Friday, June 22, 2012

Saving Obama's Privates Ryan

This blog heartily agrees with the Obama SS in protecting Barry Chin from savage attacks by Mexicans invited to the White House for lunch and disarming them in not allowing any knives near them, and disarming them of their forks so to protect B. Hussein.

Granted as democrats it would have been better to just serve the Latino's tacos, and then no silverware would have had to have been collected, but the reality is Mr. Obama must be safeguarded from these folks who vote for him.

It is an easy G. Gordon Liddy thing to take a fork, wrap the tine end in a napkin, put it in the palm of one's hand, put the handle end between the ring and gay flip Reagan off finger, and salsa one's way up to B. Hussein and jam the thing into his eye socket and then into the brain, before the Secret Service could even shoot the Mexican.
Worse yet like Bobby Kennedy it might be the SS shooting Obama which would really be bad, as it would be hard to explain how a fork went off.

Barack Hussein Obama though must be protected as this blog always advocates.

This  blog demands that all shoes be removed from Obama voters at the White House as some steel toed boot from a union thug might break Obama's skull in being thrown at him.

Furthermore, all belts should be removed, as we do not want some fat White House Insiders waddling up and strangling Obama.

........and let us not forget those sexy Wall Street Insider chicas who should be disarmed of their tampons as who knows some Obama voter might soak a tampon in tea, sneak up to Obama and suffocate him with it, as she shoves it down his throat, it swells up and chokes the poor Chinoid.

There are many dangers, and this includes BObama the dog.

What happens if the Muslim militants decide to do a John Kennedy like on Castro and breed some plague fleas, and as BO is out romping they toss them over the fence and BO gets bugged, and comes running over to B. Hussein who catches the Black Death or something.
You do remember the rodetns were all over Obama in 2009 don't you?
Don't want no bubonic plague swelling up Barry Chin.

The Obama SS should be commended on this in their foresight, but there are so many dangers which Mr. Obama should be protected from in his voters. I suggest Obama get hisself a Pope Mobile thing so he can be behind glass and people can just look and not fork him.

What happens though if wine is served and some clever McGiver shows up with a load of tums for his tummy, and puts them into that acid, corks the bottle up and gives it a good masturbation shake and turns that cork into a lethal weapon?

We must ban acidic drinks, including orange juice and stomach medicines too in protecting B. Hussein Obama for trial in Joplin Missouri, and to sentence him to Iowa, as that butt hole state is a pure prison of icky ishy.
No please!!!!!! Let Obama call an airstrike on Iowa for it's septic nature and save hisself from toxic shock Obama syndrome in his future Iowa exile.

No farting either as what happens if some Vegitarian shows up, with a load of bean gas in her butt, and she sneaks up, bends over and as Obama admires the view, she lets loose and lights up that methane fart and incinerates B. Hussein on the podium?

Mr. Obama Osseiran must be protected as he had that Salahi woman having hand sex with him, and who knows what sexual disease he might have caught from that bottle blonde adventure.

We can not worry about racial profiling in not trusting Mexicans with forks, as what is this Arizona after all. We can only have concern for beloved leader Obama in taking these safety precautions in assuring that it is only piles of Muslim leaders ending up dead, while America protects at all costs her secular Islamic leader from the Philippines in Barry Chin.

Who knew that all America needed was Mexicans with forks and instead wasted trillions on terror wars. Just load up the Latinos to Asia, with a box of soap in free silverware included, and America would make money on laundry being done and silverware assassins taking out all the bad terrorists.

I do wonder though if the salad fork is of more concern than the dining fork in danger...........

So much to ponder in this Age of Obama. Thank the messiah he is safe and no Mexicans ate him.


a slight of spirit

Some things need to be explained before the anti Christ comes.

I have addressed this in other writings, but not ever completely here or in this type of connective scope.

There are such things as aliens, but not in the context of life forms from other planets.

What was allowed to be discovered after an electric storm after World War II was the fuse of Metatron or the building upon Metatrons illumination of the Cube, or the False  Tree of Life.
This Sacred Geometric structure powered by Photonic Physics, was provided to the "daughters of men" in order to provide satan it's human enticement of a body of satan which could be "god" without being Faithful to God.

