Friday, October 12, 2012

I told you children

Who was it, that told you it was all recorded in the gang finger bang rape of Lara Logan? Did I not tell you that bin Laden's actor was also live fed and there were no breaks in the broadcast and they knew exactly what took place?

Did I not tell you that it was a known event of what took place with Ambassador Chris Stevens in it was all recorded too?

Cutter: Benghazi Only an Issue 'Because of Romney and Ryan'...

Says Romney 'Was Looking For An Opportunity... To Take Advantage Of'...


Romney scorches...

Benghazi attack caught on tape; drone also shot video...

Yes, the reality none of this was "caught" as it was all recorded as all of these operations are 24 hours a day. One can not move in certain parts of the world without being recorded, and they can read postage stamps from outer space.

I explained that certain people have replayed that Logan digital for "fun" as there  are those who get off on rape and snuff films. It is a real jack off to see a mob of Marxist Muslims bash about the cute Brit whore you have in your employ.
When I tell you that there are numerous well known people you see all the time pontificating morality to you on the right and left, and these same folks in cocktail conversations can tell you who is raping what child while on vacation or for sport in the ivory towers, these are the beasties you are dealing with.

It used to be back in the day, that the eye in the skies for fun used to cruised past some hot chic by the pool she was known to lay out by, but now this stuff has the Cheetos crowd masturbating as they track people in their daily routines. Loads of this stuff running back channel and is how the regime ran most of it's brown recluse operations was piggyback off of NSA systems which pretended it was not noticing what was taking place.

They do not need pay per view for cage fights or even watching some underground net posts. They get this stuff from cruisers whose entire job is what police reports and then find some bloke who gets his jollies knocking the misses about the flat in the back garden.

You should listen to the gossip here, as many find out that in days following Drudge posts things concerning what is posted here on the things broken here. See it shows up here, and some clever puppy pressette actually asks some wonk about it, and they get a gleam in their eye and hint at things for sport and explain things like suveillance which can be talked about.

There are whole damn sections of this stuff they pick up, which ends up in the personal files from Putin's dick hanging out to more that boobies being exposed in Queen Kate.

Is why I prefer Cowboy Beepop and Vash the Stampede.

Hell it is catalogued in a best of archive.

Wouldn't you like to see Lara Logan getting dragged around or Ambassador Anal getting up the broom handle?

The White House has............and I will end it with that dangling line.

It is not Insider but as I said INSIDE HER.

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I can.... I'm Mormon

I noticed something this morning which absolutely fascinated me as I was starting a post for tomorrow concerning Obama dealing with the performance in the Joe Biden debate.

I do not check blog traffic flow as this a private conversation and whatever God decides to do with it, is God's Will.
What struck me though was I was seeing a number of zeroes as in no page visits to certain stories. That seemed odd as I knew that I had been on the blog yesterday to make certain stories had posted, as I was going through that for a time in an Obama recluse spider had been illegally hacking into my blog and Google to keep stories exposing Obama crimes to be published.
That is criminal in case people need to informed.

What the interesting part was, stories in Jorge Romney, Because Jesus is my Lord, Aspen Ryan & Bubblehead Biden etc.... all were showing no visits.


0Comment count
0View count

That appears to be a pattern in someone with computer connections, who could arrive in Google, was at that moment deliberately blocking the view count on the pages which were dealing with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

I had completely grown to expect the Obama contracts and Naps Napolitano terrorizing this blog, along with the brown recluse from the White House, but this has me puzzled as someone was sending me a short signal that there is interest on the Romney articles.

It is a plus minus triangulation. Either this was the Romney experts meddling in the blog. Either this was Baby and the Plasmas attempting to communicate something to me, or, either this was the Obama contractors attempting to lay a criminal lead toward Mitt Romney for some indictment of him, knowing I would make known the facts.

This happened for one refresh as I surfed the blog to test page count hits in opening the articles and when I refreshed the browser, the real page stats appeared again in numbers which pattern for this blog.

