in being God's that it is the defining feature of being God's, beyond circumcision and sacrifice.

It was the 7th day, Sabbath of Saturday which God instituted as His Rest from His Creative Work, which God mandated that all people who were Chosen, would follow in resting from their 6 days of work to commune with Him.

Adam and Eve were to dress and keep their home in the Garden of Eden, but by definition they were to come out of the world and enter into a Spiritual relationship with God to commune with Him on the 7th day.

Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy, set apart, is the Commandment which Moses was given by God to hand to the people of America then named like other Western Europeans in the 13 tribes of Israel.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egyptian world bondage, it was REST He was calling them to, to enter a land of milk and honey, to become a Priestly People, to introduce Him to the rest of humanity.

Yes children, Americans received all this wealth and security to become God's Priestly people like all Western European peoples of the Israelite Peoples to bring redemption to all peoples throughout the world, and not be damned whores prostituting their eternal Life away.

This Rest in the Promised Land though was not rest from work, but a Rest which God promises, and a Rest which was only in preparation for something beyond this world.

Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest.

Psalm 95:11

God was so furious at the Exodus Israelites in their rejection of Him and choosing the world system again, that He killed off an entire generation of world following slaves, just to teach a new generation of this Rest.

St. Paul in Hebrews 4: 1 -13, focuses upon this Rest again, as much as the non observation of the Sabbath was the focus of God in the Old Testament, for removing the Israelites when God divorced the two kingdoms.
For in believing the Gospel in Faith, the Gospel being the Good News, of the Salvation only brought by Jesus the Christ's Resurrection of Himself in all Authority, this is the Faith of Abraham to each of us, in we  then are heirs to enter into this Rest.

In verse 11, St. Paul melds the reasoning of God from physical rest to Spiritual Rest, which is  brought on by obedience to God in training in following His Law, which then makes alive by Christ in verse 12 the quickening of the immortal soul to the eternal Spirit.

One must comprehend that just as the Garden of Eden was a rest from the world as the age began, the Millenium in Christ's Rule throughout all the world with satan bound for 1000 years, is the close of the age Rest in which both the Spiritual and physical world will have rest from the destruction here we face now.

Comprehend this, as there were 2 humans and the Trinity in association at the beginning, there will be an entire world of Spiritually Resurrected Children of God, and survivors of the Great Tribulation residing in the 1000 year rest, to show the correct way the world was intended to be lived in, instead of this savagery which is now consuming all people.

In all of these phases, the Rest comes to be, as God intended after the 1000 years when a new Heaven and a new Earth appear, with a hundreds of miles cube of the new Jerusalem for the Saints to reside in.

Each phase of this is transforming in this evolving by discipline back to the Law and Gospel of God, to the 1000 years having Jesus as the Light of the world literally and the flowing Water of Life from Jerusalem turning the Dead Sea into living waters with trees of healing and fishes of food, for the world.

The Rest is so important, as this Sabbath is an eternal one, and it is only known by the Sabbath to be observed now in the communing of people with God, to the indwelling of Christ both in Spirit now, and in Spiritual Physicality  in the 1000 year Rule when He returns to Harvest His Children as that is what Boothes, Tabernacles, Indwelling means in Thanksgiving. The Immanuel of Christ with us, to the Pentecost of Christ in us, to the Rest in the 1000 years of we in Christ always.

The Rest of Christ is what God started upon the 7th day and Hallowing it, He mandated this to all people to commune with Him in their beginning Exodus from out of this world. This is what Eden was. What the Promised Land was. What the sowing of the tribes of Israel in the West after Exile was and what the 1000 years will be, in all preparation for the eternal Rest each Spiritual child inherits due to Faith.

People overlook this vital concept which  God lectures upon resolutely and far too many ignore or are deceived of by satan to thinking it does not matter.

The Sabbath from the world is vital for this Rest is a transforming  time for a place where time will not be, as the mortal person with an immortal soul which can be destroyed by God, becomes the Spiritual Child in God Who wed to God becomes like God in an eternal Rest, one can only receive with God.

It is not that difficult daily to open a Bible at the beginning and end of the day to read a verse and to pray to God. It is not that difficult to commune with God on the Sabbath in a personal way, and not being sloven in thinking a preacher in a church or a mob sitting their can commune for you.

The Sabbath Rest is important and is taught in the Bible. God has this as a waymark of His Children Who are drawn to that day, for their yearning if for God's eternal Union with them.
You never hear of this, as this is a secret mystery of definition beyond even circumcision. The teaching though is all through the Bible.

It is the Rest of Your Life.

 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

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