The Rothschild lords and their priests have kept this mystery in a false cult embedded with the Babylonian Mystery religion, Nimrod and Semaramis cult practices, and Egyptian magik.
They have the "architect" or the masonic hidden knowledge to build all of this upon.

What the introduction of "UFO's" and little green men initiated out of the Assyrian German initiated rites, yes this is where the Nazi obtained their advancements in the Himmler order cult practices of the Rothschild schooling, was the alternative reality of the introduction into human thought of another "race" in these greys and various progenitors as the genome advanced.

According to Corso, they determined that the craft was a biological spaceship, functioning in conjunction with a crew of EBE’s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities). They were biological robots created through advanced genetic engineering, clones designed to withstand the extreme conditions of space travel. These EBE’s were able to drive their starship through a particular neural interface, whereby they could connect with the craft, becoming an almost integrated part of it.

The UFO provided the conduit for the transfer or technology to the American Government and the engineered biological units were the introduction for a great deception which even the Vatican is in it's Luciferian dogma promoting. The entire protocol of this is to set the stage for the "order" of humans were the children of other star races, sown here from long ago, and there is no God, but only these alien visitors who people have been terrorized by or assisted by.

All of this originated from human hands, and is progenatized by these engineered biological units self replicating in control of satan.

Baby the greatest plasma mind ever, came from this technology developed by the Fraulein and now taking space in the ape brothers.

Star Trek was a Mockingbird conditioning of these story lines to indoctrinate the masses, with the United Planet Earth, star children, aliens and spaceships.

The UFO was built of multi level skins of elements, and runs by a current of electromagnetism reverse generated so it can swim over space like an amoeba. The biological units were engineered to interphase with the craft and were never meant to survive. They have expiration dates.

Not all "alien"  visits are physical. Numbers are simply visions to terrify people. Some people are tracked and activated by crystal implants.

People are tracked for biological reasons in satan has been attempting to create a dark soul, or anti human in order to be his anti body or "church" in mirror of Christ's Body being the Faithful.
This is a process of changing  the anti human, and the cartel has been involved in this, in initiating the genetic engineered crops and vaccines to induce cancer growth for study of rejuvination of humans, for the orders to come, in the immortal mortals, being transformed by the activation of the false tree of darkness, in order to create this new race initiated by the anti Christ.

The anti Christ is  part of the deception. The deception is designed to unite the world population behind an Obama archetype who actually does have a halo that does miracles, and you too can be like the super human race if you join the identity program.

Obama was part of a quasi breeding program called Sugarland. The human generated "oids" were put into place to usher this in, although the majority are clueless to the information here as they could not handle it or would babble on about it in pillow talk.
Not all have been Faust in selling their souls. Some are engineered that way.

The human testing structures are taking samples and creating breeders who are capable of creating this line.

Crop circles are part of the deception by demons. They do though provide literal information in certain structures or illumination.

When the initiation takes place, the shock of the information and the miracles as proof will unite the body human to a false world peace, in order for this order to initiate. Once  the world figures out they have been duped, then Armageddon will come in revolt.

The forbidden knowledge of human advancement, as in the key technologies provided, were designed to alienate humans from God, which it has with like socio and psychological programming. The relevant fact is the humans have become the aliens and never considered that point in their mad rush.


Give them Babel they will become God.

Give them license and they will become genetic misfits of Canaan.

They will be scattered because of this and be destroyed.

Have to go is 1600 hours.

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On this auspicious  day of the evil of the Obama regime led by the murderous racist Eric Holder, this blog is actually sorrowful for the homosexuals in the sexually retarded ill mannered way they acted in the White House in various  forms disgracing themselves and America.

Philadelphia Gay News publisher Mark Segal (center), who opted for a sarcastic thumbs-up pose in front of the portrait of George W. Bush over the more vulgar one demonstrated by his Reagan-loathing peers, Matthew “Matty” Hart (left), the national director of public engagement at Solutions for Progress, and self-taught photographer turned toast-of-the-town Zoe Strauss (right).