It does fascinate me in why this blog carries so much attention of the people who decide life and death issues for the world. No one has this kind of popularity. I realize that the talking heads are all employed to tow the line they are given like Obama in his scripts, so there is no need to watch them, but I never hear of anyone else even remotely having these nuances showing up as proof  being left that the power elite want it known they are my company.

Is this anything out of the ordinary in the surveillance on this blog ? Not in the least. It is more pleasant than a radar sweep exploding veins in my left eye or killing my dog. Yes Mano Mitt, I too had an Irish Setter and I never once tied her to the top of my car, as she always rode inside as she was a good puppy.

Just so people do not think I'm picking on the Mormon, my puppy lived with me, was under my desk fighting for space every night as I typed things here and often gave me chiggars and ticks, and was not locked in some kennel until the fat ass wife Muchelle or Bearick needed a publicity pose that they were human.

So in any story event, if the Romney people are revealing capabilities in hacking into Google of Google has allowed them in, then it reveals that the situation has changed in America and Mitt Romney is already the new el Presidente'.
If this is Obama tactics, it is just as poor as all of their smiley face operations.
If it is the Plasmas, then I wonder of the ZERO option in Baby's mind formulates complex thoughts in ways the plasmas communicate, as in the zero means there is no Romney in existence which is troubling if  they are picking up the regime is initiating the protocols warned of here if Romney opened up too large of lead in the polls which he now has.

Someone has sent a cryptic message and it has been relayed to the public now, as that was the intent.

Mormon Gestapo, Obama intrigue in framing Mitt Romney or Obama elimination of Mitt Romney. Not very pleasant Final Jeopardy categories for the Mano. None of which America needs.

Time will now reveal what the visitation was about.

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Nous les Peuple

We the People............

With the Obama regime exposed in crimal Jobgate as this blog predicted something would be revealed in the historic 7.8% unemployment in a "state did not report their numbers", as in some sovereign as California being withheld deliberately for electioneering for Obama's criminal propaganda, there is something in this which the majority has missed, and it has to do with what Obama has not missed in LEGITMACY.

Let the words echo of Samuel Clemens, about Joan of Arc, and what Her Voices were directing her to accomplish about legitimate leadership of a fractured nation. The cartel's know the below completely and it is why they drove off Sarah Palin from her  rightful place.


Consider the Coronation. As a masterpiece of diplomacy, where can you find it's superior in our history? Did the King, suspect its vast importance? No. Did his ministers? No. Did the astute Bedford, representative of the English crown? No. An advantage of incalculable importance was here under the eyes of the King and of Bedford; the King could get it by bold stroke, Bedford could get it without an effort; but being ignorant of its value, neither of them put forth the hand. Of all the wise people in high office in France, only one knew the priceless worth of this neglected prize - the untaught child of seventeen, Joan of Arc - and she had known it from the beginning, had spoken of it from the beginning as an essential detail of her mission.

How did she know it? It is simple: she was a peasant. That tells the whole story. She was of the people and knew the people; those others moved in loftier sphere and knew nothing much about them. We make little account of the vague, formless, inert mass, that mighty underlying force which we call 'the people' - an epithet which carries contempt with it. It is  a strange attitude; for at bottom we know that the throne which the people support, stands, and that when that support is removed, nothing in this world can save it.

...To Joan of Arc, the peasant girl, Charles VII as no King until he was crowned; to her he was only he Dauphin; that is to say, the heir.

For those who have missed this in the viscous propaganda attacks of the feudal lords led by types as Ann Coulter, Shep Smith and the silent enablers in Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin as the mockers skewered the Birthers, in Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz, while the Obama regime waged enemy of the state assaults on the hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin in making him a political prisoner, the reality is the elite knew the value of that office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and it is why traitorous Chief Justice John Roberts double swore in B. Hussein Obama in January of 2009, as it was an omen of the illegitmacy of Barack Obama in his real form of Barry Chin of Asian nativity.