The reality is Ronald Reagan told homosexuals exactly what they needed to be told in to grow up and stop being immoral. It was Ronald Reagan who first funded aids research which sucked billions of dollars from non chosen diseases which have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans since in diabetes to cancer.
How many Americans and their families have suffered, because that money which should have gone to diseases which people can not control have died, while aids which is only caught through irresponsible misbehavior has been the celebrity disease of the left.

I do have sorrow for these sexual retards, as that is exactly what they are, in they define themselves entirely by where they put their penis, and that is as silly as defining yourself if your navel is in or out.

The reality is these hateful Reagaphobes are still the self centered and self loathing humans they were before they posed in being disgusting. One must understand in forensic profiling in the reason a human acts out is because they are afraid. Secure people do not act out.

This group chose a sexual epitaph, because it is the epitaph of their life and their death. They are at odds with God and until they overcome in Christ their chosen sin, they are going to face Judgment while Ronald Reagan sits righteous beside Christ in the great scales balancing.

It is a pity these three could not see themselves for what they really are, but they will feel one day the immense pain they caused so many people who were hurt by their intended sharing of their pain, as it all comes home to bear till their destruction the Lake of Fire.

I wonder though where these homosexuals were when Barack Obama was having Lawrence Sinclair abused and assaulted in DC lock up, in Delaware being threatened with life imprisonment for a crime he never committed and had his disability cancelled for daring to speak the facts of his sexual encounters with B. Hussein Obama.

What about the dead Donald Young, and his family. Obama's own boy toy from Jeremiah Wright's gay religion, and Obama did nothing to investigate and find the murderer.

Ronald Reagan never once abused any homosexual and he certainly never had one murdered to cover up his relationship, yet there is Barack Obama, the gay's choice, and that is exactly what Obama does to gays, along with dumping them into the military for green suicide.

There is nothing worse than handing an addict a bottle of booze or a syringe, telling them they might as well do it as they can not stop. That though is what liberals do to gays, which in turn causes the gays to be all dead.
Gays need to be told the Reagan message, along with the real message that being homosexual is choice and one is not born that way,

Homosexuals though are just a stepping stone in the Obama agenda for the pedophile elites to degrade society through them, to get at the children, and when that is accomplished, the pedophile elite are going to wipe out the gays faster than Adolf Hitler.
Gays though can not see that, as they are sexual retards who think with their body parts, and use sex as punishment.

They move on from marriages which do nothing but end in mass divorce, enriching more attorneys, robbing gays of their assets.

Make no mistake about this, any of this, in there are not that many homosexuals in this world. What there is though is a well funded Mockingbird type project to funnel money to homosexuals, make them powerful and as poster boys for the pedophile agenda.
The homosexual is as like funded as 5th column communists, as much as Barack Obama was funded to fulfill his nefarious agenda for the elite.

So posing before the world as a fool is nothing but sadness for me as there is no joy in seeing wasted lives and pathetic souls acting out in fear of Ronald Reagan while handing Barack Obama the votes so he can murder more of them.

These are the Reagaphobes, as much as Obama acting out thumping his chest taking credit for murdering bin Laden's corpse.

Ron Reagan jr. told a story of one of these Obama voters long ago in Ronald Reagan always gave a thumbs up to people as he was positive. One day one of these Obama voters leapt on his car, and with face snarling in the windshield, flipped Reagan the bird.

President Reagan just laughed and said, "Well, I guess he got it part right".

That is what Ronald Reagan would do in laugh at this as God laughs at evil people in knowing their time is coming. President Reagan though is in Heaven and still serving America in a place though free from all of these Obama voters who will never get it, as they are not interested in the Way, the Truth or the Life.

They instead like Ann Coulter are interested in death, license and dictatorship, as that is the antithesis of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

This blog actually has more compassion for these homosexuals than they do themselves.

“Yeah, fuck Reagan,” reiterates Hart one week after the reception. “Ronald Reagan has blood on his hands. The man was in the WhiteHouse as AIDS exploded, and he was happy to see plenty of gay men and queer people die. He was a murderous fool, and I have no problem saying so. Don’t invite me back. I don’t care.”

The problem is Mr. Hart, is you do care deeply and it was gay men who spread aids and were happy to see homosexuals die, as the culprit after the initial release of aids in deliberate contaminated Hepatitis vaccines  was a Canadian airline steward who was sexing anything  that moved, as all gay males were.
Gays murdered themselves and not Ronald Reagan.

The blood is on your hands and not Ronald Reagan. The actions are yours.


Eric beHolder

ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, yes the shadow of the Obama regime's deadly leader of the State Police, in Eric Holder, did have a faustian nightmare in Beria, as all foreign born despots like Joe Stalin require an enforcer to cement power, run terror operations and to keep the laws of the state protecting your Trayvon Martin crimes, while making criminals out of those George Zimmermans struggling to survive.

Just as America has a State Police structure, Russia has a State Police set up under foreigner Joe Stalin in the guise of comrade Beria, who actually rolled back the original directives of Stalin, as he was murdering so many people, the Soviet system was imploding.
That of course is not the course for the Obama regime, for if he had 4 more years, the real Eric Holder will unleash in his Fast and Furious depredation on incinerating Americans as in Waco Texas or blowing Mother's heads off as at Ruby Ridge.

Let it never be forgotten that Eric Holder was the key Justice Department official WHO THE 9 11 TERRORISTS LEARNED TERRORISM UNDER.

Holder or Beria though are keyholed by the Beria comment below, as Eric Holder crushes all who dare stand up against the Obama regime from Gulf GOP states, Missouri River GOP states, GOP states in voter identification or Law Enforcement as in Arizona investigating foreigner B. Hussein Obama.

"Let our enemies know that anyone who attempts to raise a hand against the will of our people, against the will of the party of Lenin and Stalin, will be mercilessly crushed and destroyed.
Lavrentiy  Beria
 What is the telling point in Eric Holder in the Obama regime which joins them at the hip to Laverntiy Beria and the Stalin regime, is a horrid event which makes the German Nazi's tame in comparison.

 On 5 March 1940, after the Gestapo–NKVD Third Conference was held in Zakopane, Beria sent a note (no. 794/B) to Stalin in which he stated that the Polish prisoners of war kept at camps and prisons in western Belarus and Ukraine were enemies of the Soviet Union, and recommended their execution. Most of them were military officers, but there were also intelligentsia, doctors, and priests for a total of over 22,000. With Stalin's approval, Beria's NKVD liquidated them in the Katyn massacre.
 Only this blog exposed exclusively the lies perpetrated by the Putin regime in Moscow when the entire Polish National Patriot Government was assassinated while visiting, the Katyn massacre cite when the government aircraft was brought down.

The modern assassination of the Polish Nationalist Government.

  1. A Polish Assassination in Theory
  2. Russia Engineers Polish Government's Assassination
  3. Retaliation
 The reality as only this blog pointed out, but was later joined by Polish Government officials and only one story posted on World Tribune finally covering this massacre, is that Barack Obama and Eric Holder did absolutely NOTHING in the the murder of the Polish Patriots.

America in previous disasters could not send in the NTSB, the FBI or enough support and assistance, but under Obama and Holder absolutely not assistance was offered to the Polish Government, and not one FBI investigator was dispatched to investigate this mass murder.
The entire cover up by the Obama regime in this while aiding Medvedev and Putin in the annexation of Poland, Ukraine and all of eastern Europe, was a betrayal of all Europeans, and the Obama manifesto of undoing the liberation of Ronald Reagan's legacy in freeing the Slavic peoples from Bolshevik slavery.

Beria and Holder also have a Marxist affection, in Beria would cruise the streets of Moscow to rape women or have his security pick up women to "scream or enjoy as it is going to happen", and Holder has overseen the mass political rape of the American Woman from Sarah Palin to Hillary Clinton by this regime.
Stalin knew very sick what Beria was doing, and Obama knew very well of the rapes in America, as he is the one who quoted "lipstick on a pig" concerning Sarah Palin.