Barack Obama is not an American. He is not even a majority in being black Negroid. He is a Designer Negro from the start created by the world elite in a Sugarland breeding program all to install these educated mongrels as despots TO CONTROL THEIR NATIVE POPULATIONS.
That is why was practicing Suarto speeches in cadence in Indonesia and why he was sojourning in Kenya, and black liberation preaching in America, he was being auditioned for a role of dictator of Kenya, Indonesia or in America as Jess Jackson's intelligence asset replacement to herd the black vote. Obama only fell into the office of 1600 Penn Avenue when the Clinton's fell out of favor.

This has always been about legitimacy and Obama has known it, since he announced his British Citizenship expired, which it could never have done.

America has not had a legitimate President, since 2009 and it is why Obama fixates on that word legitimacy in repeating it, and why he could not help but brag in front of the President of the Philippines that it was Filipino crossed Americans who were thee most valuable of peoples, because Obama's Mum was Anna Chin, a comfort woman from the Philippines who bore him in communist brothel in Hawaii.

Obama is a political bastard and that is why Obama savaged Sheriff Joe Arpiao in this American lawman's findings of Obama has nothing but forged documents, revealing Obama is a conspirator as an enemy agent in the overthrow of the American Government.

Barack Obama is a Vichy President, an appointed puppet of the Nazi Germans. He is a faux fag smouldering as an appointment by the English in the Duke of Bedford for King Henry of England. Obama has been a bowing puppet of the world appointed elite, and his mission was to install a NeoRoman empire in the west managed out of Europe, a New Asian Order managed out of Peking and sandwiched in between the Islamocommunist Caliph terrorists which Obama manages out of 1600 Penn Avenue to rule the world.

Barack Obama is nothing but the bastard, the illegitimate, the illegal occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and every True American knows this as the Founders who Fathered America, laid down definitely the birthright of natural born to holding  that one office which safekeeps these United States of America.

Every True American knows in their heart that Obama does not belong in that Oval Office, the Office of God's Christ, because Obama the messiah is undocumented and has nothing in common with Americans or blacks. True Americans can feel one of their own, and Obama is no more American than an Englishman in France.

Joan of Arc knew this in the Dauphin in the importance of the Coronation in what it meant to legitimize the natural leader of France. The feudal lords have spent millions of dollars in propping up B. Hussein Obama in his election thefts, media propaganda and his forged documents, but none of this matters on pile of sheep dung in the pasture, as Barack Husein Obama is not American. He is foreign extraction and foreign excrement on the Fruited Plain.

Once Americans know in their Secular Religion of that Constitution they have a President, it does not matter as they recognize that person as President and will accept no other, whether in agreement or not.

Barack Hussesin Obama will never have the People's Heart for all he has had on the left is the mobs racist guilt in installing him and on the right the Patriot's righteous revulsion in this foreign implant pretending native born.

There is a vast difference between to the manor born and to the brothel born. Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin was no anchor baby as he set Barack sr. adrift in the communist waters, but instead was a barter baby to who could pimp this bastard for the highest fee out of the American accounts. This is why Obama was kowtowing about the Asian sphere, as he was a  community organized event by fascists and communists to carve their pounds of flesh off the ravaged American Virgin.

In epithet,

Barack Obama is not unAmerican for that would require his actually being American. Barack Husein Obama is not America. That is his reality.

Lame Cherry

 We the people know this, and no forged documents nor Asian child installed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will ever make Barry Chin native born. He is a product of a 5th column invasion of America. He is a world citizen product with his allegiance to world and not America, and is why he sought to change America in his hope of communist organized block by block and gulag by gulag events.

Barack Obama's red, white and blue, is an internationalism pride adorned in wars of red  blood, whitewashed of his crimes and leaving the world Super Depression blue in terror anxiety.

Lame Cherry

There is only one True and Native Proprietor of the Office of President of these United States and that is an American by birth and not crooked contract.

Lame Cherry

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Jehanne du Arc du Lis

Kate Smith Sings God Bless America
Irving Berlin wrote this song for Kate Smith back in 1938. Nobody could sing it like her.