Only by Beria could Stalin rule, as Beria was the sociopath propping up the regime. It would be Beria who when Stalin was in a coma having a stroke, left him for a day in his excrement and told others to not bother in alarming the situation.
Beria would kiss Stalin's hand and rush out to seize power, the minute it has been reported that Beria's poison murdered Stalin.

This Marxist murderer would be checked by terrified Politburo members in their not just arresting him, but exposing him as a traitor to the Soviet state. Beria made the mistake of trying to sell east Germany back to America for World War II like assistance in financial aid.

In the end, the murderer of millions, Beria would be crying and pleading for his life, as a cloth was shoved in his mouth to shut him up as a Russian general put a bullet into his brain.

One could ask considering the murderous history of Eric Holder being involved in every major domestic terror event in the past 30 years, if his plotting would bring him to the day of the one who administers the cartel's final solution on Barry Chin.
The cartel who Eric Holder works for, is the force behind all the trillions in looting and terrorism against Americans. They know the criminal rapine will come to light, and they know that an event will have to be engaged in to save themselves.

Eric Holder is the most powerful person in the US government. Examine his past crimes and no one in Congress dared touch him in confirmation. Tim Geithner had his tax cheating brought up, but was still put through in his Ford Foundation connections. Tom Daschle was crucified for past taxes, because he did not have the cartel's backing.

Never forget that Eric Holder was there when Ron Brown was assassinated. Sec. Brown was taken out over bribes from Vietnam in that diplomatic union of the Clinton administration.
Ron Brown would refuse to talk on the phone or have any electronic communications as in fear he told friends, he was being listened to constantly.
All of that and black man Ron Brown was murdered, and there was Eric Holder not investigating a thing, no more than the murder of Vince Foster or the murder of Sandra Levy.

Just remember James McDougal and the piles of dead bodies in America, with Eric Holder under Janet Reno, and the last thing Holder did was get a pardon for Marc Rich who was laundering the billions in bribes from Saddam Hussein.

What kind of fail safe does Eric Holder operate under, as he was supposed to be sacraficed according to Democratic insiders over Obama's crimes to Rep. Darrell Issa, and there is Holder still in office in contempt of Congress.

Why is the cartel keeping Eric Holder in place exactly as Stalin kept Beria in place? Will the day come when Eric Holder makes a push after Obama signs in martial law and tries to be the next dictator?

Eric Holder has a history which stretches back the murderous bloody fist of comarde Beria. Will this heinous evil of Eric Holder only be checked when some terrified democrats stand up and arrest this sociopath?

Attorney General Eric Holder is the one who keeps telling everyone to keep watching the girl as the crimes against humanity do not matter.

When will the dead children of Waco, the dead children of OKC, the dead of the World Trade Centers, the dead of Ruby Ridge, the dead of Fort Hood, the ruined lives of Hutatree, the dead American from Gun Runner find Justice in a Justice Department which is nothing but outlaw and led by an Obama Hoodie Gangster?

America has the decades of mass murder Kremlin operating in her in Eric Holder, for the ghost of Lavrentiy  Beria haunts the imprisoned nation with rape, terror and murder.

History does repeat itself. America has the Kremlin operating in it's District of Columbia.

In 1944, as the Germans were driven from Soviet soil, Beria was in charge of dealing with the various ethnic minorities accused of collaboration with the invaders, including the Chechens, the Ingush, the Crimean Tatars and the Volga Germans. All these groups were deported to Soviet Central Asia.

Those Volga Germans, were American Germans in the entire center of America was peopled by these victims of the Soviet State Police. Those same peoples were flooded out of existence in 2011 by the Obama regime backed by the Holder State Police.

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Katyn Massacre

Eric beHolder

The Incarnate Evil of Eric Holder


In January of 1993 when William Jefferson Blythe Clinton took the oath of Office of the President of these United States in a perfect coup conducted by Lawrence Walsh, following up on the intricate media manipulation of Dan Rather of CBS news in the month of December of 1991 pounding fabricated stories on the US economy was sinking, followed by another month of "Bush's Poll Numbers are Dropping" (They would drop as they were at record levels of almost 80% in the first Gulf War), a nefarious cancer was installed by Bill and Hillary co President Clinton at Justice, with a mandate from the cartels to abort Ronald Reagan.
This abortion of Reagan's American Militia started in the Bush 41 Administration in a 1991 initiated operation called PATCON, which was instigated to collect intelligence on Citizens who were Christian and Armed, and move them to acts of violence. Yes Hutatree sounds familiar in this along with BATF bragging they had "hundreds" of people they were watching in 2009, for further operations which would expand this  to smearing the Tea Party, which was again another operation linked to the Rovian and Holder groups.

One must comprehend this as Barack Obama's international Red Fascist Mandate has been to both obliterate Ronald Reagan's global freedom for a feudal state and to replace Jesus the Christ as messiah, that Eric Holder showing up in the Obama regime, was by no accident as he was stationed as an intelligence agent to finish the heinous work he instigated in 1993.

Where this phase of Eric Holder all started was with General Louis O. Giuffrida, the person President  Reagan chose to transform Jimmy Carter's FEMA into a emergency government group to survive a nuclear war, and to round up and deport every illegal in these United States.

The General had a history in California in working for security for Governor Reagan in setting up the California Specialized Training Institute, which Ronald Reagan created to stop the Bill Ayers terrorists of California by training law enforcement collectively.
What General Giuffrida had accomplished against subversive 1960 radicals in the west , Ronald Reagan intended to unleash him on environmental terrorists across America, as the Administration secured America from illegals and from the Soviet Empire.

The General actually conducted training missions in Latin America called REX 84 to round up illegals. This was Ronald Reagan at his Patriotic finest in countering the 5th column which almost murdered him in California and literally almost assassinated him during his Presidency.

What Ronald Reagan undertook was a brilliant reshaping of America in arming the Militias and Patriot movements in the states. I will repeat that so that soaks in, as that entire later episode in smearing the Michigan Militia and others, was part of the Eric Holder operation to undo Ronald Reagan's arming of America.
The militias in this did have an intelligence conduit in this, in they were given guns and those guns in part were transferred to the Freedom Fighters in Latin America, who secured El Salvador and took Nicaragua from Daniel Ortega's communist.

This Reagan Administration was so successful in their work, that the cartel which was utilizing these traitorous revolutionaries move the 60's Clintons to install as Assistant to Attorney General Janet Reno, one Eric Holder.
Reno always had more attention span for child molestation, and the real machinations of the aborting of the Reagan security apparatus went to intelligence agent, Eric Holder.

These communist red fascists were furious over Reagan's undoing their treachery, so Eric Holder was installed to run operations much the way Dick Armitage was in the Bush43 Administration.
What Holder would be tied to is thee same exact fingerprints found on the most murderous of Barack Hussein Obama's domestic terrorism of Americans in Rod Blagojevich, Lawrence Sinclair, John Edwards, the New Black Panthers voter intimidation in Philadelphia, Hutatree and Fast and Furious, and, Trayvon Martin in the Nigger Hoodie Terrorists.

Eric Holder would run PATCON which started in 1991, and supposedly end in 1993. On the trail of this would be though the Clinton Justice Department setting up and selling Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols explosives and armaments for the Oklahoma City bombing by intelligence moles pressing for this attack.
Do not forget that after OKC that Bill Clinton in talking points deliberately linked this to Rush Limbaugh and right wing Americans. One will recall this same mirror operation was conducted in the staged shooting of Gabrielle Giffords in talking points sent out  to link Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.

All of these operations link and have like patterns, and the common denominator is Eric Holder.

Holder has a penchant for using the gestapo terrorist SS wing of the US government in the BATF. This was the group under Karl Rove who was sent to rid America of local gun dealers using cheap licenses from the Federal Government, and to harass others in storm trooper assaults on their homes.

BATF would be utilized by Eric Holder in Hutatree, in lying to them that Hutatree people were insane and should be shot on sight. Hutatree members were bewildered and immediately surrendered.

Linked into the Oklahoma City bombing, would be the incineration of men, women and children at the Branch Davidians where Holder would stoke the Christian Militia fires again in another mass murder of the innocent.
David Koresch would tell BATF minutes after the firefight started which BATF launched, "You should have just come in and talked to me".