1976 kate smith anthem God bless America - YouTube 3, 2008 - 3 min - Uploaded by hockeybooks
Video Responses. 2009 God Bless America Lauren Hart Kate Smith duet 2:24. Watch Later 2009 God Bless ...

Obama the Prophetic

You probably did not know that Barack Obama is in the Bible or more to the point his actions are. When this blog as Prophet proclaimed to the world that Barack Obama was the precursor event for the anti Chirst, I know that the majority had not any comprehension of the depths of the meaning of Barry Chin in shadow event.

If you can comprehend this, Barack Obama is the incarnation of the viper or evil John the Baptist for the Christ. Where John made straight the Way in preparing for the Lord Christ, Barack Obama has made crooked the ways for the anti christ to arise to power in the world populaces mind.

All of this is going to be matter and anti matter exclusive my children and if it makes sodomites heads hurt, and bleating brats upset that this blog is harsh in the message in they desire to be coddled in their filth, than that is their iniquity as I have a mission at this moment still in working for God which is horrid in I have to tell ungrateful refuse all of these things, and then deal with their attacks, but I must do this in pointing all of these things out, or I will be charged with their sins.
I have sinned enough and been redeemed in Christ, and this Prophet is not about to be Judged for others sins.

Now to the main teaching.

The personage who Barack Obama is preparing the way for is the son of perdition, the anti Christ. For those who have attempted to label Barry Chin in that top role, let it be made clear that this fraud of Obama is nothing compared to the miracle working, change of seasons and events, conquering ruler who is to come. Obama is a fool. The anti  Christ will fool almost all.

In Daniel, this son of perdition is called "the little horn", because he, and he is a male, arises out of a group of 10 horns or leaders and a horn is by what a beast enforces and pushes it's authority.
The beast is simply an Empire or joined group of 10 leaders and this group is based on the Roman Babylonian system, and it will arise from Europe just as Adolf Hitler did in the last incarnation of this beast.

The Bible verse in Daniel:

Daniel 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Daniel 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

Do not miss the sequential coding of the 7.8 and 8.9 which God laid out in Scripture. It is not by accident and notes a progression.

We know for certain this Caesar deals with 3 other leaders in removing them. This appears in his dealing with 3 leaders inside the Roman system.
Hitler annexed numerous European nations at his start, and it is evident the little horn will remove 3 European leaders.

What I will to note is in Chapter 8, in where this empire attacks. It does not move west nor north, but instead goes south and east. In other Scripture, the nations of Libya and Egypt are specifically noted as attacked and conquered by this anti Christ.
This is what I meant when I stated that Obama's actions are in the Bible. No Mr. Obama is not of these events now, but  that one who follows him will have these festering cesspools as reason to invade Africa, and the main objective in this as it always has been in gaining the Pleasant Land.

The anti Christ moves toward the Pleasant Land, and that is Jerusalem, where the Bible states he will pitch his tents or his government to rule from. It was not a mistake when Mitt Romney was speaking about the United Nations moving to Jerusalem. This has been the dream of this group in Simon Peres was attempting to initiate this with the Vatican when he was in power. They desire Jerusalem to be a world capital and these Ashkenaz converts are working with the "whore of babylon" which Scripture points out in the City of Seven Hills in location, and that false religion riding this coming world power is the Vatican, who just happens to be hijacked by another character of miracles in the false prophet who is about to arise too as a false pope.

This group makes war on the Saints, or literally slaughters Christians in mass, because when the not deceived comprehend what is taking place, they will not bow to this nor receive the mark of this empire in their hands or their foreheads in the infamous numerical value of 666 for the word of this anti Christian system of rule.

Daniel 7:22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

You will notice in this, Daniel speaks of the Ancient of Days. This is God the Father as the Son is spoken of in context being presented before the Father. You will be awarded to Judge this system and thee  Kingdom ruled by Christ will be your home as a Royal Priesthood.

In Scripture this little horn has precursors like Obama. One was the Greek ruler of Syria in Antiochos Epiphanese. In this, both of these rulers are noted to cease in some God moved action to end their rule and their lives.

The anti Christ after taking over North Africa and establishing himself at Jerusalem, sets off a chain of events which lead to the war north of Jerusalem in the plain there whose southern strategic chokepoint is Har Megiddo, which in the Greek is translated Armageddon.
It is there in this perfect amphitheater or historic warrior conflicts where this war in which Christ emerges Victor takes place in a slaughter of 200 million soldiers.

Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

This anti Chirst's mission is to destroy the Body of Christ or Church of Christ to replace it with the body of satan or marked of satan. It is going to change Spiritual High Days and it will murder vast numbers of Christians who have chosen to Glorify God in this sheep to the slaughter beginning for them.
It is they who appear in Revelation asking God, "How long?", before God avenges them.

There is in this a series of seven year cycles which spanned hundreds of years as Daniel notes. There is one cycle left to complete in 7 years, and this is the period of Jacob's Trouble, the End Times or the Great Tribulation.

It is important to comprehend this as I have spoken before, so that each of you are prepared as Christ laid out definite signs in this so no one would be caught unaware.
This 7 year cycle begins after a war in the Middle East in which this anti Christ brings about a false peace treaty. For 3 1/2 years it cleverly moves in the power structure deceiving the world. This peace treaty is signed in the autumn of the year, because of the progression of events that 7 years later Jesus returns at the Feast of Harvest.

Halfway through these 7 years, on Easter in the spring, the anti Christ repeats what Antiochos Epiphanese accomplished in sacraficing to satan in the Temple. This is what Christ meant in Matthew 24 when He taught of the "abomination which makes desolate".
The 3rd Temple will be rebuilt and it will have this anti Christ defiling it with it's satanic religion. It is at this definitive point that Jesus states, "then the end will come".

This is when you should have prepared for in having your house and Spiritual lives in order, and in the place God meant for you. For then is the time like none other in wars and catastrophes, from the comet Wormwood hitting the earth to the great wars.

I have begged for a Joseph to be empowered to put up 7 year stores of food and supplies for America, and for America to convince her allies of this to prepare for this, but the powers that be fully intend for this to come to fruition for global death.
It is why as poetic knight I stood for Sarah Palin as she was the conduit by whom God would lessen the blow. The blasphemous and apostate though have come to seal the Democrat and Republican to the Judgment of George Washington's Prophecy.

The chess board has been assembled in all of this and all that requires is the Master to check the earth. There is Wisdom for those who can receive it, the delay has not been at the end of the 6000 years for more to be born to be saved, but the delay is the Virgins with the Oil, in Christ warned that "if the Master delays coming" then will the false be exposed in acting sinful, doubting that Christ will come.

As has been revealed, I know the season of the Lord's return and I know the High Day. What will be revealed though is the year, and that time starts in the false peace treaty.

For the Faithful, in what you have endured under Barack Hussein Obama in his minions terrorizing you, was but a preparation for the maniacal onslaught these followers of this European will unleash on the world. The disgusting parade of Barry Chin will be repeated and magnified in Europe. Those who will be deceived can only be that way by choice.

 All is now preparation for this in being established in elections falsified and these communal leaders all meant to manage the masses for the ruler to come.

All of this will certainly come. It only requires time to be fulfilled and that time is running out.

The time for being coddled is at a point when satan will initiate global ways to murder you. All of this initiation by Barack Obama in the global rampage will be visited upon Americans. You have many national sins from aborticide, rejecting Christ, installing Obama messiah and savaging the Birthers who exposed the fraud, with enabling this despot Obama to inflict on other nations, will all come full circle.

This blog warned alone and exclusively at the beginning of Obama that demonic wave which swept in energy all of this, will sweep back in demanded payment.

The little tin horn Obama blew for the little horn of Prophecy which will come. You have time yet my children to prepare, not 40 years, but you do have time and should make ready for things so you can focus upon your Spiritual growth in Christ.

My purpose of this time was to fill in the silent spot of Prophecy. When the Prophetic in Scripture manifests, then will I transition in another form in serving the Lord and you.

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