Holder and BATF would not be done though, as he would send them into Idaho in another "White American Terrorist" threat at Ruby Ridge, where Holder would in BATF blow the head off a Mother, holding her baby, and pin the family down for days, as the infant crawled through brain matter and the child's mother's blood as she decomposed.

The Clinton's signed off on this to protect their regime, but even Holder showed his true treachery in waiting until the middle of the night on Bill Clinton's phobic last day in office, to convince the weary President, to sing a pardon for Marc Rich.
Marc Rich was wanted by Justice of all things, and Holder obtained for him a pardon of all crimes.

For the record, Marc Rich was the money launderer for the cartel which was taking billions in Saddam Hussein bribes and dropping them in the Oil for Food scam Clinton set up, in bribery accounts for most of the liberals in Governments in the western hemisphere.

This is the legacy of organize crime of Eric Holder as he was installed into Justice by Barack Hussein Obama to cover up the legion of Obama crimes from being a foreign asset by birth, to Obama's election fraud, election fundraising from terrorists for 300 million dollars to anything else which Obama has murdered his way to keeping his regime in office as he blackmails Congress and the Judiciary with the secret files Eric Holder has access to.

One might as well after Fast and Furious was set up to, make Mexican cartels the armed enforcers of the Obama dope  rings in managing Latin America, which have caused the murders of Americans, some in law enforcement along with hundreds of Mexicans, note that the only time Eric Holder ever enforces the law, is when one of his terrorists is not terrorizing who Obama wishes.

Only this blog pointed out that the California wildfires which were set by the Mexican mafia at the behest of al Qaeda funding, only came under investigation by Holder, after the terror events took place.
Holder investigates nothing in Gun Runner or Fast and Furious as it is Obama policy, but when it is not serving Obama policy, then California wildfires are dampened quietly, as Obama and Holder never once mentioned with their puppy press it was Obama's terrorists who made this attack.

Where is Nidal Hassan? No trials, no more than any other terrorist from the Bush era.

Where is Faisal Shahzad, the New York Bomber, who Eric Holder allowed to drive freely all along the east coast while tracking him, knowing he was armed with an assault rifle and allowed to enter an international airport, for another staged Obama event of violence.

The worst domestic terrorist in these United States is Eric Holder. He surpasses that snot on the sleeve wiper, Naps Napolitano who terrorized Americans with Obama Flu in 2009 and has been sexually assaulting them at TSA for years.

This is the reality of Eric Holder and the cartel he represents in international syndicates of crime in drug trade and assaults on Americans. Eric Holder keeps Justice at bay, so his stooge boss, B. Hussein Obama can conduct operations globally for a new world order in Asian and Europe in the murder and replacement of nationalist leaders.

Eric Holder does not belong in contempt of Congress by Rep. Darrell Issa, but Eric Holder belongs in front a "crimes against humanity" trials in Joplin Missouri, because the world has not seen such evil for decades. Eric Holder literally is entering his third decade in a jihad against Americans.

Do not overlook that the first World  Trade Center bombings were under Eric Holder's "security" in those terrorists were being tracked too. Do not forget that John Kennedy jr. had the tail of his airplane blown off with Eric Holder's watchful eye, but then the entire Polish Patriot Government was murdered in Russia, and Holder or Obama did nothing to investigate that either, as Obama was aborting Ronald Reagan's liberation of eastern Europe in turning it all over to Vladamir Putin again and Obama's Bolsheviks' who bred him at Sugarland in Hawaii.

This is Eric Holder, a sociopathic murderer as Attorney General of these United States. This is the incarnate evil of Eric Holder.

"The Justice department memos which name Fast and Furious, do not refer Fast and Furious.

Eric Holder

 Where are the Grand Jury indictments for Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama ?

Normal people would not be able to live with themselves considering the destruction of human life in what Eric Holder has been involved in, but Mr. Holder is not bothered in the least, and dances on the grave of Trayvon Martin for political gain.

Where is the Federal Grand Jury indicting Eric Holder, the Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria of this Obama Murder Incorporated mafia.

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Holder Terrorism

Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria